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Another Website Related Thread

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  • Another Website Related Thread


    I am working on my website and over all I think it's coming along great. It's getting a little glitchy right now so I'm thinking it's probably my computer. But before I call it tonight I wanted to see if anyone would be so kind, when they have a free moment, to check out my website and let me know what they think. I haven't checked it yet for grammatical errors, but was hoping you all could give me your opinion on the general layout and content.

    I still want to add more pages including, curriculum, parent handbook, forms, my facility (?) not sure how I would word that, but basically pictures of the child care area and such....

    But my eyes are burning and I need to get some sleep. So if you all could let me know what you think now so I can make some changes tomorrow and add those additionally pages when my head doesn't feel like it's full of cotton...

    Here's the link

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Looks nice. A couple of suggestions.

    The text looks really big to me. I like the page with "your" pictures. I think I would rid the generic, professional ones for your own on the other pages.


    • #3
      Looks good!

      On your activity page, two of the lines don't match. You have "snack time" then acroos from it you have an elementary school listed. I think it should be dropped down a line.

      There is something similiar down a little from that one in the afternoon. Otherwise it looked very well put together.
      Each day is a fresh start
      Never look back on regrets
      Live life to the fullest
      We only get one shot at this!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        The text looks really big to me.
        Text is kind of big, if you shrunk it down two points you could probably fit your whole description without having to scroll. And like Country said the schedules are kind of off, but other than that it looks great!


        • #5
          On the main page nutritious is spelled incorrectly.
          On the meals page I think you left out the word try "Children are never forced to eat, but are encouraged to new foods."

          It looks really good, very professional.


          • #6
            Thank you everyone!

            I went ahead and made some changes. The schedule was really hard to get lined up, but by moving it around I was finally able to figure it out. I am in the process of taking pictures to add to the other pages. Is it weird that all of my pictures will be of my own children?

            I can always replace them later, but.... kwim?

            Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, I'll be updating throughout the day when I have time, so please leave your suggestions so I can make changes as I go!

            Thanks again


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nickel View Post
              Thank you everyone!
              Is it weird that all of my pictures will be of my own children?
              There are a lot of my own kids on my site as well, but a good mix of the others. Just add as you go, nobody is going to care WHO the pictures of of, but WHAT you are doing in them. KWIM?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nickel View Post

                I am working on my website and over all I think it's coming along great. It's getting a little glitchy right now so I'm thinking it's probably my computer. But before I call it tonight I wanted to see if anyone would be so kind, when they have a free moment, to check out my website and let me know what they think. I haven't checked it yet for grammatical errors, but was hoping you all could give me your opinion on the general layout and content.

                I still want to add more pages including, curriculum, parent handbook, forms, my facility (?) not sure how I would word that, but basically pictures of the child care area and such....

                But my eyes are burning and I need to get some sleep. So if you all could let me know what you think now so I can make some changes tomorrow and add those additionally pages when my head doesn't feel like it's full of cotton...

                Here's the link

                Thanks in advance
                Well, I think it looks great...but I don't have a I can't offer much advice. You have a beautiful family!


                • #9
                  I think the web-site lools great!

                  The only comment I have is I wonder about your daily schedule as it seems really really broken down and kind of long.....

                  I think most parents understand that there is time for toilet and diapering breaks during a regular day and although I think it is nice you included them in writing into your schedule, I think it makes it look too cluttered and over-scheduled. KWIM?

                  Also there is one section (below) where you have an awful lot of time set aside for toileting/diapering...
                  3:15-3:30pm PM Snack
                  3:30-4:00pm Dramatic Play
                  4:00-4:15pm Potty / Diapers
                  4:15-4:30pm Story and Books
                  4:30-4:45pm Table Toys
                  4:45-6:00pm Potty / Diapers
                  5:30-6:00pm Free Play / Outside Play

                  Another thing I also noticed about your schedule is that I personally think that time frames should be broken down into more generalized times such as saying "free or structured play" rather than literally spelling everything out.

                  I think in some areas, the 15 minutes (and the 30 minutes periods too) that you are allowing for specific types of play is not really enough time for the kids to get actively involved.

                  In a 30 minute time frame my kids would have time to get things out, maybe set things up a bit and then start putting stuff away as half an hour doesn't allow for much deep exploration or quality play.

                  Hope that helps


                  • #10
                    Thank you scrumptious! I think they are a good looking bunch too but im biased

                    Black cat, thx for the suggestions. I too thought it was a little formal and not very flexible. The suggestions really helped and im much happier with it. Thank you. I didnt get around to adding the other pages, but that is next on my list. Once i get off this forum


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Nickel View Post
                      Thank you scrumptious! I think they are a good looking bunch too but im biased

                      Black cat, thx for the suggestions. I too thought it was a little formal and not very flexible. The suggestions really helped and im much happier with it. Thank you. I didnt get around to adding the other pages, but that is next on my list. Once i get off this forum
                      LOVE the changes! Makes the daily schedule look more manageable and more appealing as it isn't spelled out and broken down to the point of confusion.

                      Now, it looks fantastic and VERY easy to read and understand! Plus as a parent, I can easily see that you have covered all your basis as far as areas of play, meals, and rest times. Great job!!


                      • #12
                        thank you Black Cat. If you hadn't given me the pointers, I wouldn't have changed it. i am MUCH happier now because it is way more flexible than it was before... happyface

                        I am really trying to push a flexible but educational environment here, but there are a lot of preschools to compete with and without my ece degree not sure I can really compete. My daughter missed the age cut off and I'm thinking other children did too and that's the ages I'm trying to capture. Then maybe they'll see I have a wonderful program and will want to stay with me

                        I'm going to work on my curriculum page next. Any pointers

