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Not Sure What to Charge...?

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  • Not Sure What to Charge...?

    So last school year I watched a little 5 year old who was in the K-4 program and I cared for from 10:15am to 3pm, during which he napped from 1-3. I charged $15.00 a day/$75.00 week. So mom works for the school system so I dont have him this summer till school starts back up in my question..he will be in Kindergarten and will get off the bus with the big kids at will pick him up by 3:30 - what would you charge for 45 minutes or less of care a day? I was thinking $5.00 a day for $25.00 a week? Is that fair to both mom and me you think?

    Thanks for any input!

  • #2
    If I were you, I would check around daycare centers and home daycare to see how much they charge after school care.

    About 5 years ago, my old provider only watched my daughter for less than 45 mins per day so she charged me $10 a day which I paid $50 a week.


    • #3
      I normally charge $50.00/week for before and after school. Last yr. I wa only charging $5.00 a day for before or after school- this to me was totally not worth $25.00/wk. I did increase it to $30.00 per week for before or after school. I personally don't even think $50.00 is worth it either, but I have to do some research on that one.


      • #4
        Originally posted by mainemomma View Post
        So last school year I watched a little 5 year old who was in the K-4 program and I cared for from 10:15am to 3pm, during which he napped from 1-3. I charged $15.00 a day/$75.00 week. So mom works for the school system so I dont have him this summer till school starts back up in my question..he will be in Kindergarten and will get off the bus with the big kids at will pick him up by 3:30 - what would you charge for 45 minutes or less of care a day? I was thinking $5.00 a day for $25.00 a week? Is that fair to both mom and me you think?

        Thanks for any input!
        I would call some centers in your area to see what they charge. You will be surprised I guarantee. I live in a small town & both centers in my area charge $75 for B & A care. So $25 is small peanuts. I used to charge a small rate for this but upped mine to $40 for B & A or $8 a day. You can also factor in how much time you will have the chidl in your care. For me it was close to 3 hrs a day which is still a good chunk of time for a school-ager.

