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Help With What To Charge Please

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  • Help With What To Charge Please

    Hi! I'm new to posting but I've read through threads here for a long time. I've learned so much!

    Here's my question: I have a few families currently and have a standard f/t rate of $125 a week; but none of the kids are here longer than 9 hours a day. I received a call from a mom wanting care for 2 kids (6 and 3) from 8-6:45 m-f. My current kids aren't here any later than 6. I'm not opposed to the later pick up time and I could use the additional income, but I'm wondering if I should increase the rate at all? It's almost 11 hours her kids would be here and I would have to stay open later.

    Any advice?


  • #2
    Welcome to the Forum! I've upgraded your status. You can post freely now.

    Here are a couple threads on Extended Care and After Hours Care:


    • #3
      Thank you, Michael!!!


      • #4
        I'd just tell them that the rate is $125 for care until 6 (as that's your normal closing time) and the additional fee is --- weekly for after hours care. Make it high enough to be worth your while. You may find that they can make a 6pm pickup work out somehow.


        • #5
          I agree that you should charge her your normal weekly rate for care until 6. Add an additional charge for anything that is past your normal closing time.

          I would do something a little higher than the standard amount you get per hour as anything past your normal closing time is "overtime" or extended hour care....kwim?


          • #6
            Yes, that makes perfect sense! Thank you. I was actually looking through my Handbook and realized I have a section regarding what I charge for "overtime", which is anything past 10 hours per day. I've never had to use it so I forgot it was even in there

            Thanks again!


            • #7
              Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
              I'd just tell them that the rate is $125 for care until 6 (as that's your normal closing time) and the additional fee is --- weekly for after hours care. Make it high enough to be worth your while. You may find that they can make a 6pm pickup work out somehow.
              I agree as well. This way they know that you normally close at 6. They wouldn't other wise know if you just build it into the price.


              • #8
                I called her back and explained my typical f/t rate and that she would be charged an overtime fee for the additional 45 minutes each day. She was completely okay with this, loved my website, and is coming to interview on Thursday!

                Thanks again for the advice!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RubyBell View Post
                  I called her back and explained my typical f/t rate and that she would be charged an overtime fee for the additional 45 minutes each day. She was completely okay with this, loved my website, and is coming to interview on Thursday!

                  Thanks again for the advice!
                  happyface that is fantastic! Good luck! I hope you get the family! happyface

