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Heaven...I'm in Heaven!

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  • Heaven...I'm in Heaven!

    Today I have 2 drop ins. Siblings, girl aged 3, boy aged 2.

    Aside from my infant who has screamed all day from 8 am, I have had such a good day! Crafts, drawing, talking, outside time!

    I hope mom will sign up for drop in on a reg basis (1 day week, 6 hours daily..job interviews and studying) and once hired, part time 5 days a week from 10-430.

    I love this age. I could be happy if I could land more kids this age!

  • #2
    Originally posted by pootmcgoot View Post
    Today I have 2 drop ins. Siblings, girl aged 3, boy aged 2.

    Aside from my infant who has screamed all day from 8 am, I have had such a good day! Crafts, drawing, talking, outside time!

    I hope mom will sign up for drop in on a reg basis (1 day week, 6 hours daily..job interviews and studying) and once hired, part time 5 days a week from 10-430.

    I love this age. I could be happy if I could land more kids this age!
    Yah!! happyface That age is fun!

    FWIW....5 days a week for more than 5 hours a day is considered full time in most areas. Especially since their care hours would include lunch and rest/nap time which is usually the toughest/craziest/busiest time of the day.


    • #3
      My part time is anything over 22 hours. This is my favorite age too!


      • #4
        I have a similar thing: A family (mom is a former co-worker) with 3 LOVELY children, ages 19 mo, 3 1/2, and 5. They come one morning a week, and have never really been in daycare, because they have 2 awesome, highly involved parents who teach them manners and expectations, and give them tons of love and attention. So, naturally, they are a dream (not perfect, but pretty darn great).

        They were here 3 mornings this week because dad picked up some extra shifts, and we had SO MUCH FUN!!!happyface They've learned a bunch of new songs, and I can tell mom is more than a little pleased with what's happening here. I am hoping they may slide into a more permanent part time schedule. 3 days per week would be perfect...then I'd have 2 quiet days for chillin' and a field trip.

        Now...if we could only get the 7 month old to stop screaming like a newborn the whole 5 hours he's here...

        Sorry...didn't mean to just sounds similar..


        • #5
          God Heidi, sounds like my house! The infant just stopped screaming. 8-2pm. He hasn't mapped since 745am. The kiddos are sitting watching a movie and cooling off from being outside.

          I just got another bite on 4 siblings for part time. 2 go back to school in August. If I can term the infant and make $ on part time and not have to wake up at 5 am AND have, I'd not think I need Xanax at the end of the day!


          • #6
            Originally posted by pootmcgoot View Post
            God Heidi, sounds like my house! The infant just stopped screaming. 8-2pm. He hasn't mapped since 745am. The kiddos are sitting watching a movie and cooling off from being outside.

            I just got another bite on 4 siblings for part time. 2 go back to school in August. If I can term the infant and make $ on part time and not have to wake up at 5 am AND have, I'd not think I need Xanax at the end of the day!
            How old is your infant? Mine is 7 months old. This is his 3rd week, and the poor guy is miserable. First, it turned out he had an ear infection...ok, that explains some of it. But, that went away, and he still screams bloody murder unless someone is actively holding/engaging him. He's here 3:30-8:30pm, and my own kids run for the hills when he's here. He is SOOO loud!

            Mom apologizes every day, doesn't know what to do either. He is only slightly better for her, and she desperately needs to keep her job. She begs me every day not to term him.

            She took him to the doc again today...please help! They are going to try a med for acid reflux, because he does "burp" alot, or seem to spit up, then swallow it...I hope it helps him!!!!


            • #7
              MIne is a jan baby so six month?

              Dcb is so loud he set off the 2yo that set off the 3 yo then my dd went off. He makes every day miserable. Hate to say it but he's hard to bond with. After tasting the fun I've had today I'm praying I can line up others. Ive put off teeming due to the long weekends coming up. And we can't lose money. But bet your ass that when I have back ups in line, I am so so done. He has screamed since April or so. I resent him being on my house of the bad days. Ugh....I'm praying this interview tonight goes well!


              • #8
                I will add my two cents to the topic of a screaming baby even though I am still going through the withdrawls of having mine here....

                He is off for the summer as his mom is a teacher but he has been coming randomly here and there and I hate to tell either of you this but my screamer screamed from day one (Sept 1 of last Fall) until.......well, who am I kidding, he is still screaming!

                No medical issues, no nothing...just one of those kids I guess. SAME way at home, mom and dad beg me not to term, changed his diet, changed mom's diet (he was breast fed), changed attitudes, wore him, CIO, snuggle, rock, melatonin, doctor, specialist, nutritionist, chiropractor, etc etc.......seriously they (and I) have tried EVERYTHING.

                He still screams all the time unless someone picks him up. He is going to be 1 years old next Friday. I am seriously dreading the Fall when school starts because now that I know the heavenly sound of silence, I am not so sure I can do it again. Mom gives me that "please don't bail on us" look every day when she brings her preschooler here.

                I am actually just in denial about him returning in the fall as it is so wonderfully peaceful here without him that I just can't even go there yet....

