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Immunization Question

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  • Immunization Question

    I am getting ready to start the paperwork to be "voluntarily registered" for my state. I do not want to get licensed until I get out of this rental in March 2011 and into our own home. I was previously licensed before we moved here so I understand what it entails. I have a question about immunizations though. I have to have copies of each child's immunization record. No biggie there, just like being licensed, BUT I have a mom who doesnt believe in getting all of the immunizations required for it. What choices does she have to keep her child in my care? I know she can claim religious reasons but that would be a lie. Is there a legal way to have her exempt?

  • #2
    It wouldn't necessarily be a lie. Religion isn't just spiritual, it is a belief system. So if it goes against her belief system, then she can certainly sign the form. My two older children are immunized, but my youngest is only immunized up to age 1. He had terrible reactions to them and then I started reading and reading and decided it went against my beliefs. So I signed the form for him and sent it in. No problems.


    • #3
      Oh good! I was under the impression that it was for religious reasons only! Yay!


      • #4
        Here it simpy requires a doctors note just like if they were returning from an illness.

        I would not risk just having the mother write something...JMHO

        I had a case of a father whom kept dragging his feet (almost to my 14 day limit) only to find out the mother (non-custodial) did not know they had left the state....apparently, he had run to avoid DFACS involvement one state over.

        Caseworker showed up on my doorstep....

        Granted it was an extreme case, but it can happen. (Child is doing great btw, in public school, thriving)


        • #5
          We have to have something in the childs file in place of the immunization records. You can print forms from the internet and have her sign it. Simple as that.


          • #6
            You are in VA right? She needs a notarized religious vaccine exemption on file with you. She's going to have to do that when he hits school anyway, so this'll be good for her to know her stuff and get all her ducks in a row in advance.

            Here's some info:

            And here's the certificate of religious exemption from the department of health you can print out for her to get notarized:



            • #7
              anti-vaccination information and nationwide support groups

              She can get an exemption signed and returned and not be forced to vax her child in order to stay in care.

              Just be careful. We non-vaxers can get pretty nasty if we feel someone is trying to force something on us.

              Not saying you are.....just letting you know that they have the right to not vax and attend daycare.


              • #8
                I am not forcing her to get vaccinated at all. On the contrary, my own children have what I feel they need to have and nothing more. But I do require my daycare kids to have something on file to prove it one way or another. Thanks SO MUCH for all the input!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Greenshadow View Post
                  I am not forcing her to get vaccinated at all. On the contrary, my own children have what I feel they need to have and nothing more. But I do require my daycare kids to have something on file to prove it one way or another. Thanks SO MUCH for all the input!!
                  No, No, not what I was getting at. I was saying don't allow some licensing schmuck to tell YOU that she must be vaxed to continue in your daycare. As a momma who does not vaccinate her own kids I can not tell you how many times I have encountered officials who have no clue that non-vaxers have rights.


                  • #10
                    Oh I see. I wont allow them to do that. I do know that they have a choice. Just wasnt sure how to get that choice put in writing. Thanks again.


                    • #11

                      I don't have any parents right now that have chosen to not vaccinate, but I would be fine with it if they chose not to have their kids vaccinated. I would just have them sign a waiver of some sort and have it notarized. My own daughter, who is 14 now, will only be getting vaccinations that I am legally responsible to get for her. If I don't have to do it, then I won't. She's not college aged yet, but I've heard that some colleges enforce the meningitis vaccination.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Greenshadow View Post
                        Oh good! I was under the impression that it was for religious reasons only! Yay!
                        Well I dunno how it works in your state but here (in CA) we're supposed to keep the child's immunization chart (it's a blue card) in their file and updated. If the parent is late in immunizing and licensing checks their file I can get cited even if I reminded them of updating them . Miraculously overnight some-time ago all of my families apparently changed their beliefs and signed the afidavit section that exempts them from vaccines so now I don't have to keep track of them . The last time licensing came over it was a field day . They looked at all of the files and questioned me about it but I just said that their beliefs were none of my business .

