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New Family Starting Next Week - Pricing Surprise

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  • New Family Starting Next Week - Pricing Surprise

    I will start caring for a family next week part-time (3 days a week). They have two children, ages 5 & almost 3. I was shocked when the mom told me that they paid $150 for full-time care (5 days) at their old daycare provider's home! So, $75/week per child. I just can't imagine charging so little & this provider lives in the same town as I do. My rates are higher than that ($110/week fulltime). They seemed fine with my rates though & said that they knew they were getting a "deal" with her. Wow! Then I was looking on Craigslist & saw someone posted about full-time care for $65 a week. A mere $13/day. I'm shocked!

  • #2
    Probably a fly by night provider. There is no way a provider can make a living and offer a good program on that kind of money.


    • #3
      Our area is saturated with discount providers. It makes it really hard to earn a living, and really lowers parents' expectations of what constitutes a "reasonable" rate!!!


      • #4
        Yep. Here I've seen them as cheap as $50 wk (going rate here is $125ish). It is insane. I've gotten several families over the last few years that came from those "daycares". It's been either a zillion kids in an illegal daycare or they are at the correct ratio, but the care is really lousy. I've heard: filthy house, provider just wasn't home at drop off time, foul language, dcprovider leaves the kids with whoever while she is goodness knows where w/o letting the parents know she would do that, 5 year olds watching R-rated horror movies, care givers drinking, smoking, locking up, hitting, or screaming at the kids, etc, etc.


        • #5
          One thing I thought that was interesting was the parents told me they knew the kids watched a ton of tv there but they felt like they couldn't tell the provider what to do since she was so cheap!


          • #6
            I tell ya what....these providers are setting themselves up for a HUGE headache. Charging THAT little is sure to attract some of the less savorable families.....and they will have to deal wth late pick-ups, late payments, etc. more than the provider who charges a higher rate. I'd rather hold out for clients that are willing to pay a higher rate for higher quality care than deal with the drama that comes from cheap parents.

            I know it sucks that they do undercut some of the more experienced providers, BUT, there are parents out there who are looking for th quality programs and are willing to pay for it.....and they will be good clients to have, because they will appreciate your work with their children.

            As far as this new family goes.....they are looking for another program for a reason, and unless it's because they moved, it's probably because that cheaper provider was providing inadequate care and they are now willing to pay more for what they want.


            • #7
              Stinkin' recession providers!

              The ads on Craig's List are absolutely absurd! I have had so many tours recently that have gone with another provider based solely on the price. It really sucks and there's not much that can be done about it. I'm thankful that I have families who have stuck with me, even though they could save money by going with a cheaper provider. I had one dcb whose mom found a daycare that was closer and was onlly $50 for the week. I was giving her a deal at $100 a week because of the fact that she picks up at 6:30 on 3 nights and 8:30 on one night! It's not unusual to find providers who will only charge abotu $10/day and will offer sibling discounts, too. I've gotten to the point where I will be very upfront when I have tours about my price. I'm not trying to convince them that I'm worth the extra money. I'm just letting them know that cheaper doesn't always mean better. The way I word it is like "I'm pretty sure that you'll be able to find other daycare providers that will be much cheaper than I am. I encourage you to tour other daycares before you make a choice. I do charge more than quite a few providers who are advertising, but I charge what I charge so that I can continue to offer the kids in my care the quality of care that I would want for my own daughter. If you take a look at the providers who are offering the very cheap rates, you probably won't be very impressed. I have a lot of supplies and toys and I serve a higher quality of food than I'm required. I cost more because I offer a very good program."

