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WWYD - Habitual Illness From One Family

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  • WWYD - Habitual Illness From One Family

    I have one dcf that I am constantly sending their kids home with fever and illness. Compared to other families it's not even close the number of times they are sent home. This has been going on for 2 years off and on.

    This last time wiped out the rest of the daycare...all the other kids and 4 other parents were sick.

    What would you do in this situation? I require 24 hours...fever free but maybe I should address things with them and increase to 48 hours. WWYD?

  • #2
    I'm a registered user but just logged out because I have families on here. I tried a tag search but didn't much.

    How do you treat families that continue to bring children sick?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      I'm a registered user but just logged out because I have families on here. I tried a tag search but didn't much.

      How do you treat families that continue to bring children sick?
      You need to just keep sending them home if they exhibit any symptoms that you exclude for. What I do is have the parents sign my illness policy and then if they exhibit any symptoms, the parent needs to keep the child home for a FULL 24 hours and if they get any symptoms while at daycare, I send them home and if I send them home from care, they need to stay home for a FULL 48 hours.

      I know it can be frustrating but honestly, you just need to be really diligent about enforcing your rules. More than likely if a child is continually sick, I would bet the parent isn't really taking them home and giving them the rest and proper nutrition that they need to recover.

      I have sent sick kids home from care, only to find out later via friends, Facebook or whatever that the parent took the child to McDonald's for ,lunch and shopping at the mall etc as a fun day field trip rather than resting and recovering.

      Here is a copy of the illness policy I use. You are more than welcome to use it if you would like.
      Last edited by Blackcat31; 10-12-2014, 08:00 AM.


      • #4
        I just went through this and had to incorporate an even stricter illness policy (48 symptom free; only accepting children with MILD cold symptoms, etc). I sent out the notice and ALL the parents were really supportive and agreed to the new policy, signed and returned them.... except, of course, the family who was causing the majority of illness in my daycare. They tried to argue the policies, correct them, give their own opinions on them... NO! This is MY house, my daycare. I told them to sign the new policy or find new daycare. They chose to find new daycare... which, worked out because I planned on terming them in September anyhow. ::


        • #5
          Thanks Blackcat! 48 hours seems like a great deterrent.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            You need to just keep sending them home if they exhibit any symptoms that you exclude for. What I do is have the parents sign my illness policy and then if they exhibit any symptoms, the parent needs to keep the child home for a FULL 24 hours and if they get any symptoms while at daycare, I send them home and if I send them home from care, they need to stay home for a FULL 48 hours.

            Here is a copy of the illness policy I use. You are more than welcome to use it if you would like.
            Thanks so much for the policy and I'm definitely going to implement this and email out a new policy today to be signed and returned Monday.

            Just curious but would you just say in the email "Here is the new policy please sign and return by..." or would you add a little notice such as "I understand this policy may be a bit strict and I totally support any family's choice to seek alternate care if they disagree. The reason for the change is solely to keep children healthy."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Thanks so much for the policy and I'm definitely going to implement this and email out a new policy today to be signed and returned Monday.

              Just curious but would you just say in the email "Here is the new policy please sign and return by..." or would you add a little notice such as "I understand this policy may be a bit strict and I totally support any family's choice to seek alternate care if they disagree. The reason for the change is solely to keep children healthy."
              I would probably say something like:

              "Dear parents

              Due to some confusion in regards to what is considered an illness or what qualifies as exclusion from care, I have written up an illness policy that outlines what will be grounds for exclusion. Please read over, sign and date the agreement and return it to me no later than June XX, 2012.

              Please keep in mind these policies are in place for the health and well being of ALL children in care as well as myself and my family. Thank you for your consideration when adhering to these rules.


              Daycare Provider"

              Does that work?


              • #8
                Perfect! Thanks again!


                • #9
                  Logged out for privacy. I toatlly feel your stress! I would make the handbook stick. Check them upon arrival and turn away if need be. Here if I send home they have to stay home for a full 24 hours so they will miss the next day as well. I would remind DCM of that.

                  I have 1 family that does the same and with serious diseases! No joke They have brought 4 diseases into my home in a years time, some being repeated because they don't properly medicate and it comes back. 1 being MRSA that keeps coming back because they don't change diapers and they get infected. Plus all the colds. Now if there is a fever she will keep them home but the MRSA I will have to repeatedly tell her to have the child checked to see if its a normal rash or the beginning of MRSA, she will claim to be waiting for a dr to call back all week then after days its full blown infection I dent care and demand a Dr note then they are out for a week at a time. I have a stack of Dr notes from over the year! This family is also neglectful in other areas such as bathing, clothing and nutrition.

                  I have turned the family into CPS and they went and inspected and interviewed them. I was supposed to be sent a letter because I am the mandated reporter/daycare provider but they never sent anything. The Dad admitted he was uncooperative with them and CPS left. That was over a week ago and nothing new has happened. I spoke with someone in the field and they said most cases get let go it takes serious abuse to have anything really happen in this county. Probably why I have not gotten the letter they said I would receive. Such a shame!

                  Honestly at 1st I kept the kids because I need them to survive, not many clients around here. Now I still need them but I have also grown attached to the kids and know when they are with me they are not being neglected and they are fed and cared for. At home they sit in dirty diapers, dont get bathed and live on koolaid, ramen noodles, cheese puffs and can ravioli and sit infront of the tv all day. Pre school age fyi.

                  Good luck I hope you can make your illness policy stick! This is 1 area I will never understand parents. they wouldn't want another child making their child sick but they think it;s ok to bring their own ill child. Makes no sense.

