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Skunk! Help Me, My House Stinks!!!

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  • Skunk! Help Me, My House Stinks!!!

    Dog got sprayed and ran directly inside. The smell is so intense!!! The dog has been washed and is asleep outside tonight, it's warm and dry out, thank goodness. Now for my house!!! It is Sunday night and the worst smelling area is the playroom!
    7am arrivals!!
    What do I do???

  • #2
    The same thing happened to us about a month and a half an half ago. Our pooch got it in our backyard and then ran inside before we could get her. We bought "nature's miracle skunk odor remover" from Petsmart. You can bath your dog in it and you can also put it into a spray bottle and spray anything in your house with it and it neutralizes it. We sprayed all of the carpet everywhere. It really did work!! Our dog still smells a little bit when she gets wet, but the vet said that can stay for about 6 months on the animal. The house probably had a faint odor for about a week and then it was good. Good luck!


    • #3
      I should have added if you haven't already tried this, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a couple of drops of dish soap to bath the dog really works wonders too!


      • #4
        Happened to a friend, she rented an ionizer from a rent-all place and moved it room to room. Really worked well.
        I see little people.


        • #5
          I second the nature's miracle. Works wonders. Just spray it lightly on anything that can get damp, and let it dry. Repeat if necessary.


          • #6
            If possible, I would shave all his fur off for starters. Isn't a tomato juice bath supposed to help too?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Loveyoustinkyface View Post
              If possible, I would shave all his fur off for starters. Isn't a tomato juice bath supposed to help too?
              I don't know if we did it wrong, but a tomato bath did nothing for our dog when it happened. Also, I didn't know this as it was our first time, but the skunk actually sprays an oil, so it gets right down into their pores. So, shaving isn't going to help. That's why it can take 6 months to get rid of the smell.


              • #8
                When we lived in the country, this happened far more than I care to remember. In my experience, tomato juice just makes them smell like a tomato-ey skunk. Two funny stories that won't be helpful but might make you laugh.

                Our dog chased a skunk under the house (we had removed some of the skirting for plumbing repairs). The skunk sprayed right under our bedroom, at least that's what we think from the sounds and smell-what a way to wake up! This was an old farmhouse, and the floors were hardwood, old hardwood that had shrunk some over the decades to let that nice aroma drift right in. Still stunned I went to the door to yell at him and he ran in the house and rubbed himself all over the carpets. Now for the fun part. We had an appointment with a realtor to come out so that we could list our farm for sale. He came out, stayed about 10 seconds and (rightly) refused the listing. We lived there another 2 years.

                The other story is about kids. We were once houseparents at a children's home, and we had 6 teenage boys living in our cottage. Now and then, they would be sent out to help the home's farmer with chores. One fine day, the farmer had trapped a skunk and these boys got too close to the trap. Boys being boys, they were probably poking at it, but no one would admit to that. Suddenly, the door flew open and in came 6 freshly skunk sprayed teenagers, rushing for their rooms. I was young then and thought faster, so I corralled them and herded them into the laundry room before they could spread it all over the house. It was long ago, but I think we burned all of the clothes. ::


                • #9
                  Tomato juice is a waste of money. Use the H2O2 bath.
                  I see little people.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lovemykidstoo View Post
                    I should have added if you haven't already tried this, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a couple of drops of dish soap to bath the dog really works wonders too!
                    Yes, my husband did that last night. She smells fine! amazing


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Angelsj View Post
                      I second the nature's miracle. Works wonders. Just spray it lightly on anything that can get damp, and let it dry. Repeat if necessary.
                      I will have to get some of this, thanks everyone!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                        Yes, my husband did that last night. She smells fine! amazing
                        Glad that that worked!! The funny thing is when we did this is we have a chocolate colored cockapoo and it lightened the tip of her tail!! We laughed and said she got highlights!

