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Food Program Question!

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  • Food Program Question!

    I have been on the food program for only two weeks and each week I've spent $20 more than what I should be reimbursed.... which is no big deal. I'm getting ready to start bargain grocery shopping and clipping coupons so I'm wondering if I spend less on groceries one week than what I get reimbursed (because I got great coupon deals, etc.) would I get in trouble? Do they check to see how much you spend each week? How does this work?

  • #2
    To the best of my knowledge they don't check your receipts or review what you have spent....but they'd definitely be welcome to. I spend about 4 times what I'm reimbursed. I'm on the lowest Tier so that is part of the reason but I think the Food Program is set up to just supplement and help out a little. I don't think anyone spends on food only what they are reimbursed...that would be near impossible IMO.


    • #3
      Actually, the food program is NOT meant to cover your entire food expense. It is simply meant to help so that providers/schools have more opportunity to feed solid, well balanced meals. Personally, the food program covers about 1/3 of my daycare grocery bill.

      The don't check to see what you are spending, only that you are serving quality foods. For example, if you are serving Tyson dino shaped chicken nuggets you would need to serve SEVEN of them to meet the protein requirement for a preschooler?


      • #4
        I am on the highest tier so I get reimbursed the most out of the 2 tiers. Granted I've only done this for two weeks but I made my menus according to food program guidelines and have only spent $18-$22 more each week on groceries. I don't mind spending more at all... in fact I was shocked that I only spent that much more. So, I was concerned that when I start bargain shopping/coupon clipping that I will actually be getting reimbursed more and would get in trouble. I'm not trying to make money off the food program at all, just didn't want to get into trouble. Is there anyone out there too that breaks even if you're on the highest tier or ends up making more? I feel like I'm doing something wrong LOL


        • #5
          Food program

          There is absolutely nothing wrong with saving money and bargain shopping as long as you handle your tax stuff properly when you file taxes. I'm on the food program as well, and I have never heard that you have to spend more than what you get reimbursed. But then again, I've never heard of anyone paying less for groceries for daycare than the amount that they are getting reimbursed! It could just be that I get reimbursed at the lowest amount. I got my food program reimbursement check today and it was not much! I would guess that as long as you are properly handling that tax stuff, then there would be no problem with saving money wherever you can. I did have a friend, however, that got reimbursed at the highest amount, and was able to claim her own kids (3 of them) for the meals and snacks and she also got a buttload of foodstamps. She used the foodstamps for all of the food in her house and didn't spend money out of pocket for food. I'm not sure how she managed it, but her food program check was 4 times as much each month as mine is. I can't say that she did anything wrong, legally, but it just seems like there was something fishy going on. Or it could just be that she was a more frugal shopper than me. Who knows?


          • #6
            Previous posts regarding Food Programs:


            • #7
              The thought that comes to mind is about the infant formula. You must offer formula ( I offer Parent's Choice), but if it's not what the parent serves, they sign a waiver. But you still get paid because there is time involved in the preparing of a bottle and the actual feeding. Since they explained it that way to me, I am under the impression that I'm not just being reimbursed for the ACTUAL food I serve, but also for the prep time, cook time, serving time, and cleaning time, that goes into making a balanced, nutritious meal / snack.

              I personally shop for many basics at a store called Aldi. The price comparison is out of this world! I can save 25% - 75% on most things. There isn't much savings on the dairy products. But you can save in many other areas. But I buy the premiums meats (roasts, briskets, steaks for stir fry, etc.) and the fresh produce at the regular grocery stores. The fresh produce at Aldi seems to go bad much quicker. So, I save on the basics like graham crackers, applesauce, condiments, sauces, canned veggies, tuna, mac n cheese, peanut butter, jelly, etc. but pay premium for meats and fresh produce. So I think it evens out and I am not spending much over what I get reimbursed. Plus, I don't feel as guilty when they waste food, if I know that some of that food is a generic or store brand (aka cheaper).

              Of course, I am a very frugal person and try to stretch every dollar I have. But I try to do it without sacrificing quality and nutrition. But let's face it - peanut butter is peanut butter no matter what you pay for it (unless you are super picky). I know some people are picky about everything they eat and seem to be able to taste a difference, but most can get by with off brands.

              Caveat - there are some things at Aldi that are just not as good as the name brand in the regular store, but you figure out what those are and pay more for those items, and save on other things. It's an experiment, but one worth trying when you are trying to feed a brood on a budget.


              • #8
                Looking at the reimbursement I doubt I'll go over as well. I shop at Aldi and Save-A-Lot for a lot of things. I am one of those picky people on some things, I shop organic for the dirty dozen and my PB has only peanuts as the ingredient. I also don't buy meat nor will for the program, so although I have not purchased meat in 10 yrs and don't know the prices I imagine that cuts the food bill down as well.


                • #9
                  Veggiemom- How do you not serve meat? Do you just do peanut butter, eggs, cheese, dry beans and such all the time?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kpa0627 View Post
                    Veggiemom- How do you not serve meat? Do you just do peanut butter, eggs, cheese, dry beans and such all the time?
                    Yes, been veggie 10 yrs now. I do plant based diets still for a living with my Personal training clients. For great ideas for kids you can access vegweb free and my fav there are many more. Even if you are not veg, subbing some of the meals as veggie will save some $$

