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Air Purifiers & Poppy Diapers!!!

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  • Air Purifiers & Poppy Diapers!!!

    Ok so I am tired of my house smelling like a poopy diaper even on the weekends. I know I am not the only one out there with this problem so please tell me what you guys do!!! I was told to get an air purifier cause I also have pets, however there are a ton on the market and I want to make sure I get a good one for my money! Any advise?????

  • #2
    Here are a couple threads about air sanitizers

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    • #3
      Originally posted by daycaremom76 View Post
      Ok so I am tired of my house smelling like a poopy diaper even on the weekends. I know I am not the only one out there with this problem so please tell me what you guys do!!! I was told to get an air purifier cause I also have pets, however there are a ton on the market and I want to make sure I get a good one for my money! Any advise?????
      Whats the ventilation like in your daycare space? Do you have good quality wastebaskets with tight seals on them? how many kids do you have in diapers? is it an option to put the extra stinky diapers in individual sacks before throwing them in the trash? some small things like that might help. I know ceiling fans and Febreeze make a big difference around here LOL


      • #4
        my rooms are pretty well vented, we have a back sliding door in the one room, my front door and kitchen windows my area is like a big square. We have a ceiling fan and when the weather permits we do open the windows and all but it's like the air is still stagnent. I try to not use fabreeze too much cause I have allergies to it and so does one of my other kids. I have a candle warmer that we use and it helps cover the smell but at the end of the day the funk is still lurking! I am checking the other forums that were posted too!


        • #5
          oh and 6 of my 8 kids are in diapers, we actually take the diapers out each night cause they fill the can so fast. I have deodorizers in the diaper cans and they barely smell. However 6 2yr olds pooping all day is enough!!! I would say each one averages 2 poops a day sometimes more!


          • #6
            I bought disposable bags for diapers at the dollar store. Each diaper gets put into those and tied ASAP, then put in the small lidded bathroom trash can. I take that larger bag out, tie it, and it goes into a lidded trash can in the garage. I take the bathroom trash out 2-3x per day and empty the garage trash bag nightly (even if it is only 1/4 full) It is a LOT of plastic waste, but there are no stinkies in my house. HTH!


            • #7
              I bag all dipes in grocery sacks and they go out side to the big garbage bucket at time of change. I also keep all ziplock bags and put the poopies in them. It's helped tremendously.


              • #8
                I put all diapers in a bag from walmart and twist shut. then it goes into a diaperpail that is also lined with a bag. I take the bag out nightly and bleach the diaper pail on Fridays. When I remember to do all those steps I have no smell. I was having a problem for awhile and found it was the damp pull up in the bathroom trash.
                It:: will wait


                • #9
                  Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                  I bag all dipes in grocery sacks and they go out side to the big garbage bucket at time of change. I also keep all ziplock bags and put the poopies in them. It's helped tremendously.
                  I do this too. Also, I have the glade automatic sprayer, so its set to spray every 15min.


                  • #10
                    Scentsy spray works awesome!! It lasts a long time also!


                    • #11
                      Mine get wrapped in a walmart/grocery store plastic bag and set outside of the separate entrance to my home. From there I put them into the big trash bin outside when the last kiddo goes home and before I let my dogs out.

                      I've never had a problem with my house smelling funky as long as all poop diapers get taken out immediately and the pee diapers get taken out with the regular trash at the end of the night.


                      • #12
                        I also do the whole walmart/grocery bag trick... except, I chuck them outside (in a diaper pail) immediately. Each day when I close, I dump the pail into a larger closed-lid garbage can until weekly pick-up...
                        I usually have my scentsy on all day and I spray air freshener right after someone poops. No lingering smells ever!
                        I could NEVER keep dirty dipes in my house for any length of time!


                        • #13
                          I don't do regular air freshners or continuous good smells like plugs in, I like clean fresh air. I have one small step can garbage can that uses grocery bags. I only put non-stinky or pee diapers in their and take it out at the end of the day. When I get poopy ones I tie those individually in grocery sack (I keep a dozen or so tied up nearby so they're handy) and then I toss them up in the foyer until I go upstairs later and then put them in the garage. It never smells and I'm not "double bagging" all day either. After a few days when we have enough small diaper garbage bags and we also have kitty litter bags then we put all those in one big bag for the garbage man since feces are suppose to be double-sacked. Works well and it's free since we're "recycling" our shopping bags.

                          I use to have five in diapers, but now I'm down to two and one of those is in BumGenius Cloth so I would much rather advertise for cloth-friendly anyday over having nasty heavy diapers fill up my garbage. We're going to CD our first child this spring. LOVE CD


                          • #14
                            I stick the diapers in a garbage can just outside my backdoor to minimize the smell. I have some real stinkers!!

                            A very nice green air freshener is one orange cut into quarters, 2 tbsp of cinnamon and 2 cups of water in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer all day. I have people tell me my house smells nice every day!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by momma2girls View Post
                              Scentsy spray works awesome!! It lasts a long time also!
                              I don't keep my poopy diapers in the house either. I take them out to my garage right away and then I spray!!

