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Drop In Price Question

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  • Drop In Price Question

    I have a former FT DCM who contacted me for drop in care for her two children for two hours. Usually I'll watch them for the whole day. My drop-in hourly rate is $10 per hour, with a minimum of 3 hours. I would feel bad to charge them $60 for two hours. Do providers usually make an exception for families with siblings or former FT clients?

  • #2
    again back bone stick to your rate.
    It:: will wait


    • #3
      personally I would make an exception for a former client (that we parted on good terms and was a good family to have to begin with). Would you be willing to do both kids for a $30 a day drop in? You could just tell her what you would normally charge (the $60) and then say that because of their good standing with you, you will be willing to give them a discount. You don't feel guilty and they feel like they are getting a great "deal".


      • #4
        What do you think about giving them a disconted rate beacuse they are in good standing? Maybe $40 or $50 for both kids. Then you both win.


        • #5
          I do $5 per hour per child for drop in but am very selective about who I take for drop ins. So for a former client that I liked, I would do the two hours for two kids at $20.


          • #6
            honestly, I think your rate is a little high. For a good former client I would work with them on a reasonable rate. I don't think it has anything to do with having a backbone, I think its good business sense to know in this scenario your rate is a bit high. I could get a teenaged sitter to come to my house for 2 hours for a WHOLE lot less than $60!!!!!

            Now if having them come for 2 hours would be disruptive to your program I would tell them no, or even tell them that your rate structure really isn't designed for that type of care and it would be $60/day.


            • #7
              I charge $25-$30 a day per child for drop in care depending on the age of the child/children. (This is the only choice for new families). But, for a former DC parent who didn't give me any problems when they were enrolled, I charge $10 an hour per family. I base that on the fact that if I hire sub care, I normally pay $7-$10 per hour, so I basically give myself the same pay. (Former DC Parents can choose either option based on their needs for the day). Of course most would choose the first option because it's a better deal.

              Now for the families that I established great relationships with, and if the child is a schoolager, I won't charge anything. I try to stay in touch with all my kids after they start school and I enjoy getting a visit from them. I don't care about getting extra money from them. But I'm talking about an occasional visit, not something that would be needed every day or every week.
              Last edited by Truly Scrumptious; 07-05-2012, 05:35 AM. Reason: Needed to add some information


              • #8
                You chose your rates for a reason. You know your areas market and how much you need to make. If a client paying less than your normal rate takes up what could be a full time position would that be a financial issue for you? I know it is hard to stick to your guns but in a case like this I would.


                • #9
                  It really is a back bone issue. you only take drop ins that you like and are in good standing.

                  You set your rates for what you want to charge. so either your rate is a fair rate or it is not. if you think it is a fair rate then stick to it. If it is too high for former clients it is too high for everyone. lower the rate.

                  Usually your only drop ins ar former clients.
                  It:: will wait


                  • #10
                    Thank you all for the responses. I have a wonderful relationship with this family and I enjoy watching the children. She does drop in about once a month for the full day at $45 per day.

                    I let know what the normal rates and minimum hours were and explained that this was a special arrangement for her family. I ended up charging her $15 per hour for both of the children, which we both were happy about.

