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Advice On My Space?

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  • Advice On My Space?

    I've been working hard on it and moving stuff around.

    Our living room is huge and is split into two spaces: living room and play room. It's split by a gigantic shelving unit my husband built. It's not done and needs the backing put on it (waiting on funds ) and I think we may paint it, but I'm not sure. I have curtains tacked to the back of the unit to separate the room until I can buy an ikea curtain rod thing to hang them from the ceiling. I tried to make it into two rooms because I don't want to see toys 24/7 and my husband deserves a space that isn't daycare 24/7 ya know?

    My daughters room is also available to play in. I've debated moving the kitchen to the play space but that was her birthday present and I really want to keep it in her room since she plays in there mostly and well, it's her room.

    Would you use these photos to advertise with? What would you do differently? Any pointers? I'm trying hard to keep it from looking frumpy and ghetto.

    The felt ball garland was made by me and my daughter during hand washings (we use a wool ball with soap and roll it in our hands to wash out hands and the balls felt with each washing. Each ball represents 1 hand washing. I dyed them with koolaid..) I really like it and dont want to take it down but my husband said it looks out of place.

    Also I painted all of the paintings on the wall and I have no clue what to do with them. When I was done painting the set, I realized I didn't have a ton of space to hang the 9 paintings. I also have a dozen animal paintings I did but I have no room! GRR!

    Play space:

    SANY1268 by What the lump, on Flickr

    SANY1267 by What the lump, on Flickr

    SANY1265 by What the lump, on Flickr

    Back yard:

    SANY1263 by What the lump, on Flickr

    SANY1237 by What the lump, on Flickr

    SANY1236 by What the lump, on Flickr

    Daughters room:

    SANY1158 by What the lump, on Flickr

    SANY1156 by What the lump, on Flickr

    SANY1155 by What the lump, on Flickr

  • #2
    I think it looks very neat and tidy and LOVE the shelves! I would say use these to advertise. Very nice happyface


    • #3
      I would send my son to play with you! happyface The only thing you might want to "fix" in the pictures is just to replace the burnt out light bulbs or just turn the light off. It doesnt bother ME but some people might not like it.
      The set up looks really fun tho. And I like the curtains behind the toy wall thingy. I wish my husband was handy and could make me something similar! Very clean and well organized, and LOTS of room to play. The back yard is amazing Someday I hope to look like that!


      • #4
        So jealous of the caterpillar! A daycare near here has one and I wish we could afford one here.

        Cute set up. I love the chalkboard too.


        • #5
          Poop! I didn't even notice the light bulbs. I use that light so rarely.

          I scored the caterpillar for 50$. The rest of the stuff was free or 5-10$ each due to bad fading. I spray painted them .


          • #6
            Looks awesome!


            • #7
              Looks very nice! I especially love your backyard and the chalkboard! Is it a very large chalkboard, chalkboard paint, or chalkboard contact paper? I also love how light and cheery it is, the pictures, and the little wooden rocking chair!

              I don't really have any suggestions, except that I would not advertise your daughter's room as an extension of the daycare. I would keep her room separate so she has a place to retreat (which is especially important when she gets older and more independent). If there are toys in there you would like to share, I would just move them into the playroom.


              • #8
                It's chalk board paint and doubles as my calendar.

                I think I'll keep dd's room off the ad and let kids Play in there if she gets on well with sharing. She's not territorial but I don't want her to feel displaced.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pootmcgoot View Post
                  It's chalk board paint and doubles as my calendar.

                  I think I'll keep dd's room off the ad and let kids Play in there if she gets on well with sharing. She's not territorial but I don't want her to feel displaced.
                  I think it looks great...just agree with the other posters that you should leave your daughter's room as her own.

                  And I love the pictures on the wall, is it possible you can bring them down to children's eye level?


                  • #10
                    I was thinking about that but they are painted on wood and rough. And took me weeks to paint them and so far my walls are covered in crayon daily. I cringe thinking they'd be ruined.

                    I was thinking of placing one above each clothes pin. Sort of like a decorative hook base Ya know?


                    • #11
                      I love your set up. And things don't need to be at eye level. I have kids who notice everything on walls. I love the catipiller. I had a chance to buy it one year and never did, now i regret it.


                      • #12
                        I think your setup looks great! Very tidy and fun! I would use pics 2-5 for advertising. For the clothespins (which I assume you hang the kids art on) I would create a background with colored paper and arrange them in a bulletin board style. I think that would bring the look together. I love how you have divided the room with the shelf and curtains.


                        • #13
                          Love it!!!

                          Where did you get your black toy holder?

                          You need to go get your license and move forward---

                          I love your Caterpillar, love your shelving. Love your pictures above, and hooks for art- How did you get those to stay on the wall?

                          Don't get discouraged and keep moving forward. I would nap your daughter in her room and put the baby in the play room in a pack n play. Don't allow the parents to disrespect you- Your home, your rules.


                          • #14
                            How did you paint your outside toys- I have four of the same ones-

                            One suggestion would be to put in a ceiling fan with a globe light, to move the air.

                            One other thing I noticed was that you did not seem to have any books? I might have just missed that.

                            If you don't already have a policy,rule, hand book and contract. I think this would be a big help to you.

                            Again, nice setup


                            • #15
                              Bought the black toy box for 15 at a flea market.

                              Books are on dd's top shelf and the top right on shelving unit in play room.

                              Krylon fusion is the paint I used. It does miracles. 6 cans painted a car, slide and 3 play gyms! I hot glued the clothes pins....

