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Bringing Stuff From Home?

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  • #16
    I agree and feel the same


    • #17
      Originally posted by MrsSteinel'sHouse View Post
      I would allow it for naptime until they no longer need it I have a couple of kids that have had binks way past needing them, but I only allow them at naptime. I do not have a policy about no toys from home. When they become an issue I put them up for the day. I welcome a blanket from home etc. We just use it at naptime. If it comes in dirty, I wash it before naptime One of my boys had a lovey, parents gave me an "identical one" but it wasn't so lovey came with this kidlet every day to play with my lovey. I loved lovey.. my ds and I are warped and lovey had a british accent in our brain and we would give him words.. "oh no "C" hold me upright.. I think I might be turning green.. wait, I am a frog. frogs are suppose to be green. I must be fine." When he got older he waited in the window at home for C to come home and now he stays in his bed only... ahh good times, good times. I miss lovey.
      I think that is why I like having kidlets in my home- you get all the little things in life with them. Each kidlet is different and I can be flexible. Some kidlets have stunk so bad I have needed to have a change of clothes here. When they got here I would change them and wash the other set. Some parents can never remember mittens sooo I have " extras". This job is half child care provider and half mom, sometimes mom for the mom! But, I know my kidlets know I love them. If that is changing them out of their pjs and doing their hair in the morning that is what it is! Poopie diapers, peeing on my floor, making messes, wahsing blakets or lovies, brushing the knotted doll hair... is all worth it for the smiles, the hugs, the I love you Mrs Steinel and the knowing that in some of these kidlets' lives... they knew that "someone" loved them and cared about them because unfortunately in our society today that is sometimes not their parents..
      Ok I am off my soap box..
      well said....especially the "mom to the moms"....I am saddened to see how unprepared some of my daycare moms have been as they started their journey into motherhood. for the most part, they arent ill intentions, they just really dont know any better. I was surprised by the amount of caretaking toward the daycare parents that I have to do with this job! But I do love to be a part of these kids' lives. Coming from a very bad childhood myself, I remember a few teachers and caregivers that really reached out to me in a special way and I hope I can provide a little bit of that to my daycare moms and my daycare kids.


      • #18
        If my niece brings things from home... they tend to disappear after a short while. Shes not old enough to care. She does have a blanket we keep her for her thats it. Her mommy doesnt seem to understand this rule, but there is something about getting her out of the house is easier with something in hand. She used to try leaving with one of our toys or animals before... oy
        "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
        Acts 13:22


        • #19
          have not read everyone else post, but this is what I do.

          I do talk about my no toys from home policy and no in and out items.

          I don't push it on too thick and just let them do what they want to do.

          perfect example, I have a family that just started that said their 2 year old has to have a binky. Ok fine bring it. I don't do binkies, I put it in the cubby and it stays there all day. When the parents come they ask where it is and I just say they didn't use it and then remind them that for sanitary reason I don't allow for them to be used here. Eventually the parents get it once they see their child is fine without it....


          • #20
            Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
            I also have the no toys from home policy but allow a special lovey/blankie for nap time. Its kept in their bag until nap time and put away right after. I have kids who are 100% attached to these items at home (and the parents are to blame more than the kids for their dependency) but the minute they come in my house they put it away and after nap they hand it right to me.

            I would explain that it is for the safety of all children - reverse the situation as if it was another child, I often find that works. If you are comfortable with the idea, allow it just for nap time.
            I have the same thing, that I have in my contract. One Mom was upset when I took the paci and lovie away at 18 months, only at naptime. When he was at home he still has it in all the time 24/7 and he is 2 1/2 now!! He hardly says 10-15 words as well!!!! Very delayed!!


            • #21
              This has been driving me bonkers. I've been considering changing my policies on this. But also wanted to know...

              Do any of you have problems with parents bringing drinks with their kids? These kids literally seem to have fluids constantly for some reason.

              I never really let my own kids drink in the car. They get a drink before they leave or when we arrive but for some reason these people think their kids are going to die of thirst in the 15 minute drive here... So much so that they have to walk in with a full cup almost every single solitary morning. 3 of my 5 children do and 2 of my children are infants! And then they get all uptight when I forget to bring it to them each night and they get mixed up with mine....and since they look the same it's hard to keep track of who's is who's or if they left it or took it.

              I'm sure it will tick them off if and when I cut this off.


