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Oh Boy Here We Go...

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  • Oh Boy Here We Go...

    DCG number 1 will be here in 10 minutes, DCG number 2 in 40 minutes and new DCG number 3 in 50 minutes.

    I got one hour of sleep last night. It took me until 12:00 to be able to turn my mind off to relax to sleep (always happens when I have a new kid starting) and then my DS woke up as I was drifting off to sleep and stayed up until after 4am!!!! He was laying in our bed for a few hours pulling at my hair and nose. I am sooooooo tired and of course this is my busiest day!

    And then I have a technician coming between 8-12 to fix our tv so that will be fun to supervise.

    Ahhh can I just go back to bed? I told DH I would not mind a bit If my screamer didn't show up today!! I really don't want to listen to that from drop off til pick up.

  • #2
    (((HUGS))) Maybe you can make a pot of extra strong espresso like coffee to get you through?? I made a pot and took my first cup when there was enough to poor one and it was like a 12 oz mug of espresso...super thick, strong and goooood! =)

    Maybe tonight you can do a bubble bath with lavender scents and a small glass of wine?

    Hope your day goes well!

    ~Mn Mom


    • #3
      Originally posted by MN Mom View Post
      (((HUGS))) Maybe you can make a pot of extra strong espresso like coffee to get you through?? I made a pot and took my first cup when there was enough to poor one and it was like a 12 oz mug of espresso...super thick, strong and goooood! =)

      Maybe tonight you can do a bubble bath with lavender scents and a small glass of wine?

      Hope your day goes well!

      ~Mn Mom
      Ahhh that all sounds fabulous. Luckily I have no kids coming tomorrow so if I can just keep thinking about that then I will be good!! I hope.


      • #4
        Nearly every night is like that with me. Dd is regressing to sleep training due to teething. And I'm up at 5 am. I drink 8-12 cups of coffee a day. Gotta move over to red bull now, coffee is in sufficient!


        • #5
          If I remember correctly, your new dck is a newborn, right?? That combined with a screamer & no sleep... oh my! Take lots of deep breaths and try to make it through with lots of coffee.


          • #6
            I wish I drank coffee!! Someone want to run to dunkin for me??

            Yep new DCG is a newborn. So excited to snuggle her. DCG number 1 is asleep already!! Which is great because she doesnt like when other people come and drop off. She cries and gets scared. 4 minutes til my screamers drop off time. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling she won't show. I told them 2 weeks ago I was closed on Tuesday and didn't hear anything back and then on Sunday my DS was running a high fever for some reason and I was as well (uti) so I closed and didn't hear a word from her and haven't since.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Breezy View Post
              I wish I drank coffee!! Someone want to run to dunkin for me??
              You don't drink coffee?! How are you alive in the morning? ::

              Good luck today, I hope your newborn is a good baby!


              • #8
                Screamer arrived in pajamas (ugh). Then new baby arrived and mom handed her off to me and DCM of my screamer stood around as if she was waiting for me to put baby down to take her DD. Finally she had to leave for work so she set DCG down and she started screaming and DCM looked mortified that she was doing that in front of new DCM. Finally she put her by the toys and she still screamed and DCM left. Maybe she will realize that she needs to change her ways since she saw that I can't always hold her DD.

                She did not look too pleased though that I started a new baby on top of my DS and my other toddler DCG. well this is a daycare and there will be other children around! Which is why you need to prepare your child for daycare!!

                New baby is great so far! All smiles and ate well. Now she is soothing herself to sleep next to me!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                  Screamer arrived in pajamas (ugh). Then new baby arrived and mom handed her off to me and DCM of my screamer stood around as if she was waiting for me to put baby down to take her DD. Finally she had to leave for work so she set DCG down and she started screaming and DCM looked mortified that she was doing that in front of new DCM. Finally she put her by the toys and she still screamed and DCM left. Maybe she will realize that she needs to change her ways since she saw that I can't always hold her DD.

                  She did not look too pleased though that I started a new baby on top of my DS and my other toddler DCG. well this is a daycare and there will be other children around! Which is why you need to prepare your child for daycare!!

                  New baby is great so far! All smiles and ate well. Now she is soothing herself to sleep next to me!
                  Maybe you can look at the screamer and say Ssssshhhhh the baby doesn't like that. Get her to help you with the baby and show her how the baby likes and needs quiet. Just throwing it out there that it might be a blessing to have a tiny one to help the one that is having a hard time. After the parents leave, surrounded by pillows and your help, ask the screamer if she wants to help you hold the baby and give her a bottle, and your saying this in a very soft voice so that the screamer has to stop and really listen to your bribe and call of "help" Give her a little control over herself? If this didn't work then I would put her in a pack and play and ignore her until she stopped or took a second to stop screaming- the minute she stopped take her out. Starts again, back in she goes until she stops. If your consistant she will get this but it will take time because she is a stubborn one!!! If she continues to scream after a certain ammount of time- call the parents and explain to them it just can't keep going on. Breezy I have been there and I know what it is like to put up with this type of a child every day. Hang in there and have fun with your new tiny. Drink coffee, a soda, and be careful that you don't make yourself sick from being worn out.


                  • #10
                    Everyone else is asleep so Screamer and I are cuddled up on the couch. Hopefully she gets her being held fix. Looks like she's about to nod off too


                    • #11
                      She fell asleep! I think we are really bonding!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                        She fell asleep! I think we are really bonding!
                        it takes time. Some kids just don't do well with change or anyone else other then mom and dad. Even then, Mom and Dad often have home struggles with the needy child too. It is exhausting. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying to figure this little wee one out- I believe if you stick with her, she will end up being one of your favorite daycare kiddo's. Not that we pick favorites- but she will end up being special to you-


                        • #13
                          The new baby has been a dream today. Eating every 3 hours like clock work, burping, and then taking a bunch of cat naps right next to me.

                          My Screamer woke up from her nap screaming and hasn't stopped since. My DS hasn't been able to fall asleep because of it for his nap so he's over tired and has been screaming too. She also has been pulling at her ear today so I told mom and she is finishing up at work and coming to get her. She threw up from all the screaming too.

                          Hasn't eaten more than 4 ounces in the last 7 hours either. Wont take her baby food or finger foods. I've held her as much as possible today to minimize the crying but only can do so much with toddlers and a newborn all needing me too.

                          It's quiet now finally as she is laying down again and DS is in his crib playing with scout until he falls asleep. And little baby is fast asleep next to me.

                          All in all a hectic but ok day so far on only an hour of sleep. Yawn. I think I will be napping when DH gets home before dinner time. Or maybe just going to bed extra early.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                            Screamer arrived in pajamas (ugh). Then new baby arrived and mom handed her off to me and DCM of my screamer stood around as if she was waiting for me to put baby down to take her DD. Finally she had to leave for work so she set DCG down and she started screaming and DCM looked mortified that she was doing that in front of new DCM. Finally she put her by the toys and she still screamed and DCM left. Maybe she will realize that she needs to change her ways since she saw that I can't always hold her DD.

                            She did not look too pleased though that I started a new baby on top of my DS and my other toddler DCG. well this is a daycare and there will be other children around! Which is why you need to prepare your child for daycare!!

                            New baby is great so far! All smiles and ate well. Now she is soothing herself to sleep next to me!

                            I had one mom term because I did not hold her almost one year old son one time when she came to pick up. He was crying and I was holding the newborn. She left and never came back.....some moms are just like that. And this was after assuring me over and over that she understood that a newborn was coming in, her son would be fine, she understood I would be busier, etc.


                            • #15
                              when is the screamer's last day? did you talk to the mom yet?

