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Parents Refusing To Bring Diapers

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  • Parents Refusing To Bring Diapers

    I'm in a bit of a predicament.

    I asked dcp's 2 days ago to bring more diapers and wipes. Yesterday- nothing. Today, dcd tells me they will no longer be purchasing diapers and they will be bringing their twins in underwear as of next Tuesday, and we will be using pull ups.

    I previously agreed to trying the underwear as an experiment to see if they would be responsive, but I intend on having a back up for nap time, etc to see if it doesn't work.

    These children have never gone a full day without an accident. They were doh g okay with telling me they had to potty for a while, then regressed for some reason and rarely tell me. They can't even keep their diapers dry for 1.5 hora at a time. Dcd stated the children ate just being lazy and choosing to use diapers. Dcm says that she doesn't think they are able to recognize when they have to go. Both dcp's have decided they just are going cold turkey ubderwear only after Monday.

    I have a phb that says they must tell me for 2 weeks without accidents before coming in underwear.

    Clearly, you can tell that this is not going to turn out well for me. The parents are just pushing something that is only setting up everyone to fail.

    I have 2 options: put up with the pee and poop all over my house, or get termed by this family. I suggested plastic underwear over the regular and hard had no response. The problem is that I just termed another family for breaking my rules and I need the income. I have interviews coming up to replace dcb I just termed but nothing solid yet.

    What should I do? My dcp's all decided to take advantage of me all at once

  • #2
    I'm typing from my phone so I apologoze in advance for all of the mid-spellings and typos.


    • #3
      Give them the choice....

      You don't want to buy diapers and insist your child is in undies? Ok, well I will bill you for carpet cleaning services every time there is an accident. Fees will be due within 24 hours.


      • #4
        "Blame" the health the health department. give the parents the choice say since the children have not been able to go a resonable amount of time with out an

        acident then they must eith be in a diaper or a pull up or have plastic pants over their underwear. Tell the parents that this is for the health and safety of

        every child in your care. Which is true and if they push the matter do not talk ablout what the children are or are not doing at home that information does not

        matter inreguards to keep the other children safe. If you have to ask them if they would like ther child to play in and around where a childern that are not

        related to them have peed. I know loosing income can be hard but realy is any one that runs group care of any kind going to allow the children to pee everywhere.


        • #5
          In pretty sure they wouldn't go for that and term me.


          • #6
            Originally posted by familyschoolcare View Post
            "Blame" the health the health department. give the parents the choice say since the children have not been able to go a resonable amount of time with out an

            acident then they must eith be in a diaper or a pull up or have plastic pants over their underwear. Tell the parents that this is for the health and safety of

            every child in your care. Which is true and if they push the matter do not talk ablout what the children are or are not doing at home that information does not

            matter inreguards to keep the other children safe. If you have to ask them if they would like ther child to play in and around where a childern that are not

            related to them have peed. I know loosing income can be hard but realy is any one that runs group care of any kind going to allow the children to pee everywhere.
            Basically these parents dont care about my house or the other kids. I am unlicensed legally. I suppose my problem is that I don't know how to deal with parents who are sure their way will work. I'm going to lose 2 incomes and that could foreclose my house if I don't get a replacement ASAP. I will mention health dept and everything else, but I just feel like this is going to end badly. I feel out of control and helpless right now.


            • #7
              I understand what you ar saying if you need the money that mad then maybe when you find a replacement for the family you just termed then term them. If

              you allow them to break these rules then they will start breaking all the rules. So if you put up with it it needs to be just untill you get replacements for the other famil you termed.


              • #8
                Originally posted by familyschoolcare View Post
                I understand what you ar saying if you need the money that mad then maybe when you find a replacement for the family you just termed then term them. If

                you allow them to break these rules then they will start breaking all the rules. So if you put up with it it needs to be just untill you get replacements for the other famil you termed.
                I think that may be my only option. I have a Craigslist ad out but other than that my advertising skills aren't great


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SunshineMama View Post
                  I think that may be my only option. I have a Craigslist ad out but other than that my advertising skills aren't great
                  I have tried several things and like some others here have said craigslist is the only place I have gotten a serious response from. Sometime I pass out flyers in

                  the earea of the schools that I will transport to ussualy one small area at a time and I always leave atleast 2 days between passing out more and sometimes I

                  get people saying they got my flyer asking about prices and then when it comes time to make an appointment they need to talk to thier hubby and I do not hear

                  back form them. Which is why I think it is other providers calling to check me out.


                  • #10
                    I read that they will supply pull-ups? They are just glorified diapers and will continue to act like diapers at their expense, especially buying for twins. Just put the unders inside the pull-ups and put their messes in plastic bags for take home. We are not allowed by licensing to handle the underwear except to place the soiled items in plastic bags for the parents to deal with. Your state probably has similar regulations.

                    I can almost guarantee that a couple of days of feces and urine sitting in an enclosed plastic bag in the heat of summer will change their mind about their method of training.
                    I see little people.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                      I read that they will supply pull-ups? They are just glorified diapers and will continue to act like diapers at their expense, especially buying for twins. Just put the unders inside the pull-ups and put their messes in plastic bags for take home. We are not allowed by licensing to handle the underwear except to place the soiled items in plastic bags for the parents to deal with. Your state probably has similar regulations.

