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Never Family, Never Friends, Never Friends Of Family!

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  • Never Family, Never Friends, Never Friends Of Family!

    My first daycare family was a friend of a relative. Yep, rookie mistake, i know! Years later, and I'm paying for it today.
    I don't work weekends and I live in a neighborhood with a private beach that my family uses see where this is going, right?
    I had a wonderful morning with my kids. But its hot and I was looking forward to going for a nice quiet swim when I get home.
    I come home to find family and "friends of family" also known as DCF at my beach! my family asked if they could come but failed to ask if they could bring "friends." ...I would've said no, sorry, its my day off. In this situation I'm not even given the opportunity to say that. How to deal with this?
    I'm now stuck at home because I don't want to see them!
    This is my personal space and my day off is ruined. I'm really ticked off!

  • #2
    Aw, that sucks! First thing I would do is address your family and make it clear that they are NOT to bring anyone else with them (especially DCF's...whether they are friends or not) with them as this is your personal space. I am sure they will understand when you explain to them that you don't always want to mix business with pleasure and even thought he lines between the two can and do become easily blurred, you would appreciate that they respect how you feel.

    As for the DCF, I would simply say that although they were invited, your family didn't ask first and although you love them (if you do ) that sometimes you like to just be "work-free" and not have to dela or even think about daycare when not on the clock.

    Plus when a DCK is present even if their parent is too, it seems you still have to somewhat be wearing your provider hat and that ain't cool....IMPO.

    Sorry you are having to deal with this as I cna see how it can be touchy but honestly people just need to step up and see how THEY are affecting others and just because your client is a friend/family, it shouldn't mean you HAVE to deal with them on your days off.

    Hoping you get a quiet day at the beach....alone..... soon!


    • #3
      Sorry, I guess I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe I don't understand what a private neighborhood beach is since I live in Ohio, but I guess like a HOA neighborhood pool? If they're there to play at the beach, why can't you all play and not have to bother each other? Can't you just say hi and then go a different direction to relax or play with your kids? I see how it could be awkward as I had a Memorial day cook out at my house and invited DCFamilies and I did end up wearing my provider hat, but I didn't mind and if I did mind I would have just said, go find your mommy/daddy, or I'll see you tomorrow!


      • #4
        Originally posted by glenechogirl View Post
        Sorry, I guess I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe I don't understand what a private neighborhood beach is since I live in Ohio, but I guess like a HOA neighborhood pool? If they're there to play at the beach, why can't you all play and not have to bother each other? Can't you just say hi and then go a different direction to relax or play with your kids? I see how it could be awkward as I had a Memorial day cook out at my house and invited DCFamilies and I did end up wearing my provider hat, but I didn't mind and if I did mind I would have just said, go find your mommy/daddy, or I'll see you tomorrow!
        I should have specified that it is very small. You can't just go sit on the other side of the beach because you're still only 10 feet away from the other person.