              • #22
                Originally posted by brookeroo View Post
                This has been driving me bonkers. I've been considering changing my policies on this. But also wanted to know...

                Do any of you have problems with parents bringing drinks with their kids? These kids literally seem to have fluids constantly for some reason.

                I never really let my own kids drink in the car. They get a drink before they leave or when we arrive but for some reason these people think their kids are going to die of thirst in the 15 minute drive here... So much so that they have to walk in with a full cup almost every single solitary morning. 3 of my 5 children do and 2 of my children are infants! And then they get all uptight when I forget to bring it to them each night and they get mixed up with mine....and since they look the same it's hard to keep track of who's is who's or if they left it or took it.

                I'm sure it will tick them off if and when I cut this off.
                All cups/ bottles from home must be labeled with the child's name. Keep a sharpie and a roll of tape by door. They go immediately to the table (rule drinks only at the table). If they contain milk or water the kido may get it. Anything else gets dumped as soon as the kidlet is distracted. Cup goes dirty once it is emptied (dumped or drank), into their bag. If you really want to discourage bringing cups plop them full back into the bags and just oh, you know I serve milk with all meals and you child wants one of my cups with all of his friends. Or he really doesn't want to drink his cup from home once he is here. Maybe we could try going without bringing one and see how he does? or Could I get you to put water in the cup instead of XYZ so that he wants his breakfast when he gets here... and then you won't have a gross cup to wash when you get home.
                I would try one of those


                • #23
                  I have a no toys from home policy, but blankets/lovies for nap are fine. My own son is 4 and still has his blankie at bedtime. I think it's just part of the territory when caring for kids. They like their special little objects. This is also why I have a shoe box for each kid to contain his 'treasures'. Rocks, little sticks, the top of an acorn, a pinecone, etc. are in one kid's box. He LOVES looking at his treasures and appreciates that I care about his 'things'.


                  • #24
                    I need to add a no toys from home policy. Every day I have 2 siblings who bring toys and then hoard them at the door during drop off and scream and cry "my toy!" This leads to hitting and pushing sometimes and it is so irritating. The toys always cause an issue. As soon as the parent leaves I put it away in their bag and the rest of the day is fine.


                    • #25
                      I haven't had issues for a while but when it was a problem at it's peak I adopted what I refer to as the "Hotel California" rule.

                      Toys can check in but they can never leave......solved the problem immediately


                      • #26
                        I don't allow them either. Yet, they still come. They stay in the cubbies but other children do occasionally attempt to take them and place them in their own cubbies. I stop it as much as I can, but there's only so much I can do. If it it Show & Tell Day I ensure that each toy goes home with the original owner.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          I haven't had issues for a while but when it was a problem at it's peak I adopted what I refer to as the "Hotel California" rule.

                          Toys can check in but they can never leave......solved the problem immediately
                          How did you let the parents know about this rule? Seems like a good one. I'm getting tired of children bringing 2-3 toys per day.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
                            How did you let the parents know about this rule? Seems like a good one. I'm getting tired of children bringing 2-3 toys per day.
                            I just told them that the toys from home were becoming a huge issue and from now on I dont want anyone bringing anything from home anymore. Of course I got a couple mom's who played the whole "Well, it was the only way to get them out of the house this morning..." card and so I said, "Well from now on, any toy brought from home will be considered a donation to me and it will not be going home with them at the end of the day."

                            Almost ALL parents started following the new rule except one.

                            Her DS brought a toy and DCM immediately tells me that he doesn't believe me and still wanted to bring it. (and SHE lets him )

                            Mom whispered "You can just sneak it to me at the end of the day so he won't see."

                            I said, "No, I meant it. You let him bring it and I am keeping it." and I did.

                            I haven't had a single issue since then.


                            • #29
                              I have one that is real bad about the sippies from home.....5 to 6 filled sippies a day! I know they offer milk anytime she is crying or whatever and I guess they think I will need to resort to that too. I just put all the cups in her bag and we only have cups out for meals and snack times.....never wandering around with cups. Its really only the one parent that is bad about the sippy cup thing so I just deal with it rather than trying to set up a rule that really is only a small annoyance with one family.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                                I haven't had issues for a while but when it was a problem at it's peak I adopted what I refer to as the "Hotel California" rule.

                                Toys can check in but they can never leave......solved the problem immediately
                                very clever....

