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Afraid Of Water??????

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  • Afraid Of Water??????

    so I had to go into the next town today to order a cake for my dd's grad. tommorrow. So I had 5 littles (but one got sent home because she threw up on my floor) and my ds (he's 10 and he was my helper today, I dropped him off at school in the afternoon, but it works out better for me this way)

    so after getting our cake we go to the park. they have a splash pad. It was to open at 10am, but it didn't open till 11am. So I get their bathing suits on, and my ds takes 2 of the 4 yr olds to the splash pad while I take the 14 and 16 month.

    it was a disaster, the 2 littles screamed their head off, and the 1 preschooler stood there and refused to get wet. The other one loved it and so did my ds.

    all of these parents have told me that they love water so much they never want to leave and want to play in the water all the time. Hmmm then what kind of children did I have. I have never ever encountered children like this before. It going to be a long summer because we play with water alot. Oh today it has to be about 100 degree's outside too, you would think they would want to cool down.

  • #2
    I have an 18 mo dcb who is totally afraid of the sprinkler (very similar to the splash park); yet he will sit in shallow water & play for HOURS or he will play with the water table quite happily.

    The splash park creates a situation of water flying at them that they have no control over; which is why some of them may have been frightened. They probably DO love the water, just not water flying at them from all angles!


    • #3
      I can't really give any advice here, honestly, I think some kids like water, and some just don't really care for it. Maybe you can slowly break them into it with water tables, or squirt guns? Not sure tbh. Sorry!
      My 2 year old DCG was deathly afraid of my sprinklers last year, she would scream her head off until I took her inside, or picked her up. My kids love it, but she wouldn't go near it. I tried putting the hose on the mist setting, and letting her play with it, but she wouldn't even grab the hose, she would just stand there and scream until I walked away from her with it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lilbutterflie View Post

        The splash park creates a situation of water flying at them that they have no control over; which is why some of them may have been frightened. They probably DO love the water, just not water flying at them from all angles!
        This. I've got 5, 3 years and under. We went to the splash pad last week, and some of them just ran around the outside of the pad, barely getting wet, while the baby sat in a puddle and loved having the water rain down on him. One of the kids would run into the middle of the spray, and then scream that he got wet .

        I think it's all part of the fun. It's not until they're much older (in my experience anyway) that they actually want to spend a prolonged period of time in the spraying water. Now if it was a wading pool, that would be another story ...


        • #5
          the one little is afraid of water, she hates to get wet (the 16month old) even rain. but these parents tell me how much their children loves sprinkers and pools, I'm at a loss.