                      I can almost guarantee that a couple of days of feces and urine sitting in an enclosed plastic bag in the heat of summer will change their mind about their method of training.
                      Hopefully you are right! They said they will bring 1 or 2 pull ups though. I hope they bring more!

                      Whats irritating me is that they arent really committing to taking the time to potty train them at home. The whole thing is just a major set up for me and the kids to fail.


                      • #12
                        If they children run out of supplies then send them home.


                        • #13
                          Since it sounds like you can't really lose the income right now, I'd focus more on potty training the kids at your place. I've had kids over the years who are fully potty trained during the day, but not at home. I always assume it's because the parents aren't as committed as I am to the training. It is more difficult, obviously, without both parent and provider on the same page, but it can be done.

                          If it were me, I'd go out and purchase some diapers to use at naptime since I hate having to clean and disinfect the cots after accidents.

                          Meanwhile, I'd be advertising like crazy to get some decent families so that you don't have to put up with crappy families like this one .


                          • #14
                            I feel like you really don't want to let them go against your policies, unfortunately because of your financial situation you feel like you don't have a choice. Am I correct? If this is the case then there are a few options that you can choose from.

                            1) You can talk to them now and require that they follow your policies as they are written and term them if they don't abide by them (which I know that you don't want to do).

                            2) Allow them to bring the twins in underwear and put up with it temporarily.

                            I say temporarily because you can continue to advertise for new clients and at least if you get 2 new FT kids you can then make as much as you make now with the twins then you can term them or even wait a little more until you get one more new client.

                            Have you thought about you going out to buy the plastic underwear? I mean I know that it's not your responsibility but for me I personally have an extra set of shoes, clothes and even cloth diapers (in case I run out and parents forget to bring more) in pretty much any size from 6mo to 4T because I know that parents aren't always good at bringing even these essentials and the only way that I'll know for sure that I'll have these extras is if I provide them myself. They never leave here of course, these stay here. I would buy a few pairs over the weekend and see if they bring some to you. If they do then just return the ones that you bought or keep them around just in case they forget to bring them one day. I would also do as sugested above and send any and all soiled clothing home. For a family like this I wouldn't have a problem sending a hild home in only underwear if they had soiled through all of their extra clothing.

                            I would also require them to bring several sets of clothing especially a lot of underwear because you know that they will have at least a few accidents. I would also require pull-ups for nap and just take the twins to the bathroom a lot throughout the day. Unfortunately they probably figure that because you don't have other kids that you now have plenty of time to give to their kids and/or what are you gonna do, terminate them? KWIM?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                              I feel like you really don't want to let them go against your policies, unfortunately because of your financial situation you feel like you don't have a choice. Am I correct? If this is the case then there are a few options that you can choose from.

                              1) You can talk to them now and require that they follow your policies as they are written and term them if they don't abide by them (which I know that you don't want to do).

                              2) Allow them to bring the twins in underwear and put up with it temporarily.

                              I say temporarily because you can continue to advertise for new clients and at least if you get 2 new FT kids you can then make as much as you make now with the twins then you can term them or even wait a little more until you get one more new client.

                              Have you thought about you going out to buy the plastic underwear? I mean I know that it's not your responsibility but for me I personally have an extra set of shoes, clothes and even cloth diapers (in case I run out and parents forget to bring more) in pretty much any size from 6mo to 4T because I know that parents aren't always good at bringing even these essentials and the only way that I'll know for sure that I'll have these extras is if I provide them myself. They never leave here of course, these stay here. I would buy a few pairs over the weekend and see if they bring some to you. If they do then just return the ones that you bought or keep them around just in case they forget to bring them one day. I would also do as sugested above and send any and all soiled clothing home. For a family like this I wouldn't have a problem sending a hild home in only underwear if they had soiled through all of their extra clothing.

                              I would also require them to bring several sets of clothing especially a lot of underwear because you know that they will have at least a few accidents. I would also require pull-ups for nap and just take the twins to the bathroom a lot throughout the day. Unfortunately they probably figure that because you don't have other kids that you now have plenty of time to give to their kids and/or what are you gonna do, terminate them? KWIM?
                              You're right. I should probably just suck it up and get some plastic underwear and extras. I am very frustrated because my personal pride is hurt (I know, sensitive pregnancy hormones) because I am just now finding my backbone and I now have to put up with this crap because of money. I really do like these kids a lot, but the parents are making a very unreasonable request that goes directly against my policies. I feel like my summer is ruined now, because the whole summer will be spent trying to keep my house clean and running to the potty every 20 minutes. I feel bad for the other children in my care, and my own children. How can we play outside when these children cant stay dry for any period of time? I know I am venting right now and being kind of negative toward all of the responses- I'm sorry, I don't mean to be. I am just feeling very down right now about this whole situation and the money is a big issue. My goodness- the kids are not even trained at all at home! Do they really think that they will be trained in a fun, stimulating, group care environment? Just unreasonable!

