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1.5 Hours Late? Help!

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  • 1.5 Hours Late? Help!

    I have been watching a new boy for almost a month. Mom is great, kid is great but horribly spoiled and thrashes when he doesn't get his way (nearly knocked my teeth out a handful of times thrashing when I picked him up). He's also incredibly rough and destructive of toys (mostly my daughters expensive play kitchen and throwing/smashing toys )

    Anyways, our contract says 4pm pick up. I told her for 20$ extra weekly that she could extend to 5:30 but she declined when we signed contracts because she is always off of work early.

    She picks up between 2:30-4pm daily and it averages out to be at 3:30. Kiddo was out for the first week (after she had paid me and the deposit) with MRSA. She didn't complain at all for having to pay for a week he wasn't there.

    She told me last friday that he would not be attending the last week as dad is coming into town early to pick him up. They have a month on/month off custody arrangement. I am not paid on the months he is not here. Anyways, he will not attend that friday and the last week of this month. I told her to just pay for the friday and not to pay for the last week because she was so nice about paying while he was out with MRSA.

    I get a text today at 1pm saying she can't pick up til 5:30. She was polite. I told her that I can watch him for the additional 1.5 hours for 15$ (10$ an hour) because I had an interview a 5pm and would have to cancel or push it back and rush to clean after she left. Cleaning to interview standards with her toddler here will be impossible because he is so messy and destructive.

    No response back but I am wondering if I am being too rough on her? This is a major inconvenience to me and I have gone out of my way to help her. I could of simply said no, I'm sorry that doesn't work for us tonight. I really hope she doesn't take offense to this but I don't work for FREE! I really do like her, but I just can't keep him for an extra 1.5 hours when I am paid 87.50$ weekly and provide food for him.

    Ease the guilt please!

  • #2
    Being too rough!! Wow! you're nicer than I would be. This mom (and the child) would have already been given their notice if they were enrolled in my child care.


    • #3
      Thanks Truly. I am trying really hard not to be a door mat. He sleeps from 530 am til 8am and then from 11-1/2 so he sleeps a lot while he's here. But this is so inconveniencing! I've had this interview lined up since Friday. If I cancel last minute they probably won't even want to come interview.


      • #4
        You are not contracted to care for that child from 4:00-5:30. You are charging a normal baby-sitting rate of $10/hour. You aren't even charging for the inconvenience of it being last minute.

        I think you are being kind. I hope your interview is able to come a little later.


        • #5
          Do you have a back up person, like your husband or someone who could take him outside sothat you can clean and do the interview?


          • #6
            I do but it's not my husbands responsibility to watch this child, it's mine. and I am not paying my back up 20$ to watch him for 1.5 hours. 20$ is more than 1 days pay for me.


            • #7
              Don't feel bad.

              If you let her slide this time, she will take advantage again and again.

              "Give them an inch, they will take a yard"


              • #8
                Your rules your policy. She is inconveniencing you. Stick to your policy.


                • #9
                  Love it

                  This drives me insane from parents just assuming that you are available and not taking into consideration that you have a life. No can you just this is what's up!

                  Oh just love it!


                  • #10
                    Well she never text me back and it's 5pm. So...if she does not have cash when she picks him up, he will be refused at the door tomorrow. At the least she should of said ok with a text.


                    • #11
                      Argh no late fee at pick up!!!

                      But my interview went well


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pootmcgoot View Post
                        Argh no late fee at pick up!!!

                        But my interview went well
                        I hope you reminded her to bring it tomorrow. Honestly, if it were me I would have said no to begin with, as you already had plans. But its hard to say no sometimes. I'm glad your interview went well! Wooohooohappyface


                        • #13
                          I only watch children from their contracted times only!!!! If there contracted pick up time is 4:00, they need to be there by 4:00 everyday!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by pootmcgoot View Post
                            Argh no late fee at pick up!!!

                            But my interview went well
                            Refuse him at the door in the morning if she does not have the fee. If you don't, you are setting yourself up for this type of treatment again and again. IMO she is getting off cheap. I charge $1 per minute anytime after the contracted pick up time.

                            I'm glad your interview went well.


                            • #15
                              OMG... I would be furious. First of all she TOLD she couldn't pick up until 5:30, she didn't ask. Second of all, she didn't have the courtesy to reply to your text (this is exactly why I don't allow texting). Finallyh, after putting in an hour and a half of overtime for a measely $15, she doesn't bring it?

                              I sure hope this interview was to replace this client's space, because I promise, until you firmly put this woman in her place, she will continue behaviours like these.

