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Toys Are Driving Me Nuts !! lol

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  • Toys Are Driving Me Nuts !! lol

    Ok so my "daycare" room is small, I have taken out the changing table to help with the space and lets just say I miss it like crazy ! Anyway, I have a form of OCD where I have to rearrange things over a small period of time and clutter gives me anxiety..Well I have to store 2 pack and plays in my living room in one corner and across the room has more toys. I had a yard sale and sold some toys but still I feel that there is too many !! How much stuff do you have in your home daycare, and where do you store playpens if you do not have a lot of room ? I am running out of ideas, and in the process becoming very stressed over it. Just need some advice, I would love to rent a place and have it out of my home, but here in Ohio you have to live where you operate your type b daycare. Any ideas, or advice would be great !!

  • #2
    Do you need to use pack n plays? I have plenty of open space, but I don't let a lot of toys out at once for my toddlers. I had a rummage sale and swear I must have sold 1/3 of my toys and daycare items but still have more I put out in the garage for a second sale. I would much rather buy something and sell it when I don't need it then to store it for a year. I have one pack n play but it's not in use yet. I will need it soon for a second older-infant who will start but normally I just take one infant at a time.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Provider_Manda View Post
      Ok so my "daycare" room is small, I have taken out the changing table to help with the space and lets just say I miss it like crazy ! Anyway, I have a form of OCD where I have to rearrange things over a small period of time and clutter gives me anxiety..Well I have to store 2 pack and plays in my living room in one corner and across the room has more toys. I had a yard sale and sold some toys but still I feel that there is too many !! How much stuff do you have in your home daycare, and where do you store playpens if you do not have a lot of room ? I am running out of ideas, and in the process becoming very stressed over it. Just need some advice, I would love to rent a place and have it out of my home, but here in Ohio you have to live where you operate your type b daycare. Any ideas, or advice would be great !!
      can you post photos of your space so far?

      without photos, my first idea would be to start considering shelving up on the walls or other creative storage spaces.

      As for the OCD, I hope that you are getting this issue addressed with a professional. I was diagnosed with OCD several years ago and agree with you wholeheartedly that having any form of this disorder and pairing that with home daycare is very, very challenging. Working with children is all about patience, flexibility and the ability to let things happen....because messes and chaos with kids of course will happen. I feel confident that I have overcome this but it is something that I do sympathize with. please seek some ongoing help, if you havent already. It is likely that what you really need to do is accept the space for what it already is and not keep trying to find the perfect set up or control each toy at all times.

      Baskets or bins for a toy rotation might help greatly so you arent seeing all your toys at all times. Just bring out what you need and conceal the rest in some way. Teach the kids to clean up after themselves.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Abigail View Post
        Do you need to use pack n plays? I have plenty of open space, but I don't let a lot of toys out at once for my toddlers. I had a rummage sale and swear I must have sold 1/3 of my toys and daycare items but still have more I put out in the garage for a second sale. I would much rather buy something and sell it when I don't need it then to store it for a year. I have one pack n play but it's not in use yet. I will need it soon for a second older-infant who will start but normally I just take one infant at a time.
        Yea I have a 10 month old and a 1 year old. I can't put the 1 year old on a nap mat till 18 months.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
          can you post photos of your space so far?

          without photos, my first idea would be to start considering shelving up on the walls or other creative storage spaces.

          As for the OCD, I hope that you are getting this issue addressed with a professional. I was diagnosed with OCD several years ago and agree with you wholeheartedly that having any form of this disorder and pairing that with home daycare is very, very challenging. Working with children is all about patience, flexibility and the ability to let things happen....because messes and chaos with kids of course will happen. I feel confident that I have overcome this but it is something that I do sympathize with. please seek some ongoing help, if you havent already. It is likely that what you really need to do is accept the space for what it already is and not keep trying to find the perfect set up or control each toy at all times.

          Baskets or bins for a toy rotation might help greatly so you arent seeing all your toys at all times. Just bring out what you need and conceal the rest in some way. Teach the kids to clean up after themselves.
          No, I have not seeked any help for the OCD. My mother has it, and I always poked fun, but as I get older the more it becomes an issue. I have bins in my toy room, it just seems that it is creeping out into the living room and I feel as if me and my family have no space of our own. I go crazy if my living room does not look nice b/c everyone comes in this room. But we also use this room to nap in as well.
          It is hard not having a lot of extra space to store things so it seems that everything is always so visible. I will try and get a couple of pics. to help with the visual part of it


          • #6
            Here is just a few pics I took real quick
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Here is the rest of them
              Attached Files


              • #8
                okay if this was me, I would absolutely get some shelving or storage options on the walls. Tidy little matching bins or even rubbermaid totes will be much easier to handle then things lying on the floor constantly. There have been a few threads recently with photos of spaces, and I know there are some ones from the past too! Look over what other people do and that should be a big help to you.

                here is my recent thread....I like my cubbies with matching baskets for those odds and ends that just need a home.

                **PLEASE NO ONE "QUOTE" THE PICTURES....I WILL REMOVE THREAD IN A DAY OR TWO FOR SECURITY REASONS. I dont have the best pictures here but from left to right: our play kitchen area, then in the far left corner is the "baby zone" with the baby toys. I can block that area off if needed. Then my chair. The


                • #9
                  I really love your wall decorations!

                  I absolutely love to organize and can come up with creative ideas to find room. I am a bit OCD as well and I have found that good organization makes me very happy.

                  Whenever you become "land-locked," the next thing to do is build up. In your case, I would add shelves for things you don't want the kids to get to and bins for the kid toys.

                  Next, clear out the rest of your house of clutter (especially closets) and sell/donate everything you haven't used in awhile and will not use. Try your best to organize what is left and declutter. I have found that those large vacuum bags are excellent for condensing seasonal clothing and linens. Hopefully you will have a little extra space to store remaining daycare items (like rotated toys, activities, arts & crafts, and linens).


                  • #10
                    I have much the same problem as you with space. And when I got done with FCCERS and all that THEY required or wanted me to have, I really felt overwhelmed.

                    My only solution was to forget the regs except the basic MUST HAVES and beyond that keep what is played with and get rid of the others or pack them away to rotate out.

                    The rotating out is probably the option I will go with if I can find some space to store the excess toys.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                      okay if this was me, I would absolutely get some shelving or storage options on the walls. Tidy little matching bins or even rubbermaid totes will be much easier to handle then things lying on the floor constantly. There have been a few threads recently with photos of spaces, and I know there are some ones from the past too! Look over what other people do and that should be a big help to you.

                      here is my recent thread....I like my cubbies with matching baskets for those odds and ends that just need a home.

                      How big is your space? what are the dimensions. It looks like it is a long, skinnier room which is the shape of the room I am thinking of converting to my main daycare room. I'm wondering how it compares to yours so I could get an idea of space and what will fit.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Countrygal View Post
                        How big is your space? what are the dimensions. It looks like it is a long, skinnier room which is the shape of the room I am thinking of converting to my main daycare room. I'm wondering how it compares to yours so I could get an idea of space and what will fit.
                        the space is 15x30


                        • #13
                          Maybe some ideas here:

                          Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children

                          Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children


                          • #14
                            I don't even know where to put wall storage units..I feel that it will make the room smaller.
                            And thanks..I love the wall decorations too !

