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  • Backbone!

    So I've had one dcb for 4 weeks. She was talking to a coworker who was looking for care. So she came and interviewed tonight and is starting Monday! Anyway, I made the mistake over Memorial Day to prorate her for that day and the Friday and Tues after. Then, she called me last week and told me this week was a business trip for 2 days and she wouldn't be here. Again, I was weak and she didn't pay for those 2 days. So for mom#2 I typed out a sheet with the policy on pay, including paid holidays if they fall in the week, and paid for days sick. Vacation I said was 2 weeks, over that was 1/2 pay. I think that is more than generous. So did mom #2. Mom#1 came in to pick up and I gave her the sheet so that we would "all be on the same page." I got a blank stare! My bad for being weak up front, but I nipped it before too much time went on. After all, why should we be penalized for it being a holiday or if you are randomly out? They are still getting paid those days! . I'm hoping it isn't too big a deal when she drops off tomorrow. But, the backbone feels gooood!

  • #2
    Good for you!! Im getting a backbone for things too....slowly, but surely!


    • #3
      Some more "Backbone" posts:


      • #4
        it took me a long time to get a backbone but you can't run this kind of business without it


        • #5
          I'm going to be adding the 2 weeks vacation for each year and after that it's 1/2 pay starting in the fall. I have one DCM that thinks she can take a long weekend here, a week off at Christmas, a week off in the summer, then DCG goes to her dad's for a week (which is acceptable), add in another long weekend here and there and I'm just plain getting pissed! Oh and I'll let you know but she'll probably spend the night with her granny at various times through the summer! UH NO, not unless you tell me a week in advance!


          • #6
            Oh yes, it's so hard to bring this topic up to parents but when I got registered, I made sure I had that policy in full effect and put it very clear in my contract...I need payment if the child is here or not. I give my full time parents 10 non paid days per year to use if the child is not here and they can only use 1 in one week so I'm not left with nothing. This is our means to pay our bills..I for one can't plan or afford to say oh, you won't get paid 2 days this week because we don't need you....NO, you pay for the slot, not the attendance.


            • #7
              I do not charge for holidays, my vacation or personal days. However, parents will be paying for any/all missed days. I did give them a week unpaid vacation, but I"m changing it to the first week,they owe 1/2 of their normal rate and after that, they owe their regular rate. With the holidays, and my own days to use, that comes to 20 days/year. That's more than enough unpaid time. My dcp will get the new handbook in July. My contract runs from Aug 1-July 31. I though about doing it at Jan1 but withthe holdidays it can get pretty hectic. Plus, any rate changes occur during this time so at the holidays, parents are already in debt from giving their "precious angels" a ton of gifts.
              Oh, I am giving 3 sick day passes. One allowed per week. But this is only for kids who attend 4 or 5 days/week. For 3 days or less they can just bring their kid on a different day as I have a 3 day min rate.

