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What Do You Call Your Daycare?

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  • What Do You Call Your Daycare?

    I am trying to come up with a daycare name. Help me out what do you call your daycare?

    I am thinking... Shelby's Home Child care, Cutie Pie's daycare, A home away from home child care.....
    Last edited by daycare; 06-13-2012, 02:48 PM.

  • #2
    I would first look around at your competition. You don't want to have the same name as someone else, especially if they live close. It may confuse prospective clients, especially if the other one doesn't have a good reputation.

    Then I would try to come up with something somewhat original. Good luck!


    • #3
      I call mine "Emily's Child Care". I'm not cutesy, nor do I think cutesy names do big favours for marketing. I don't particularly care for business names that name/label the children in care either (for example Melanie's Monkey's). Of course, that's just my opinion. One of my best friends also has a well established home daycare and has a the name I posted above and it works well for her. Just not my style.

      ETA: My username here is a spin on Anne of Green Gables and is not my real name. LOL.


      • #4
        I just use my name, thinking about something different but can't come up qith something convincing so a stay with my name.


        • #5
          Its an old trick, but if you are planning on listing your child care in the phone book, with resource and referral services, anywhere really, it is alphabetical, so try names that start with A, B or C. My school starts with an S also, so I am always waaaaay down the lists. Good luck. :-)


          • #6
            I chose a non cutesy name to sound professional.
            Mine is "My Last Name" Family Child Care- plain and simple


            • #7
              the area I am going to.. has no daycares of any kind. they are all in the big city about 30 to 40 mins. from where I am moving to . I have already been asked by a lady in the Church if I babysat... so I am thinking this will be a great opening.

              I think I may just stick with Shelby's Child care.


              • #8
                Originally posted by shelby View Post
                the area I am going to.. has no daycares of any kind. they are all in the big city about 30 to 40 mins. from where I am moving to . I have already been asked by a lady in the Church if I babysat... so I am thinking this will be a great opening.

                I think I may just stick with Shelby's Child care.
                well i havent opened yet but i mine might be cutesy but i looovvveee it its going to be called Wee Three Childcare and Learning Center happyface i like it


                • #9
                  I can't tell you mine, because I prefer to stay somewhat anonymous.
                  Since I am german, though, it's a German word that works in English too.

                  Are you into gardening or nature? If so, I always thought the name "Little Sprouts" would be cute, and you could do a garden themed playroom pretty inexpensively.

                  The other one I had in mind was "Just Ducky Daycare"...again with the theme...I see a lot of rubber duckies!


                  • #10
                    The A, B, C issue is good to point out.

                    How bout ABC Childcare


                    • #11
                      Using your town name makes it sound official. Specifying "home" in there covers what you are trying to do with making it sound like a loving environment.

                      "Your town" home daycare. Simple, and most importantly - easy to remember.


                      • #12
                        I would just keep it simple.

                        Shelby's Family Daycare or Childcare


                        • #13
                          because I teach preschool to different ages, I chose a name that would allow me to have titles for the children depending on their age...

                 under 3's are called caterpillars
                          and my 3-5 are called butterflies

                          I break up the curriculum between the two and as they grow, they blossom from a fuzzy green caterpillar to a colorful beautiful butterfly...

                          Think about what you will offer and incorporate it that way.


                          • #14
                            Mine is Green Gate Early Learning. I chose it because we do a lot of nature based activities. I also cater to preschoolers so I wanted something that showed it was more thand just daycare.


                            • #15
                              whatever you name it make sure it is available to register as a domain name.

