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Wish I Didnt Do Daycare on the Weekends

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  • Wish I Didnt Do Daycare on the Weekends

    We are up in Peoria Arizona seeing a movie and visiting with DHs family today but all I keep thinking is ugh I have my Screamer tomorrow until 9pm! I won't be home til 10 tonight and then have to get ready for my week to start since DCG is here tomorrow. I hate only having one weekend day with my family.

    I am going to give notice this week but I would give anything not to have to give up my weeke d tomorrow!!!!

  • #2
    Honestly, there is no amount of money that would make me want to give up my weekends. I'm happy that you do it, because I know it's needed, but I don't think I could do it. I really must have those two days to regroup. Usually by Friday night, I am SO done with work.

    I hope that if you can, you can give up weekends all together. I think you will feel much better on Mondays if you had that break. I think your health and happiness are more important than someone else's job schedule. Again, I realize the parents need this job, and it's the hours they have. But, you deserve time too.


    • #3
      I dont do weekends either. I dont know of a single established home daycare provider in my area that does weekends. I see occasional ads from newbies offering any time/any day care but there is a reason why 99% of providers with experience do not offer this type of care. It is exhausting to say the least.

      keep us updated on how your termination goes. I am so ready for you to get this screamer termed, judging from your posts, that I cant even imagine how ready you are too!


      • #4
        DH keeps telling me to close tomorrow so we can stay up here and not drive home in the storm that's coming!! Tempting very very tempting.


        • #5
          Totally off topic but I wanted to share.

          My DH and I have been married going on 5 years. For the first 4 and a half, he worked overnights/holidays/weekends, though he would have Sunday nights off.

          Since he wasn't home, my weekends would be spent finding babysitting jobs which in turn would be my money to use whatever I want It was hard because I would work with kids all week and then work weekends. I, too, felt I only had Sundays off.

          Then DH got the PERFECT job: weekends and holidays off AND a day shift happyface. Well of course I wanted to spend my weekends with him. However in a small way I still wanted that extra money ::

          So DH came up with the perfect solution. Whatever that is under budget when I go to the grocery store is mine. So if the budget that week is $100- I only spend $50 - I get the other $50

          So now...when I go...DH just really doesn't need the chips, dip, cookies etc (evil laugh)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Breezy View Post
            DH keeps telling me to close tomorrow so we can stay up here and not drive home in the storm that's coming!! Tempting very very tempting.
            Good idea! It's already 10:00 p.m, so what did you end up doing?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post

              So DH came up with the perfect solution. Whatever that is under budget when I go to the grocery store is mine. So if the budget that week is $100- I only spend $50 - I get the other $50

              So now...when I go...DH just really doesn't need the chips, dip, cookies etc (evil laugh)
              Best budget incentive ever.


              • #8
                We just got home. Getting DS to bed and then DH and I need to eat and I need to pick up and head to bed... Guess I will just tough it out and give notice this week!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                  We just got home. Getting DS to bed and then DH and I need to eat and I need to pick up and head to bed... Guess I will just tough it out and give notice this week!!

                  Well, I'm glad you are going to have your weekends free soon. I think you will be happier. Family time is very important. If it's not working for everyone, it's just not working.


                  • #10
                    I would never give up my weekends even though my dh works weekends sometimes there is no way I want daycare more than five days


                    • #11
                      DS had a rough night last night and isn't feeling well this morning so I did end up closing. She hasn't responded to me at all and I'm sure its inconvenient. But id rather him rest today and not listen to screaming all day...


                      • #12
                        know the feeling, i hate working at Lowes on the weekends, takes away from family time with my wife. Sucks
                        "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                        Acts 13:22

