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AHHH Nap Time Nghtmare

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  • AHHH Nap Time Nghtmare

    Feeling like I really can't do this today! I'm really losing my patience with these kids.

    I have a 3 year old that doesn't nap at home and comes part time. She refuses to lay down and be quiet during nap time and is distracting/keeping my other kids awake. We started nap around 1pm today and after an hour of fighting (lots of crying and putting kids back down on blanket multiple times) I finally have 2 kids sleeping at 2pm and 2 still awake. I have tried putting her in another room to sit quietly and look at a book - it doesn't work, she won't stay put. Or stay quiet. Constantly talking or asking for something.

    My other kids all need naps or they are miserable. Any suggestions?! I can use any help I can get! I'm ready to tell her mother she can't come again, but I feel like I'm overreacting because she's not a bad child aside from this. I am so frustrated right now though.

  • #2
    Suggest you register. That way your posts are unmoderated.


    • #3
      Do all your other children nap well when she is not there?


      • #4
        If she's part time and it's a possibility, could her schedule be changed so that she's there in the am's?

        If she's sweet and you don't want to term, then that's what I'd do.

        My 3 yo dcg doesn't always nap; but she's generally pretty quiet. She stays in the room with me, and everyone else is in pnp's in other rooms though.


        • #5
          Been there done that! Do you use mats? Try a play pen in another room - separate of course from others..NO toys or distractions as this will just give her the ok to play. The play pen "may" keep her in there. I have actually had to use those bug nets to keep one "in" the play pen LOL but eventually between the two worked over time.

          She will come around eventually...I have had a few like that and with a bit of persistence they all come around.


          • #6
            I have a policy that's in my handbook that says I will not except non nappers. Nap time for the little's is really important not just for them but me as well. I need that time for my self to relax and unwind. It's a whirl wind of activity through out the day so I really need that time given to me.

            You will have to decide if this is something you can deal with if not make some changes pronto. Update your phb with the no exception on non nappers. Let the parents know that this is really a problem in daycare as everyone needs to be able to have that much needed rest time and not just you. Everyone deserve a break. Give her a week and if there is no change let her know she will be exspected to pick her child up and take them home. They may decide to pull as parents can't leave work all the time bc of their child not sleeping so you have to take that into consideration. But for me...I just won't except non nappers. I ashually have a little guy who started out a non napper but mom picks him up at 12 noon so he doesn't nap with us and then returns him after nap. Mom realized that this was a inconvenience for her so she worked hard on getting him on a nap schedule like ours. He was acclimated w/in a week with lots of help from me. It's patience really but he's one of my best nappers now.


            • #7
              Part timers are a pain sometimes. I bet she doesnt nap at all at home. There is nothing to be done that you havent already done besides arranging her hours so she isnt there during nap time. It will just be almost impossible to get her napping again when she isnt there all the time.


              • #8
                re: napping troubles

                Thanks for all the responses! She doesn't nap at all at home. Yes, I use nap mats for most of my kids, just the littlest two in play pens (and I don't have any more room for play pens as this is my small home daycare). She is really too big for a play pen anyway.

                She just started last week, so has only been here about 5 days. I hope she will come around soon, I think she could even benefit from a nap as she does get whiny by 5pm.

                My son (2) who didn't end up napping at all was a bear this afternoon but finally slept a little around 5:30.He can be a little difficult sometimes about napping but he always will. When she is not here they are all pretty good and usually out within 15 minutes.

                I realized this evening that I am starting my period, so I think that contributed to my reduced patience today. hehe. A little PMS I guess because I was about ready to let loose on them (of course I didn't)!

