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Only Open 4 days a Week?

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  • Only Open 4 days a Week?

    I'm thinking about downsizing my daycare and only opening 4 days a week. My husband is gone ALOT and I can't seem to get anything done for me and my family when he's away. We are also getting ready to have a foster child in our home and I'm thinking I need more time for my family. Does anyone do a 4 days a week schedule successfully? I know I'd piss alot of parents off since I"ve only been open since March, but I have to think of what is best for my family.

  • #2
    I work four days a week. I have been successful at keeping full on this schedule too.


    • #3
      Judy, do you find that Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday gets more hits?


      • #4
        I would love to work a four day work week but none of my families would go for that I'm sure


        • #5
          Originally posted by MsKara View Post
          Judy, do you find that Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday gets more hits?
          I'm not sure which gets more hits. I have only tried Monday to Thursday because I like having a long weekend starting on a Friday!

          I don't know if I will ever go back to a full week. I like it so much only working four days.

          You have to be prepared to lose some kids though if that's what it takes to do it. When I went to PT I lost 2 kids and I knew that going in. But it all works out in the end. You have to do what works for YOU.

          I am soooo much happier now on a four day work week. The kids are better behaved too because the parents of the kids I have also work PT so they have more family and parent to child time. And THAT, IMO makes a HUGE difference in kids' behaviour. These parents have to parent because they are with their kids more.


          • #6
            Originally posted by boysx5 View Post
            I would love to work a four day work week but none of my families would go for that I'm sure
            It's not about them - it's about you. You just have to decide what YOU want/need for YOU to be happy and make it happen. And if that means losing some families then so be it.

            Do you think that the parents would give one second's thought about how their employer would feel if they left their jobs for a PT job? Nope, they wouldn't. So why should you?

            YOU are the only one who has to live YOUR life. So live if for YOU and no one else.

            If you are always thinking of everyone else, and everyone else is thinking of themselves then who is thinking about YOU?

