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Pregnant with a bump: Can you still get clients?

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  • Pregnant with a bump: Can you still get clients?

    Have any of you been super pregnant and still be able to get families to sign on with you?

    I will need a new daycare kid in a few months but I will be visually pregnant, and I am afraid I will have a hard time getting clients.

    If so, how did you do it? How did you address your pregnancy with the families?


  • #2
    I've never been in your situation, but if I were a parent alot would depend on what your plans were after baby was born, how much I liked your daycare over others in the area and if I could find back-up care for the time you were taking off.

    All you can do is be honest! I'll admit my guess is that families will likely be more limited to you, but that's the way it goes and your sweet bundle is far more important! Could you wait until after baby comes to start your search?


    • #3
      I have gotten several families during this time.

      I also had one family start one week before I had baby! then come back after maternity leave.

      I dont say anything till the interview. Then I outline what exactly my maternity plan is and how it is has worked before (this is my 3rd pregnancy while doing daycare)


      • #4
        Originally posted by SunshineMama View Post
        Have any of you been super pregnant and still be able to get families to sign on with you?

        I will need a new daycare kid in a few months but I will be visually pregnant, and I am afraid I will have a hard time getting clients.

        If so, how did you do it? How did you address your pregnancy with the families?

        hire someone to take over your daycare while your out- problem solved. Start training now and the additional help will be nice for you


        • #5
          I was pregnant (but really small all pregnancy) and did interviews. I was always upfront, told people right in the interview I was pregnant, when I was due, what my plans were. I figured it was better to find someone who was ok with me taking maternity time than to take someone, have them get annoyed I needed time off and lose them. Nobody ever made a big deal out of it.

