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Do You Guys Do Anything For DCK When They Leave Your Care

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  • Do You Guys Do Anything For DCK When They Leave Your Care

    I am losing my first DCK next week. I've had her for almost a whole year, she was the first child in my care. I only ever lost one other child, and he only came 2 weeks and then his mom pulled him with no notice. So I want to do something for her that she can take with her when she goes so she will remember everyone. She's only leaving because she is moving an hour away. Any ideas?

  • #2
    When I had a little girl leave who I had for three years, I made a little photo album for the parents of all the picts I took over the years. They loved it. I didn't give anything to the little girl.


    • #3
      I have one leaving the end of the month. I have had her since she was 16 months; she will be starting kindergarten and her school is out of my district. I am going to take a group picture of her with me and the other kids and have it framed. I am also sending home a cute poem I found along with a card that will be signed by all of her friends.

      I still trying to figure out if I want to do a little going away party and what that would involve.


      • #4
        I have made scrapbooks using the Shutterfly site. The kids loved the book "about them". It's an easy site to use.


        • #5
          I'm in the same boat...dcg leaving to go to school after being here 4.5 years. I made her a photo book on that turned out really nice, I included as many pictures as I could from her years here at daycare. I'm going to give it to her & her mom on their last day. I also thought about getting a cake & balloons...something like a party for her, but not a party because she is leaving, more of a party because she is going to kindergarten.

          I've had other kids leave before, some after MANY years in my care, but this one is the last of my "original" group of kids & It's very emotional for me. I've never given a gift or had a party before. This will be my first time doing something like this...and part of it is because I know her mom is having just as much of a hard time with her leaving daycare as I am. Some of the other parents haven't really seemed too upset when their kids leave (for whatever reason).

          However, I have had parents bring me gifts on the child's last day & that has been super awesome & appreciated!!


          • #6
            I have three kids leaving to go off to school so we are doing a little carnival and picnic lunch the last morning they are here. I do portfolio's and I made sure to include pics of their years here. (Those were already sent home in June at the end of our preschool year)


            • #7
              My first family left today. It was bittersweet. I didn't do anything special, though I was going to make a photo booklet. There is still time. Me and the mama are gonna hang out with out kids sometime in the future.

              Oh but I did get a gift from them. SO sweet of them. <3


              • #8
                I have a little girl leaving me after being here 3 1/2 years. She is off to preschool. I ordered her a Stephen Joseph vinyl backpack with her name embroidered on it. It's perfect size for preschool and kindergarten. I had her pick it out a few weeks ago so I could make sure I got one that she wanted.

