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Things 18-36 Monthers Do That Annoy You :)

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  • Things 18-36 Monthers Do That Annoy You :)

    I love this age. Then again, I'm biased because my daughter is 18 months.

    What do 18-36 monthers do that offends or drives you absolutely batty? What would you terminate for at this age?

  • #2
    The only reason I have ever terminated is constant screaming (and I mean all day every day for months) or aggressive behavior.

    As for what mothers do, the biggest thing is treating their toddler or preschooler like a baby. Coming thru the door with a million loveys/toys/blankets/pacis/bottles when you know good and well that the kid does not care about any of these things at your daycare!

    Carrying kids that can walk

    STILL discussing newborn issues like every BM diaper

    Acting shocked (and blaming you) if their child does a typical toddler thing like fall down and get a bruise, strip off clothes and get into their poopy diaper during nap time, repeat undesirable words like "shut up"

    Not doing anything when their child start tantrums or testing phases

    Making cute excuses for bad behavior

    Letting kids run into the street or do other dangerous behavior


    • #3
      Every time I think of a negative, I try to think of a positive, so here goes:

      Bad Trait
      • Getting frustrated when they try to put something together
      • Picking up on bad words or saying something inappropriate in public
      • Showing no interest in potty training
      • Hitting/biting/pushing phases
      • Not sharing or does not understand the concept of taking turns
      • Crying/whining/throwing temper tantrums or saying "I want....."

      Good Trait
      • Eager to learn so much
      • Saying something funny or using *good* mature language
      • Becoming overjoyed because they went potty for the first time
      • Hugging and kissing
      • Helping others or cleaning up without being prompted to do so
      • Giggling and running around, playing

      18 months to 24 months can be annoying because they don't have the language skills to express themselves and therefore get frustrated very easily. However, it is probably one of my favorite age groups. They are so curious and love to explore and have a good time. Plus, you can really see their personality come out!


      • #4
        As far as termination reasons, it would be for the same reasons as any other age group:
        1. Overly aggressive behavior
        2. Repeated behavior problems that are not being resolved after parental involvement
        3. Breaches in the contract


        • #5
          I love this age group! If I could keep all of my kids under 36 months, I would! As they start to approach their third birthday, it becomes more work for me. They seem to really start up with the defiance and tantrums as they get closer and closer. Defiance is one my major buttons, so it really gets my back up.

          But back to 18 to 36 monthers, here's what I love:

          -the total lack of inhibition when it comes to showing affection: hugs and kisses galore!
          - how excited they get about bugs, special days, pottying success, meeting new friends, etc.
          - the fact that they still nap pretty consistently ::
          - that they're still small enough to baby, but old enough to take pride in learning how to do things "myself"
          - that they don't expect much in the way of entertainment. Crawling along the floor like mice can keep them interested for a good long time.

          The one thing that does annoy me is:

          - the repetition. Everything I say WILL be repeated back to me 4 or 5 times. THAT is the one thing I don't like about this age group.

          Otherwise, give me 5 toddlers any day and I'm good to go!

