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Funshine Express- use Buttercups or Fireflies??

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  • Funshine Express- use Buttercups or Fireflies??

    I want to order funshine express but don't know if I should purchase the buttercup or fireflies packs for some of my ages.
    *9 month old (Buttercup)
    *2 19 month olds (Buttercup)
    *3 year old (Fireflies)
    But, I also have a 26 month old and 2 1/2 year old.... should I use buttercup or fireflies.... I know it says fireflies is 2-5 year olds but in your opinions is it really made for early twos or would it be best to use Buttercups for them or will Buttercup be too easy?

  • #2
    I have not used Buttercups, but in my opinion the Fireflies is only appropriate for 3 and up. Otherwise you will end up doing the projects for them which is pointless. Also, you could "beef up" the Buttercup themes for the 3 year old to make it more age appropriate. FOr example, look at the correlating Fireflies theme fot that month and check out books from the library from the online booklist. This in itself will add so much to the theme for all the kids(especially the older ones).


    • #3
      I have used Funshine for years and years. In previous years, I didn't start 'preschool' until they reached 3 and used Fireflies; they need a little assistance but for the most part they do well.

      This past year I had a group of 4 kids that were all within one week of each other (2.5 years) and LOVED doing 'school' with the 3/4's , so I ordered Buttercups for them and Fireflies for the older kids. They did really well and had such a feeling of accomplishment.

      I would recommend Buttercups.


      • #4
        I just ordered the sample and it said that Buttercup was for 1-3 years old. So I ordered that one. The Fireflies one was for older children.


        • #5
          The website says buttercups is 9 months-24 months and fireflies is 2-5 year olds.


          • #6
            oh i just checked the website and i guess they've changed it. butter cups is for 6 months-3 years and fireflies is 3 to 5 year olds. now i know which one to order :-)
            Last edited by Michael; 07-19-2010, 02:46 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by originalkat View Post
              I have not used Buttercups, but in my opinion the Fireflies is only appropriate for 3 and up. Otherwise you will end up doing the projects for them which is pointless. Also, you could "beef up" the Buttercup themes for the 3 year old to make it more age appropriate. FOr example, look at the correlating Fireflies theme fot that month and check out books from the library from the online booklist. This in itself will add so much to the theme for all the kids(especially the older ones).
              This is exactly what I was going to say. :-)

