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AC is Out!!!!!

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  • AC is Out!!!!!

    My air conditioner went out two summers ago when I was pregnant. Took them a week to get out and fix it. They said it was a power surge that made some part go out. Well just got home from the store and its 80 degrees in the house already the AC is out. It's storming now so its 65 degrees right now but as soon as the rain stops it will start climbing again.

    High tomorrow is 100. It will be upper 80s by drop off tomorrow. My house traps heat like nobodies business so cooling it down will be a nightmare.

    I have my Screamer and a 4 month old tomorrow plus my toddler. The ac company will be out tomorrow morning to look at it but not sure if it woll be fixed then. Last time it took a week.
    DH is out pulling the fuse now to see if he can reset it but if we cant get it cooling do I close tomorrow morning pending the AC guy coming? Do I tell them its out but hes coming so hopefully it will be fixed and if not they can come pick up?

  • #2
    Aw Breezy...what a drag! wish I could help but have no advice considering it is HOT here too although we do have AC. I guess if I were you, I would stay open and maybe set up some fans.

    If the AC doesn't look like it will be fixed by the second day, I would probably close as I am sure it is tough on the kiddos and makes them that much crankier.

    On another note, just less 6 months, you will be freezing you butt off and shoveling snow so....


    • #3
      Hehe and then you will remind me "....remember the time your AC went out.....?"


      • #4
        My ac went out a few weeks ago and its averaging 107 here. I woke up at eight and it was eighty and climbing. I turned the unit completely off for a few hours and then turned it back on four hrs later. It worked. Turned out my coil froze and needed to thaw. Its happened three times this summer alone so i know i need to get it looked at, but you know how that goes.

        In any case, maybe you could try it. It wont hurt... As for tomorrow. Maybe you could prepare the parents for a half day and see what they say. Then if its hot they can come get the kids at noon and you can go cool off. If theres no pool spend some time at the grocery store or mall at the very least you can wear something cooler in the privacy of your home without the kiddos. Being hot stinks. Being hot and pregnant taking care of hot cranky kids would make me lose my mind. Hope it gets fixed asap!
        Last edited by Blackcat31; 07-15-2012, 06:01 PM.


        • #5
          Ours went out last week. Some about the transformer or something. It was a 90+ degree day and I was cooking chicken alfredo that night, steamed carrots and rolls. Hottest meal I have ever planned I swear. Anyway I stayed open both days, kept my curtains closed and the kiddos were just fine. We went outside and played all morning and then they collapsed at naptime when the house was dark and cool and no one complained a bit. In fact I had parents commenting how it was still cooler inside the house then outside.
          Each day is a fresh start
          Never look back on regrets
          Live life to the fullest
          We only get one shot at this!!


          • #6
            With temps in the 100s and as you said your house traps heat, I would probably close if they can't fix the a/c pretty quickly. I know my state's licensing says that we can't be open if the temperature goes above 85 and we have no way to cool the place.
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


            • #7
              The only thing I can suggest is while it's cool right now, open everything up and trap the cool heat. As soon as it gets above 70, or the sun comes out, start closing windows and curtains on the sunny side and work your way around.

              Let your dc parents know you're doing your best, but if it gets too hot, expect an early day tommorow.

              edited to add:

              sorry, I see this post was from last night. I guess that ship has already sailed!


              • #8
                I would move my daycare operation to the basement as much as possible if our air would have gone out during a heat wave. Of course, that only works if you have a finished basement so I don't know if that is an option for you. Otherwise, I would have told the dcp what's up and let them decide what is best for them. Then I would sit in front of as many fans as I have in the house and try not to move. I hope that the repairman is able to fix your air asap today!


                • #9
                  DH fixed it last night!! He pulled the fuse or something like that!


                  • #10
                    I hope by now you have it back up and running. The heat this summer has been unbearable.

                    Myself, I would never close for lack of a/c. I grew up without central air/no air conditioner. I remember as kids we slept upstairs with no a/c and just used fans. My parents had a wall air conditioner that cooled the downstairs.

                    Our schools are not air conditioned, and I think it is funny how I hear people complain that the kids get too hot at school. At the most here, the kids may spend 10 days in above 80 degree days at school. They tend to forget all the men and women working in factories when it is 100 + outside, and around here no factories are air conditioned.

                    Good luck getting it fixed today. I hope it is done by now. It does suck when it breaks down and things like this always seem to happen at the least convenient when it is extremely hot.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                      DH fixed it last night!! He pulled the fuse or something like that!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                        DH fixed it last night!! He pulled the fuse or something like that!
                        Oh, good!!! happyface I am so glad it worked out okay and that it stays working now for good!

