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Rash Caushing Potty Training Regression-Pt 2

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  • Rash Caushing Potty Training Regression-Pt 2

    I posted about this a while back-I'm trying again for advice because the problem is still here!

    One of my dck just turned 4 but he's developmentally delayed. His mind is that of a 2-3 year old.

    With that being said, he potty trained in the very beginning of the year (January). In April and May, he had a rash right by his anus that the doctors think was either a food reaction or infection. Regardless, this caused major potty issues because it hurt for him to go (obviously-poor guy). He kept holding it in and they had an X ray done that showed all of the poop that was stuck inside. At home they had to do prune juice and laxatives to get that out of his system.

    Now, the rash has been gone at least a month and half, 2 months. But in his mind, it's still going to hurt to poop, so he's holding it in still. At first, at the beginning of the rash, he'd get 'skid marks' on the undies but now he crosses his legs and tries not to poop. Eventually, he poops his pants several times throughout the day. He tells everyone to leave him alone and goes in a corner usually. When I put him on the potty he screams because he's afraid it'll hurt still. The same at home. They've tried rewards and praise but we are all at a loss here. We don't know what to do to get him back on track. He's still perfectly fine with peeing...but not poop. This would be hard enough in a 'regular' child but I'm especially confused because of the developmental delay (which I predict will form into a diagnosis of an area on the autistic spectrum).

    Thanks for any advice.

  • #2
    To be honest I think he needs a therapist or child hypnotist. Unless you can verbally get to this child on a basic level it may become an issue that lasts a long time. I think this is beyond the scope of most caregiver's ability.


    • #3
      i'm with michael. with the special needs issue and the prolonged situation....I dont have any further ideas.


      • #4
        How would you approach the parents with that suggestion? It stinks because its not like he has regressed per say. Hes not pooping his pants and not caring...hes trying to hold it in. so unhealthy


        • #5
          Originally posted by newtodaycare22 View Post
          How would you approach the parents with that suggestion? It stinks because its not like he has regressed per say. Hes not pooping his pants and not caring...hes trying to hold it in. so unhealthy
          Well, you said it. It's not healthy phyically nor mentally. I think I would approach the parents with that thought. The longer the child is suffering from this, the longer it will be for him to readjust.

