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How Much Space Do You Have for Daycare??

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  • How Much Space Do You Have for Daycare??

    Since I was told I couldn't use my upstairs for daycare I just feel like we don't have enough room.

    I just feel like we are on top of each other at times and don't feel like I have the right set-up and that I'm not utilizing my space in the most efficient way. I feel like we're on top of each other at circle time and just don't feel like my centers have enough room.

    I know there have been posts about pictures of everyone's area but I can't find many pics at all.

    How much space do you have and how do you organize to get the best use of your space?

  • #2
    We have about 1500 sq feet in the basement and about the same upstairs. We mostly use the downstairs, but the upstairs is used when the little ones are awake and while I am making meals.


    • #3
      twinmama I am looking forward to the responses to your post. I am sure that I have enough space for my daycare, however I KNOW that I don't have it set up so that I am making the best use of my space.


      • #4
        I have about 800 square feet. It gets crowded when there is more than 5 kids down there.


        • #5
          I have 1650 upstairs and the same downstairs, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, large rec. room, etc. I do the majority of the daycare downstairs!!!


          • #6
            In my home in California, we actually converted our garage for my daycare. It was WONDERFUL! Now, Im crammed into our downstairs too. Im told my house is 1450 sq ft total so I figure Im using about 725 sq ft downstairs. It is not a ton of room and Im constantly rearranging it to make more room. I think the way I have it set up now is working well for me! If I can figure out where to post pictures, I will post a few. I do naptime right in the middle of the floor in my living room, with playpens mostly, because I have quite a few children that are around 15 mos old. We go outside alot too, that helps.


            • #7
              twinmama, I'd love to offer some suggestions, but need to know what you are working with. Are you trying to set up your space within your family area or do you have some separate space for daycare only, and if so, how big is it?


              • #8
                Five kids. 220 square feet of dedicated daycare space. One bathroom dedicated daycare space. Another 250 square feet of the rest of my basement that is partially dedicated as it is shared with my family's T.V. room (which hardly ever gets used but there is adult sized furniture etc in there so I don't consider it dedicated space).

                All in all I have about 50 square feet per child dedicated space and about 100 square feet per child if I also count the shared space the kids have access to. PLUS the bathroom. And that is all open play space.


                • #9
                  We converted a double car garage into a rec room then seperated areas with pre-fab deck railing. Simple and reversible. (Georgia requires 35 square feet of usable floor space per child for home daycare. code 290-2-3-13 Section 1a In case anyone wants to know.)

                  The biggest cost was the insulated garage door and extra a/c unit......


                  • #10
                    I never measured before today! My playroom is 345 square feet - that is daycare only. They also use the rest of my downstairs space, which is an additional 715 square feet, plus they have their own restroom.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                      twinmama, I'd love to offer some suggestions, but need to know what you are working with. Are you trying to set up your space within your family area or do you have some separate space for daycare only, and if so, how big is it?

                      It is within our family area and I think if I could just talk my husband into moving some of the bigger pieces of furniture upstairs we could work with our living room more. He just doesn't want it taking over our family space but since we can't be upstairs anymore we may just have to work with what we can. I'm going to take some pictures so maybe that'll help your creative juices . Thanks!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                        twinmama, I'd love to offer some suggestions, but need to know what you are working with. Are you trying to set up your space within your family area or do you have some separate space for daycare only, and if so, how big is it?
                        Here is my downstairs. Off of the hallway is the one restroom they use and then the playroom where they are napping right now. That is the room I feel crammed in b/c that is where I do circle time, etc. b/c it had carpet.

                        In that playroom there is now a blue Ikea table with 4 chairs in the middle and a pack n play in the corner so that basically fills that room. Whenever the kids are in there they are literally on top of each other. I just need ideas to make our family living room more welcoming so the kids can take advantage of the space out there.


                        • #13
                          Okay...I am looking at it and going to give a few ideas on how I would rearrange, of course it may be completely different than what you have in mind, but I'll try.

                          1. Can you move the pack n play into the living room space so and take it up and down as needed? My pack n plays go in my living area for nap and down after nap

                          2. I would move the kitchen set and shelving unit you have in your living room to the playroom....I would use te backside of the kitchen set as a "wall" and place the table and chairs or another piece of furniture behind it, to set up interest centers.

