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  • Policies

    What are all the policies you have that is a must? I'm new and need help with policies. Thanks!

    How do you start on a handbook? Policies?

    Anything will help. Thank you!

  • #2
    I am new to daycare as well, so I feel your pain!! You can try to do a Google search for Daycare Contract Examples, which is what I did. One thing I have learned very quickly is that my contract will never be complete! I am constantly adding things in for new clients as I go on! So many important policies, you need a sick policy (both for the DC kids and yourself), vacation policy, payment policy, hours of operation, late fees, picking up late, food, nap time, discipline, supplies needed, signing in, and the list goes on and on. You'll get an idea of the important policies when you do your internet searches.
    Good luck!


    • #3
      Make sure that you have a payment policy in place, stating how and when you expect payment, and what late fees you'll charge if not paid on time. Make it as specific as you can and cover ALL possible scenarios. That's probably your most important one, but a policy on late pickups is probably number two, with illness policy being number three. I've found that those are the three areas that parents are most likely to take advantage of if you leave ANY little loophole!


      • #4
        Here's most of mine. I still have a couple changes to make:


        This agreement contains the financial terms for childcare for the following child(ren):
        ; ; and
        ; . The hours and days agreed upon for care are as follows:

        DAY FROM (AM/PM) TO (AM/PM)
        Monday 7:15 am 4:45 p.m.
        Tuesday " "
        Wednesday " "
        Thursday " "
        Friday " "

        Notification must be made, in writing, if any changes are needed to these hours. Parents agree to pay childcare according to schedule.

        Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) have agreed to pay $ per week, every Friday for childcare. Payments may be made in either cash or check. Please be advised there is a $20.00 charge for all returned checks. Payments are due in advance on Friday for the next week of service. If payment is not made on Friday you will incur a $10.00 late fee for each day after Friday, including weekends. By signing below you agree to adhere with all rate fees in addition to all policies attached. A copy of all policies will be given to you for your records.

        :____________ $22.00/day = $110/week
        __________________ $8/day = $40/week (This fee includes early release days (typically the last Tues of the month) & any school delay days. School cancellation days require an additional fee - see below)
        _____________: $8/day = $40/week (fee includes early release & school delay days) = $_______/week

        Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Date:

        Childcare Provider’s Signature: Date:


        Parent agrees to pay the amount listed above on a weekly basis unless provider is on vacation or must close due to a family illness. In such cases I will credit the proper amount for your next week's fees. No fees will be refunded for an illness in your family. You do not need to pay me for timeframes you take vacation; however, I must be given advance notification in writing of at least two weeks. Provider may take up to two weeks off for vacation/personal time. In most cases you will be notified several months in advance so you can make alternate care arrangements. You are not expected to pay for provider's vacation/closed days but you are expected to have back-up care in place.


        I will be closed Thursday, October 14th & Friday, October 15th, 2010. I will also take three days off over my boys' spring break in March/April 2011. I will let you know the exact dates as soon as I see the school calendar for the 2010-2011 school year. I will be closed the same holidays/breaks that LES school is closed on. You are not expected to pay for holidays or vacation days.


        Parent grants provider permission to transport children to school &/or to the park, library & various other locations. Provider will let parent know if any transportation outside of London occurs & seek permission first (such as a field trip to the Columbus Zoo or park in the Columbus area). By signing & giving permission to provider to transport your children you agree to not hold provider responsible if an accident occurs & your child is injured. You also agree to not hold provider responsible if an injury occurs on any outing we take part in (park, library storytime, etc).

        Before & After school policies:

        There is NO additional fee required if there is an early release day (typically once a month-the last Tues of the month) or a 1 or 2 hour school delay. There is an additional fee required if school is cancelled or if you have your child/ren in my care on a day they are on break. That fee will be $_________per child (for a total of $____ per child per day).


        I am willing to give a credit if your child/children are only here part of the week (for example your child will only be here 1/2 day on Tuesday because of a routine eye doctor's appt etc or not here all day because of well-check, etc.-no credit given because of illness). I do not expect pay for days I provide no care; however, you must notify me in advance by at least two weeks, in writing. If advance notification of at least two weeks in writing is not given, no credits will apply. It may be helpful to give me a note at the beginning of each month highlighting any changes from the normal routine.


        I am open from 7:15 am until 4:45 pm. You are always permitted to drop children off as early as 7:15 am. Anytime after 4:45 pm must be arranged in advance. If you believe you will be late, please notify me. I reserve the right to charge a late fee for habitual late pick-ups. I understand that sometimes traffic/weather will be bad & there is no way to avoid a late pick-up. If lateness is not habitual I will be lenient & likely not charge a late fee. If you have a meeting or doctor's/dentist's appt after work & know in advance that you will be late, please let me know at least two weeks in advance so I can plan accordingly. Please also let me know ahead of time if your plans change. If I was told someone would be picking up early please notify me if that action is not taken. Otherwise, I will expect an earlier pickup time. Anytime utilized after 4:45 p.m. is subject to a fee of $10.00 per half hour, or any part of half an hour (whether planned in advance or not). If you are late you will be given a late fee slip & expected to pay the late fee with the next payment you make on Friday. Please be respectful of my time with my family by abiding by these guidelines.

