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IDK If I Am Good For This

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  • IDK If I Am Good For This


    Well today I went out for dinner to a buffet with my husband, sister and 20 month old son. At the end of dinner my son started to choke and I just could not handle it and told my sister "I can't, I can't, I can't do this" she got up and between my husband and her helped my son until the food came out. I had turned around, gave them my back and was not on fetal position because I was sitting down but I swear it look liked I was. I was facing the wall crying while they helped my little boy. In other words, I was useless , I was not able to aid my son because I could not put myself together. It was a horrible experience,my husband got mad @ me because what if it happened when I was home alone with him, what about the other kids I care for? Well, I was thinking the same exact thing. I have a girl that was starting to choke on chicken once and I helped her w/out any problems. Do you think I reacted this way just because he is my son? To be honest all I was thinking was "OMG my son, my son, my only son what am I going to do w/ou him?" That's all I could think.:confused:

  • #2
    I think it's different with your own children.

    With a dc kid you automatically react to what you need to do. I myself have helped many kids choking and gagging on stuff. But my own kids forget it!!

    I reacted the same way. About a year ago my son choked on a french fry. Lips blue, drooling, no sounds coming from him. I completely freaked and started screaming bloody murder. I was just going to pick up the phone and call 911, my husband came running in to see what was going on and gave him the heimlich.

    Thank god it worked. I was besides myself and was thinking the same thing. My son, my baby. I couldn't even react.

    I think you reacted normally! You are a mother, he is your only son.


    • #3
      I also think we jump to action when we are the only adult around. If your husband and sister were not there, you would have acted! I agree with PP, it is so different when it is your own child. I'm a nurse and I regularly start IV's and give shots to little babies, but still every time my children go in for routine shots, I get teary! Don't be too hard on yourself.
      MnMum married to DH 9 years
      Mum to Girl 21, Girl 18, Boy 14.5, Boy 11


      • #4
        Thanks for the comments, they do make me feel better. I am always arguing with my husband and sis, they insist that he is big enough for certain foods and they say I baby him to much by cutting his food in little peaces, today @ the restaurant was the same thing, this was me "That's to big, cut it in half, do this, do that" my husband was getting aggravated so I decided to close my mouth and let him be a dad, I saw the piece of fruit going to his mouth, I thought "Hmm I think is to much for him" when I was ready to say something I stopped myself and said "Let him be a dad" and sure enough he choke on it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jokalima View Post
          Thanks for the comments, they do make me feel better. I am always arguing with my husband and sis, they insist that he is big enough for certain foods and they say I baby him to much by cutting his food in little peaces, today @ the restaurant was the same thing, this was me "That's to big, cut it in half, do this, do that" my husband was getting aggravated so I decided to close my mouth and let him be a dad, I saw the piece of fruit going to his mouth, I thought "Hmm I think is to much for him" when I was ready to say something I stopped myself and said "Let him be a dad" and sure enough he choke on it.
          if he's 20 months old, he still is a baby, and needs his food cut up still. Kids that young dont quite understand not to bite off huge chunks or stuff their mouth. I have 4 year olds and I still cut up their food if I think it's something they might have trouble with.

          My sister would always freak and become helpless when my nephew would choke on something. I never could understand that and used to get mad at her, just like your husband. I guess it's just a mommy thing.
          Last edited by Hunni Bee; 05-25-2012, 03:40 AM. Reason: left a word out


          • #6
            I think it is so important to take CPR and first aid courses and often renew them! I take one every 2 years - I think if your well versed in the practice and it's repeated often you are more apt to act in a calmer manner. KWIM
            like if you knew it like the back of your hand you will be too confident to start to panick( of course until the situation is over)

            I remember a boy on the playground fell off the monkey bars, face down and bit his tongue half off and choked on the piece - eww
            I literally jumped 15 ft in the air while the Mum stood there with her mouth on the ground reached my hand in and was able to get the situation under control until the medics arrived as calm as a clam - however, when the medics took over I lost it and pretty much like you went into fetal position and threw up.
            All I could think of was my son... And lost it!
            It is very different when it's your own BUT I still think regular training is so important!