                          3. I would use the bookshelf in the playroom as a "wall" too, turning it away from the wall and placing the other shelf in the playroom (the one with bins/puzzles) behind it....then you'll have a reading nook - where I would add a rug, a couple of pillows, and behind it you'll have a manipulative area.

                          4. I would create as many "wall" spaces as possible with the furniture....turn them out into the room and break up the play spaces, organize them into interest areas....reading, math/science, blocks, dramatic play, etc. You'd be surprised, eve though this seems to use more space, how much it defines your area and makes it easier for children to play, keep things organized, etc. It is very functional and keeps the children from interrupting each other's play....resulting in less chaos.

                          5. In the playroom, after moving furnishings around, and making sure that's where they will stay, I'd really utilize the wall space.....small hanging cubbies for materials, hooks for dress up stuff, etc.

                          I would consider moving the sofa in your living room space away from the wall to separate the dining/living space, place a shelf behind the sofa for art supplies and use the dining area for art and sensory play. I would completely remove everything you have for the childcare from your living room space and make that just for family and possible tv time for the kids....then at the end of the day, even though stuff is behind you, you can sit in your living room without looking right at your work.

                          Okay, these are a few suggestions....I'm not sure if they will work for you, but it is what I would do....I'll try to post some pics of my playspace so you can get an isea of what I am talking about.....and I'll try to come up with moreideas....kinda hard just looking at pics....I could totally "play" with your space though!

                          I do have to say though, that it looks pretty good the way it is, but I totally get the feeling you have and it getting old sharing your living space with old house was under 10000 square feet, and I had daycare with 14 kids there
                          Last edited by Crystal; 06-21-2010, 12:17 PM. Reason: typo


                          • #14
                            here is a link to the thread with some pics....I have a few there, but they are old. but gives you an idea of how my space is set up.

                            Soooooo I have been doing daycare for 5 years now and I feel like my days have never been as chaotic as they are now! I am not sure if it is the group of kids I have or the ages or what exactly is going on, but I feel like they could careless about what "I want them to do" They are all very good, I don't mean they are


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                              Okay...I am looking at it and going to give a few ideas on how I would rearrange, of course it may be completely different than what you have in mind, but I'll try.

                              1. Can you move the pack n play into the living room space so and take it up and down as needed? My pack n plays go in my living area for nap and down after nap

                              2. I would move the kitchen set and shelving unit you have in your living room to the playroom....I would use te backside of the kitchen set as a "wall" and place the table and chairs or another piece of furniture behind it, to set up interest centers.

                              3. I would use the bookshelf in the playroom as a "wall" too, turning it away from the wall and placing the other shelf in the playroom (the one with bins/puzzles) behind it....then you'll have a reading nook - where I would add a rug, a couple of pillows, and behind it you'll have a manipulative area.

                              4. I would create as many "wall" spaces as possible with the furniture....turn them out into the room and break up the play spaces, organize them into interest areas....reading, math/science, blocks, dramatic play, etc. You'd be surprised, eve though this seems to use more space, how much it defines your area and makes it easier for children to play, keep things organized, etc. It is very functional and keeps the children from interrupting each other's play....resulting in less chaos.

                              5. In the playroom, after moving furnishings around, and making sure that's where they will stay, I'd really utilize the wall space.....small hanging cubbies for materials, hooks for dress up stuff, etc.

                              I would consider moving the sofa in your living room space away from the wall to separate the dining/living space, place a shelf behind the sofa for art supplies and use the dining area for art and sensory play. I would completely remove everything you have for the childcare from your living room space and make that just for family and possible tv time for the kids....then at the end of the day, even though stuff is behind you, you can sit in your living room without looking right at your work.

                              Okay, these are a few suggestions....I'm not sure if they will work for you, but it is what I would do....I'll try to post some pics of my playspace so you can get an isea of what I am talking about.....and I'll try to come up with moreideas....kinda hard just looking at pics....I could totally "play" with your space though!

                              I do have to say though, that it looks pretty good the way it is, but I totally get the feeling you have and it getting old sharing your living space with old house was under 10000 square feet, and I had daycare with 14 kids there
                              Such great ideas!! I can't wait to play with everything once the kids are gone this evening!! Thanks so much!! And I would definitely love to see pictures of your area!!