        Snow Day Policy:

        If parent's work is closed due to inclement weather & parent chooses to remain home with their child, parent still owes provider 1/2 the normal daily rate. I will always remain open regardless of the weather unless I must close due to an illness or a Level 3 snow emergency.

        Two week notice:

        I agree to provide two week's notice if at anytime I decide to discontinue care. Likewise, parent agrees to provide two week's notice if they decide to discontinue care.

        Illness Policy
        o Fever (100.2°F or higher)
        o Sore throat or trouble swallowing
        o Unexplained diarrhea or loose stool combined with nausea, vomiting or abdominal cramps. The child will be kept at home until all symptoms have stopped. A child who has more than 2 loose/diarehha-like stools in a 2 hour timeframe will be sent home.
        When a child becomes ill, I will make the child comfortable in a quiet place where he/she can rest and will be closely supervised.
        Parents will be notified and agree to begin making alternate work arrangements or arrangements for alternate care. If I cannot reach a parent, I will call an emergency contact listed on the registration form or the child's doctor may be contacted depending on the seriousness of the illness. In cases where your child does not come to childcare due to an illness no refund will be offered.* Parent agrees to pick up an ill child within a reasonable amount of time after being notified of said illness. A child who has a fever or who has thrown up must be fever-free & not have vomited for at least 24 hours before they may return to childcare.
        Please do not use Tylenol/Motrin to mask a fever. If a fever re-occurs while a child is in my care you will simply have to come pick up the child again.

        Likewise, if my family is experiencing a similar illness I will notify you in advance that you may need to find alternate care. I will give you the option to still care for your children in my home (depending on the extent of the illness) & would attempt to keep my sick child away from your children. If such a case arises & you choose not to bring your child to my home I would credit your account for the next week.

        Parent's signature ________________________________________________________________

        Date ______________________________


        • #5
          I have been doing this for about 10 years and have a pretty detailed policy and contract. If you are interested you can PM me.

          Main points.

          Leave Time: All parents are given leave time equal to the number of days contracted for in a week. For example, a family that is enrolled for 5 days each week, is allowed to take up to 5 days, per year, off without financial responsibility to the daycare. Leave time is given primarily to encourage parents to tend the needs of their sick child at home. And we ask for a phone call letting me know if your child will not be attending. However after the days are taken or we do not get notice you will be responsible for 100% of the weekly pay. You must let me know if you are using your leave time for this day when you call. If you have no more leave time then you will be responsible for 100% of this time. Lil’ Rugrats may close for up to 5 days a year. You do not have to pay for these days that we are closed. We will let you know 2 weeks or more in advance by letter. If we are extremely ill or contagious, I will call you and let you know. If we feel up to it we will watch your children at your discretion. The days that Lil’ Rugrats are closed you do not need to pay for care. The center is closed on the following holidays. New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. These are paid holidays.

          Payment is to be made each Monday on a weekly basis for the current week. Arrange with me a one on one a schedule that will work for both of us if this is not suitable. If payment is not received by our terms or a payment plan is not set up we will have to ask you to leave the daycare and all penalties will be added to your account accordingly. Lil’ Rugrats does require a 2-week notice when removing the child from the center. Those 2 weeks will be your responsibility to pay me whether or not your child attends.


          • #6
            Do any of you add in a clause in the payment section regarding DHS/State pay kids?


            • #7
              When I started out I had a basic policy & contract. It has grown immensely in just the 3 yrs that I have been in child care. Here are Policy & my Contract You are welcome to use whatever you would like.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tymaboy View Post
                When I started out I had a basic policy & contract. It has grown immensely in just the 3 yrs that I have been in child care. Here are Policy & my Contract You are welcome to use whatever you would like.
                Ha!! In the 6 yrs. of doing daycare, I must have added things 40 times!!!!!


                • #9
                  DHS Contract

                  Originally posted by Miss Joy View Post
                  Do any of you add in a clause in the payment section regarding DHS/State pay kids?

                  Hello Miss Joy!

                  I am a new provider and I am in Michigan as well. I do not have any children enrolled yet, however due to all of the horror stories I have heard regarding DHS I created a seperate DHS/Subsidy contract in the event that I choose to accept a DHS family. I would be more than happy to share it with you. I am a new member so I do not have the ability to PM yet. Just let me know...

