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Bug Bites = Allerigic Rreaction and its Delayed

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  • Bug Bites = Allerigic Rreaction and its Delayed

    2.5 year old dc boy is allergic to mosqito bites and possisble other outdoor insect bites....he came back from memorial weekend covered head to toe in bites....he started showing signs just when his mother came to pick him up yesterday but we thought it was because he had been laying down on the carpet playing with cars and that's what made him look funny with red he was laying down hard pressing his face down...he was not swollen when she took him home and let him play outside...and older dcsister noticed somthing was doc told her it was delayed reaction to the bites he has.I'm going to talk to mom at pick up but what besides spray can you do for this for when we go outside? We have to go outside by law here in mi.

  • #2
    This happened to all my children when they were that young. My, now 6yo, daughter had a bite near her eye on her cheek. It caused her eye to swell shut. I took her to the doctor, and they said it was very common for children to have extreme reactions to mosquito bites when they are newly exposed and just to use ice packs and benedryl / cortisone on the affected areas until the swelling goes down. Now, when she gets a bite, it is the normal reaction that any of us would have.

    I'd recommend having mom talk to her Ped. to suggest a recommended course of treatment so the little one can get some relief. Darn mosquitoes!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by actaktmdt View Post
      2.5 year old dc boy is allergic to mosqito bites and possisble other outdoor insect bites....he came back from memorial weekend covered head to toe in bites....he started showing signs just when his mother came to pick him up yesterday but we thought it was because he had been laying down on the carpet playing with cars and that's what made him look funny with red he was laying down hard pressing his face down...he was not swollen when she took him home and let him play outside...and older dcsister noticed somthing was doc told her it was delayed reaction to the bites he has.I'm going to talk to mom at pick up but what besides spray can you do for this for when we go outside? We have to go outside by law here in mi.
      My kids are somewhat allergic too. Most kids get the whitish welts, then later a little red bump. Mine get big tennis ball to soft ball width rock hard mountains wherever they get bitten. DS got one on his eyebrow last year. He looked like Quasimodo for a good week. We just make apply the bug spray on my own 2 more liberally and I pop them in the shower when we come back in. When it gets to the worst part of summer (we get HORRIBLE mosquitoes here), sorry to say, we just stay in. Perhaps she could keep a light weight loose fitting long-sleeve white shirt at daycare to pop on when he goes outside and put on Kids Afterbite to any bites he may get as needed to help keep him from scratching as much.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Daycare Mommy View Post
        My kids are somewhat allergic too. Most kids get the whitish welts, then later a little red bump. Mine get big tennis ball to soft ball width rock hard mountains wherever they get bitten. DS got one on his eyebrow last year. He looked like Quasimodo for a good week. We just make apply the bug spray on my own 2 more liberally and I pop them in the shower when we come back in. When it gets to the worst part of summer (we get HORRIBLE mosquitoes here), sorry to say, we just stay in. Perhaps she could keep a light weight loose fitting long-sleeve white shirt at daycare to pop on when he goes outside and put on Kids Afterbite to any bites he may get as needed to help keep him from scratching as much.

        Yup he and little brother have rock hard big bites all over their bodies. When mom took him to the er his face and ears were swollen...did u get them allergy tested....I'm worried now about the what ifs...what if I needed an epi pen or somthing if he got stung or somthing....


        • #5
          Dose with Benedryl and cream on areas. Yes you have to take them outside during the day but it doesn't have to be a long time. 15 minutes is sufficient if there are circumstances such as this. They just need some fresh air per the state. Right now I have standing water in my yard and the kids are not going outside but we'll take a walk later.


          • #6
            This just happened to my DH. He showed me last nite his bites from the weekend. He never had them do that before.


            • #7
              My granddaughter and a dcg both have extreme reactions to the mosquito bites too. Benadryl and Benydrl itch cream is what we use. The Oral Benydrl really helps to take down the swelling. My daughter has found a mosquito repellent patch (at the grocery store) that she puts on the girls and even a 1/4 of one on the baby. They last for 36 hours and do seem to help. They are called 'Don't Bug Me'. She gets them at Kroger or

              Also I heard that Dr. Oz suggests using eucalyptus oil to repel insects.
              I see little people.


              • #8
                Originally posted by actaktmdt View Post
                Yup he and little brother have rock hard big bites all over their bodies. When mom took him to the er his face and ears were swollen...did u get them allergy tested....I'm worried now about the what ifs...what if I needed an epi pen or somthing if he got stung or somthing....
                I never got my kids tested since it was obviously the mosquitoes. I'd smoosh a mosquito on dd's arm and there'd be the big mountain welt there later. And their reactions were just wherever they were bitten. No trouble breathing, breaking out in hives or anything, so we just treated the area. Benadryl might help though if mom is okay with it. I'd ask her to ask the docs what she should be doing after the bites to minimize it. Like I said we get by with bug repellent and Kids Afterbite lotion.