            • #7
              My Daughter choked on a piece of a Toy Story kerplunk game (the little green alien). She was playing with my Husband and luckily it was a day where I was daycare kid free (Presidents day, all teacher DCP's). She wanted to be silly and 'pop' it out of her mouth, only it got stuck in her throat. She was able to breathe, but it was labored and she was spitting up blood. I freaked out, and immediately called 911. My husband stayed with her while I talked to the 911 operator, put the dog away, got my other son situated... I couldn't help her, and was totally scared while my Hubby was with her. I just couldn't believe it was happening and was in total shock - I understand how you felt. I would probably be different if she weren't my daughter. I was able to pull myself together to get in the ambulance with her, and she had to have it surgically removed. It was the scariest day of my life. I had all the training for CPR and remembered the mouth sweep - unfortunately in that situation I shouldn't have swept it, because I could have lodged it further down. I agree regular CPR refreshers are KEY.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jokalima View Post

                Well today I went out for dinner to a buffet with my husband, sister and 20 month old son. At the end of dinner my son started to choke and I just could not handle it and told my sister "I can't, I can't, I can't do this" she got up and between my husband and her helped my son until the food came out. I had turned around, gave them my back and was not on fetal position because I was sitting down but I swear it look liked I was. I was facing the wall crying while they helped my little boy. In other words, I was useless , I was not able to aid my son because I could not put myself together. It was a horrible experience,my husband got mad @ me because what if it happened when I was home alone with him, what about the other kids I care for? Well, I was thinking the same exact thing. I have a girl that was starting to choke on chicken once and I helped her w/out any problems. Do you think I reacted this way just because he is my son? To be honest all I was thinking was "OMG my son, my son, my only son what am I going to do w/ou him?" That's all I could think.:confused:

                Listen....before daycare I was a terrible fainter. I am not even exaggerating when I say I fainted close to 100 times in my life....all at the sight of blood, or the sound of ambulances....or the smell of rubbing alchohol. I have given myself 2 head concussions and once fainted while on the phone and got tangled in the phone cord and was hanging before my husband found me. I am not kidding. It's a severe phobia due to a car accident I was in as a child. I wondered how I would do in a daycare emergency....and guess what....I do just fine! Trust that....but also take the classes and be prepared....have a plan.


                • #9
                  I am CPR/First Aid certified, have been for a while because when I was working in a center they required it and now @ home is required also, that is why my husband was upset, because he came to me with my baby in his hands for me to help him and I just looked @ my sister that is CPR certified as well and asked for her helped, she did the hook thing with finger and my husband did the Heimlich, my husband has no training so for him he was scared that he was going to hurt him but thank God it worked, my husband still frustrated, my Sister told me this morning she could not sleep last night and me? Well just thankful. I have time to think about it and I just freaked out because he is my baby, I've been waiting for him for years and he is the only one I will ever had so I was not scared, i was terrified.
                  But anyways, Yes I have training it was just blocked in my mind by the situation.


                  • #10
                    Someone else said it already, I think, but I bet if it was just you and your son, you would have jumped into action immediately. I know when I'm the only adult around, or the only one who knows how to deal with the situation, I am completely level-headed and know exactly what to do. As soon as hubby appears, I dissolve into a puddle .

                    I was in a car accident with my then 2yo and 2mo sons. As soon as the car stopped spinning, I jumped out and grabbed the carseats out of the car, totally clear-headed. All I was thinking was that I had to get my kids away from the car, assess them (they were both crying, so they were okay), and then assess the car. A couple who had witnessed it stopped and came to help me -- and I totally turned into a little kid, blanking out, not knowing what to do! I think your body & mind want to go into shock, but knowing that you're the only one that can do anything takes priority. Then, if/when someone else can take over, your mind starts to give in to the emotion of it all.

                    I'm so glad that your son is okay! And I know that if something had happened without your husband or sister there, you have completely taken charge and done what needed to be done

