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So Mad Ugh

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  • So Mad Ugh

    So the family that the mom said the parents were getting divorced so they needed to change daycares. She made me believe it was because mom was from pa and dad was from an hour away so they were splitting up the children. Well, I found out from the girl today that her brothers are at another daycare in the same town. She informed me that there is going to be a space for her soon so she will be going there too.

    I am so mad, I want to get my pay and call it quits with her. I know thats unprofessional but it just really hurts. Why would she lie to me, why not just tell the truth. I don't see why divorce makes you change to a daycare in the same town?? The girl mentioned that her dad sleeps on the couch so I believed it. She is obviously not happy with me or the daycare but makes it a point to say it has nothing to do with that. I have cared for and loved her children like they were my own and I feel I deserve the truth. Her one child is the one that breaks everything and she makes excuses for his behavior. I have put up with A LOT and paid A LOT in broken items. I know I'm mad now but I just want to screw her and leave her in a lurch for the next week.

  • #2
    Did you give her the money back for the prepaid on the older kids?


    • #3
      No I didn't. She pays every other week. Her last pay would be for the 16th. I told her I would credit that payment since the child's last day is the 9th. I think she misunderstood and thinks I may be giving a refund. I didn't want to correct her though and have her not pay me this Friday!


      • #4
        Originally posted by gbcc View Post
        No I didn't. She pays every other week. Her last pay would be for the 16th. I told her I would credit that payment since the child's last day is the 9th. I think she misunderstood and thinks I may be giving a refund. I didn't want to correct her though and have her not pay me this Friday!
        Is she paying you ahead or behind? Is the payment this Friday for future care or care you have already done?


        • #5
          Payment for Friday will be for care I have already done. She will be paying for care on dates 6/25-7/2.

          Then the one child's last day is the 9th but payment isn't due until the 16th. I am worried if she would lie about something so aweful as divorce will she stiff me for care I provided from 7/5 - 7/9? She only gave me 2 days notice for the boys and a little over 2 weeks for the girl.


          • #6
            I'm so sorry. That is a ridiculous thing to do.

            I would collect your check on Friday and then tell her she needs to pay upfront for the rest of her time there.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jen View Post
              I'm so sorry. That is a ridiculous thing to do.

              I would collect your check on Friday and then tell her she needs to pay upfront for the rest of her time there.

              ITA!!! Tell her you need payment in advance for the remainder of her time with you.


              • #8
                Originally posted by gbcc View Post
                Payment for Friday will be for care I have already done. She will be paying for care on dates 6/25-7/2.

                Then the one child's last day is the 9th but payment isn't due until the 16th. I am worried if she would lie about something so aweful as divorce will she stiff me for care I provided from 7/5 - 7/9? She only gave me 2 days notice for the boys and a little over 2 weeks for the girl.

                Do you require a two week notice? And she only gave you 2 days for her sons? Don't let her get out of paying what she owes you. Be firm!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gbcc View Post
                  The girl mentioned that her dad sleeps on the couch so I believed it.
                  I know that hearing that the dad sleeps on the couch made it seem like DCM was telling the truth, but now that you know that they are just switching to another DC, I doubt that he's sleeping on the couch because of marital problems. I often sleep on the couch now that I'm pregnant. We don't have a bathroom upstairs, so it's easier for me to get up in the middle of the night. Plus, when I have had back problems, I find the couch more comfortable. And my husband sleeps on the couch when he's sick and coughing a lot, so he doesn't keep me awake. There are many reasons a married person may sleep on the couch, other than marital problems. I am so sorry that she lied to you. I am the same way. I can handle ANYTHING anyone has to say to me, just tell me the truth. I can't handle lies. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. But I have never been able to tell a lie without feeling extreme guilt. But some people seem to be able to lie as easily as breathing. Again, I am very sorry and I'm sending you a hug.


                  • #10
                    I almost said something this am. She was complaining about the complications of getting divorced and figuring it all out. I felt like asking her why continue with the chirades???

                    Also, yes she gave 2 days notice for the boys but she is paying the 2 weeks anyways.


                    • #11
                      The more I think about it, the more I think that you should confront her with the information.

                      If the little girls is right, then Mom deserves to know that she's busted and feel like a lying wretch.

                      If the little girls is somehow wrong, you will feel much better...

                      In either case, money up front!


                      • #12
                        If it was me.... this Friday after she hands you your payment.. I would kindly say that since she lied to you today is her last day with you... as I feel that you will never see that next weeks pay either if you choose to care for her. ((HUGS))


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jen View Post
                          The more I think about it, the more I think that you should confront her with the information.

                          If the little girls is right, then Mom deserves to know that she's busted and feel like a lying wretch.

                          If the little girls is somehow wrong, you will feel much better...

                          In either case, money up front!
                          I think you should do this also. You could even be completely casual and non-confrontational about it.
                          "Hey, little girl said brothers are at xyz daycare now, how are they getting along there?"
                          Then you could just do the smile, eyebrows up, blinky thing waiting for the answer.


                          • #14
                            I'll ask when she picks dcg up this afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes!


                            • #15
                              she's telling you it has nothing to do with you because you're still taking care of her daughter and she doesn't want to tick you off. if she's taken her boys somewhere else, it obviously does have something to do with you (or your prices). she could've found cheaper care.

                              either way, i'd get the money up front because if she's not happy with something (ESPECIALLY if it's your rates) then she will feel like YOU owe HER something because she's paying too much - and she'll get her "money's worth" by not paying you in the end. she'll have no use for you and no reason to pay for care she's already received.

