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A Question For You All...

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  • A Question For You All...

    I haven't posted in a while, but I respect all of your opinions as dc providers and I need a little bit of advice before I go psycho-mom on my dc.

    My kids are school-age (6 and 7) and they did a neat craft today. Well, it looked neat until we got in the car and I realized what it was. It's an empty soda can with a styrofoam ball glued to the top and candy pinned into the styrofoam with straight pins. Lots of candy... lots of pins.

    This bothers me, but I tend to be a little over protective. Other than minor things such as this, I really love my dc. I'm not about to storm in there and get ugly about it. But, I wonder if I should say anything at all. Usually, I'm all about parents speaking up about their concerns with their provider, open communication and all of that. However, I want a little bit more perspective before I say anything at all. Is this the sort of craft that you would do with school-age children? (btw, there are straight pins all over the back seat of my car... because I didn't realize that was how they stuck the candy on until it was too late. Yes, I will work on my observational skills )

  • #2
    I have never used anything sharp with my school age kids like daughter is 6 1/2 and I think I would be bringing up a concern if she was in a daycare and brought that craft home...not in anger but just voice my concern that she could get hurt...or if they are taking it home and have younger sibblings such as I do. Hmm..this one could go either way...they are a little older BUT if it's a lot of pins, not too sure on this one.


    • #3
      There's no way I'd use pins for anything, I don't care if the kids were 2 or 6 or 15.


      • #4, I probably wouldn't do that particular craft...both because of the candy and the pins.

        HOWEVER, I very clearly remember making a christmas ornament with sequins and straight pins when I was that age...Brownies, I think.

        At the VERY least the provider should have said something to you about the pins. My guess is that they will get a call or two from other parents. As for the "psycho mom" Well, I'd probably skip that part! LOL! Especially if you generally love your daycare.


        • #5
          The pin part alone isn't so bad. I mean, I teach my preschoolers to sew with real needles, embroidery hoops, fabric, and thread. But putting straight pins through candy (bad combo!) and then sending them home with it like that without even warning you. Hmm... Yeah. That could've gone really badly. I'd be annoyed too. If you say anything I'd start off by saying how much you love that they get to do creative activities in her care, but... blah, blah, blah.


          • #6
            ...I mean why didn't she just use toothpicks? Just baffled over here...


            • #7
              Originally posted by AmandasFCC View Post
              There's no way I'd use pins for anything, I don't care if the kids were 2 or 6 or 15.
              I agree! I think you have every right to be upset.


              • #8
                I, too, am concerned about the straight pins. But I have children in my care that are much younger, so we never use anything that's sharp or could puncture skin. I would just say something like, "That craft was awesome! I loved it! However, I would prefer that my children not use straight pins for their craft projects. I'm just concerned that since the pins can come out so easily, they can slip out and hurt someone. Other than that, I really LOVED how creative and inspiring it was!" It's usually how you say things. Since you liked the craft to begin with, make sure the provider knows that. This will soften the blow of the complaint. Also, voicing the complaint as a concern helps a lot. It is possible that she just overlooked this. She shouldn't have, but it is possible.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ConcernedMotherof2 View Post
                  I haven't posted in a while, but I respect all of your opinions as dc providers and I need a little bit of advice before I go psycho-mom on my dc.

                  My kids are school-age (6 and 7) and they did a neat craft today. Well, it looked neat until we got in the car and I realized what it was. It's an empty soda can with a styrofoam ball glued to the top and candy pinned into the styrofoam with straight pins. Lots of candy... lots of pins.

                  This bothers me, but I tend to be a little over protective. Other than minor things such as this, I really love my dc. I'm not about to storm in there and get ugly about it. But, I wonder if I should say anything at all. Usually, I'm all about parents speaking up about their concerns with their provider, open communication and all of that. However, I want a little bit more perspective before I say anything at all. Is this the sort of craft that you would do with school-age children? (btw, there are straight pins all over the back seat of my car... because I didn't realize that was how they stuck the candy on until it was too late. Yes, I will work on my observational skills )
                  You have absolutely every right to be upset. I would never consider using an empty soda can (cutting danger) or pins (another dangerous no no IMO). I would not get mad but I would make a point to mention to the DCP that you liekd the craft they made but now there are pins all over your car! Try to be kind, she likely had the best intentions but didn't think things through like she should have.


                  • #10
                    I would never even do the soda can in the first place, let alone the pins. I would definately say something about it!!


                    • #11
                      My son made me something similar in 1st grade for Mother's Day. I thought it was very cute, and I still have it with none of the taffies taken off. I see nothing wrong with it. I am sure the provider helped with the project. I would just thank your child for putting so much time into it.


                      • #12
                        Thank you all for your opinions, it helps a lot to see both sides in this situation. I am still a little upset over the craft (I know it seems a bit trivial to still be bothering me), but mostly because I did voice my concern with the director. She was immediately defensive, even though I approached it from an angle of concern and really wasn't angry. I did tell her that it was a very cute project and the kids really enjoyed it, but that I didn't think it was a good idea. She claims that the kids were heavily supervised, which I know is a lie because the day my kids brought them home, my six year old seemed confused when I told her that the pins were dangerous, telling me that her friend was sticking it in her finger (through the first couple layers of skin) and that it didn't hurt and she didn't bleed.

                        I'm so confused and so angry right now that I was lied to. I really did like my daycare before and there really are no other options in my area.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ConcernedMotherof2 View Post
                          I really did like my daycare before and there really are no other options in my area.
                          Are you sure? What about home daycares? What area are you in? Maybe someone here could find something for you if we knew your location.


                          • #14
                            NOT cool.


                            • #15
                              I would be concerned if my kids that age came home with a craft like that too. I would never use anything like that in my daycare either, not even with older kids.

