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Its Hot Today

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  • Its Hot Today

    since I live on the michigan/canadian border let me say ITS FRICKIN HOT OUTSIDE. I descovered my deodarant can't hold up very well today.

  • #2
    What is everyone's favorite deodorant?

    I use secret solid- find it works well for me


    • #3
      I use my husband's deodorant

      I think it's Degree brand? It works well.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        Originally posted by countrymom View Post
        since I live on the michigan/canadian border let me say ITS FRICKIN HOT OUTSIDE. I descovered my deodarant can't hold up very well today.
        It is no where near hot here a matter of fact we are flooding! That never happens here!!!

        We even made the MSNBC news on the front page of MSN because the zoo animals died!!!


        • #5
          It's crazy hot here too...was yesterday and more called for tomorrow with rain! We haven't been outside too much over the last two's HOT HOT HOT!! We've been having brief periods outdoors with lots of water.


          • #6
            Crazy stuff here.... some of my clients are home today cleaning out their flooding basements (one mom said they have 2 feet of standing water in theirs) and others are home to repair roofs and other flooded areas.

            My neighbor said his pontoon boat floated off the trailer and into the other neighbors yard!
            Last edited by Blackcat31; 10-12-2014, 08:00 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              It is no where near hot here a matter of fact we are flooding! That never happens here!!!

              We even made the MSNBC news on the front page of MSN because the zoo animals died!!!
              Jeeeez!!!! How sad!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                It is no where near hot here a matter of fact we are flooding! That never happens here!!!

                We even made the MSNBC news on the front page of MSN because the zoo animals died!!!
                That's some crazy rain!!!

                Come on, divvy it up and share the wealth with the rest of the country! 0o;\ <--- My 1 yo DS just typed that; I think he agrees!

                Poor animals Unusual and crazy situation, though; I'm sure the zoo never thought that would happen
                Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                  That's some crazy rain!!!

                  Come on, divvy it up and share the wealth with the rest of the country! 0o;\ <--- My 1 yo DS just typed that; I think he agrees!

                  Poor animals Unusual and crazy situation, though; I'm sure the zoo never thought that would happen
                  Well they thought the seal was lost but they found it swimming on 8th Ave
                  Last edited by Blackcat31; 10-12-2014, 08:00 AM.


                  • #10
                    Hot here, too! I hate hot. We just got our new water table set up for today and I wanted to get in and splash with the kids. :: It felt awesome when they "accidentally" splashed me. I think I will need to remember to keep an extra outfit at work from now on.

                    As for I wore Suave and it seemed to hold up smell-wise but not so much with the wetness...ewwwwww.

                    Wow, Black cat. That is so sad about the animals.


                    • #11
                      111 today, but cooler than Monday at 113 (yes, 2 degrees does make a difference). My house is a nice 76 though

                      Deodorant is whatever brand is unscented and reasonably priced. Ever since my first pregnancy, I couldn't stand the smell of deodorant.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                        since I live on the michigan/canadian border let me say ITS FRICKIN HOT OUTSIDE. I descovered my deodarant can't hold up very well today.
                        I hear ya. Even over here by Lake Michigan it's hot. A breeze would be nice. Makes me miss the UP!

                        I have found that Degree works well for me. Secret works when it's not quite so humid.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                          I use my husband's deodorant

                          I think it's Degree brand? It works well.
                          Me too. Only thing that works. Its 100+ here.

                          He uses mine, and says it works, so it works out.


                          • #14
                            It is crazy hot here today too and going through this menopause crap really sucks :: I am already way to hot all of the time!

                            It is too hot for the littles to be able to even play outside for more than a few minutes. 41 degrees celsius (almost 106 F) with the humidex. This is the third day in the past two weeks where it has been too hot to be outdoors for any length of time.

                            I am really hoping that this is not an indication of what the rest summer is going to be like here. With 3 SA kids, 2 of whom I was not planning on having, it is going to really be tough. If these 3 can't play outside as I had planned for them to do a lot of the time this summer I am really not going to be happy! SA can be soooo difficult to keep busy indoors for more than a day or so! Oh boy! I really need to think about some fun indoor activities.

                            I think we are in for a scorcher of a summer and I am thinking I may really be kicking myself in the rear end for agreeing to accept them! ::


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
                              Me too. Only thing that works. Its 100+ here.

                              He uses mine, and says it works, so it works out.
                              my dh says that womens degree works the best, this may explain why I have no more left. I had to use some fruity stuff, you know the nice smelly stuff that doesn't work.

