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Social Networking

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  • Social Networking

    Do you put anything in your handbooks about Social Networking? I thought about putting something to the effect of ... It is not my intention to offend anyone however I do not accept friend requests through business related relationships while social networking.

  • #2
    I do friend my clients. My husband will not. I have no issue with it. But, if you do then I would write something up about it.

    FTR, 2 of my past clients (that termed themselves) are still on my Facebook. ::


    • #3
      I friend my clients but I always explain that I'm human so if seeing a photo of me camping with a beer in my hand upsets them they should stay away from my facebook page. I'm not much of a partier and I'm not into drama so If I do complain on facebook it would be because I burnt a meal, stubbed my toe etc. not about clients. I also don't talk religion or politics because some of my friends have different views and are very opinionated and I prefer not to fight with them because I know I will not change their mind. If I do have something to say that I don't want clients to see I just hide it from them and they are none the wiser. Several of my past clients are friends as well as all of my current clients. I find it to be a great way for me to communicate with my clients and love seeing pictures of past DK after they have moved off to school. So far no problems in 4 years but there's always tomorow.


      • #4
        I just don't do facebook... People always ask but I am a firm believer it ruins lives!


        • #5
          I don't friend any of my current clients. I do have a couple that are friends that were clients over five years ago, and I love that I can keep in touch with how their children are now doing.

          With that said, I have received a couple requests from current clients and I just ignored them. They never asked why and I never brought it up. I just don't feel comfortable mixing my business associates with my private life. I don't really care to have my clients know every group or page I may like, or see what some of my FB friends say or comment on status's on my page.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kayla View Post
            I just don't do facebook... People always ask but I am a firm believer it ruins lives!
            This forum is a form of social networking also.


            • #7
              I do not have a policy for that but I do not think I would friend my parents. I would friend them on my main business page though haha.


              • #8
                I just have one mom right now who sent me a request awhile back. I accepted her but now every time I say ANYTHING she takes it as something directed about the daycare. And usually it has nothing to do with the daycare. It can be something vague or something that I would think has no relevance to the daycare and sometimes I have to think "how on earth could she have taken what I said directed at the daycare?" It could be something as little as... "I am in desperate need of coffee today" which having an infant myself you would think that would be one reason why and she will take it as a negative slam against the daycare. I don't know why...

                I just want to say... "you know, there are things that go on in my life outside of the daycare. You seem to be quick to take offense to everything I say for some reason."

                However, she thinks every time I post something general to everyone on the front door as a notice or something new she takes offense to it as if I put it there just because of her. She always remarks "I don't even do that!" but in an offended manner... I have tried to even word things so that she understands that it's going out to everyone. "just a quick note to everyone whether it affects you or not...yadda yadda" She still stands there and shakes her head and acts frustrated even if it's not something that affects her. I always tell her that it's there for everyone...doesn't mean that she's doing anything wrong.

                I just think that it causes more headache than anything. I don't want to have to think about every single thing that I post before I do. I mean I do to some degree but I have found myself NOT socializing as much as I would like on a "social network" because I'm afraid of this one person taking offense to everything. Or think... man if I post this during hours that I work (even if it IS nap time) is she going to go ape crazy on me someday because I'm on facebook during working hours?


                • #9
                  I don't have anything in my contract but I don't friend families either. I have noticed they don't even request my personal page since I created a daycare page JUST for current parents.


                  • #10
                    If you really don't want to say anything, there is a way on facebook to make posts only visible to certain people, and just exclude that dcm. I do this with a few weird people that it would be hard to delete (family)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Michael View Post
                      This forum is a form of social networking also.
                      Lol I know this is but it is completely different then facebook. People are obsessed with facebook they live by it...

