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What is Your Age Span?

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  • What is Your Age Span?

    If given the choice, do you find it better to have mixed age groups or all the same?

    I have 6 kids ages 5 months, 9 months, 9 months, 2yrs, 2yrs, 4 or 5 yrs (depending on day PTers).

  • #2
    If given the choice, I prefer one age group. I generally have either all SA's or all infants. Mixed age groups make me tired, .


    • #3
      Mine are 6 mos, 8 mos, 4 yo, 5 yo, 6 1/2 yo, 9 yo, and 9 yo. I just lost my 1 yo and 3 yo and will be losing my one 9 yo and the other will be dropping down to M & F only.

      I enjoy having a mixture of ages.


      • #4
        I came from a daycare that had mixed ages, but too many babies for me so that was tough. Right now I have a 5 month old and three between 2 and 2 and a half years old. I would prefer to have the kids all within a year from one so if I get a 3 year old then I wouldn't mind getting a 4 year old, but mixing a 4 year old with all 2s seems unfair for learning experiences, craft projects, and lack of friends their age. I don't want any more kids under about 18-24 months and no more babies. I am really hoping for more 2-3 year olds personally! Then when the baby gets older I could enroll another 1 year old and try to stay above age 1 for enrollments.
        BTW: I'm licensed for 7 and 3 of those 7 can be 0-23 months. I currently just have one in that age so I get asked a lot why I will not take another little when I have more spots open, . It's MY choice. That's why, , gotta love being the boss!


        • #5
          18 months - 4.5 years


          • #6
            Mine are between 10 months and almost 2. The city I live in generally gives you only 1 year age range, but I already had the 1 year old in September, and then they opened me up for babies. Next year I will have only babies.


            • #7
              I have 2 "age groups." One is preschool (3-4) and one is toddler (2 at 18 months).


              • #8
                I have children from infants (current DCF's new families) up to age 6. Once the kids reach school age....I am OUT!

                I am licensed for 14 but take 12.

                Of those 12, two are SA (age 5) but had summer birthdays so they opted NOT to go to Kindy.

                I have 10 under school age and two of those are under age 2.

                The other eight kids are age 2-5 years.

                I prefer the 2-5 age group but appreciate the other age groups on a limited basis.


                • #9
                  2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4

                  I only accept children between the ages of 2-5. At this point, I have a few spots open part-time for ages 3-4. Having four 2-year-olds is enough. My 2's do not participate in the Preschool curriculum or Circle Time (unless they voluntarily sit down, otherwise they are at centers).


                  • #10
                    2-5y is all I except. I know you all do it with babies, preschoolers and schoolagers.

