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Stinky Boy

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  • Stinky Boy

    I have a new dcb who is just so stinky all the time. I want to bath him but not sure if thats crossing a line? Do I tell the parent? Or do I just bath him and let it be? Or do iInot bath him and try to ignore the smell? Its bad enough that I have a hard time being affectionate with him and that makes me sad.

  • #2
    COuld you bath him and tell DCM that you got messy today so you had to tub him?

    Sometimes you need to be blunt with people and tell them what needs to happen. It's a hard conversation to have, but some people need to hear the actual words or nothing changes.


    • #3
      While I love my families and most have been here for years, I think me bathing their child would come across as questionable.

      How old is this child? Is there any way to sprinkle him with baby powder and rub it in to make him smell better? I would probably try that first. If his hair smells too, I know there is some type of dry shampoo. I don't know what it costs but it might be worth a shot.


      • #4
        I agree with wdmom. I think that bathing a child without permission from the parents first is not a good idea, and despite your good intentions, could really raise a red flag for them.

        From a parent perspective, if it were my child, I'd rather be told - I may be embarrassed or irritated or both, but it would be mild compared to how I'd feel if I found out that someone had bathed my child without my prior knowledge. The only way I could see it maybe being ok would be if the child was covered with poop, vomit, or mud - and even then I'd probably like a heads up.

        I recommend talking to the parents about it. Does your contract say anything about how they are to arrive in the morning? Maybe you could add something that says "bathed, dressed, and ready for the day", and then have them sign it?


        • #5
          Once again, I'll be the odd man out. I would just go ahead and give the child a quick bath in the kitchen sink and not say a word to anybody about it.


          • #6
            I have a dcg who is 15 mo. A few months ago she started not getting regular baths. I noticed her hair was extremely greasy, then go to change her diaper and whoa!!! Yeah it was bad!!

            One day when the smell was pretty bad, I texted the mom she had a messy breakfast and she needed a bath, mom said no problem.

            So now about twice a week we have pancakes for breakfast or messy spaghetti for lunch!! She absolutely gets a bath (quick one in the sink). Mom has never said anything nor even noticed she had a bath.


            • #7
              If time permits, I don't see anything wrong with a bath. We wipe their nether regions all day during diaper changes, bathing is really no different IMO.

              I would mention it just so the parents know that she needed to be bathed. I have been one to say "We had a really messy day today. Sorry, little Frank might need a bath."

              For older talkative kids, I have been known to say to the child "wow, your mom needs to cut those nails before you become a lion." Next thing you know, they come in the next day saying "my mommy cut my nails!" Hmmmm, how much you want to bet little talkative mentioned something to mommy about needing those nails cut?


              • #8
                Depending on the age of the child, can you do a sponge bath during a diaper change?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KBCsMommy View Post
                  I have a dcg who is 15 mo. A few months ago she started not getting regular baths. I noticed her hair was extremely greasy, then go to change her diaper and whoa!!! Yeah it was bad!!

                  One day when the smell was pretty bad, I texted the mom she had a messy breakfast and she needed a bath, mom said no problem.

                  So now about twice a week we have pancakes for breakfast or messy spaghetti for lunch!! She absolutely gets a bath (quick one in the sink). Mom has never said anything nor even noticed she had a bath.
                  This. That's a great way to go about it.


                  • #10
                    I would wash him. When I cared for children in my own home I considered myself Mom away from Mom so I took care of them like my own.

                    Seems to me that I did give the one child I watched a bath once or twice but it wasn't due to lack of care on the parent's part, it was that I let her get really dirty.

                    If a bath is the only thing that's keeping you from getting close to him and enjoying each other, then go for it!

                    (There have been a few at the center that I wish I could bathe but we didn't have the facilities. Diaper wipes will go only so far.)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
                      While I love my families and most have been here for years, I think me bathing their child would come across as questionable.

                      How old is this child? Is there any way to sprinkle him with baby powder and rub it in to make him smell better? I would probably try that first. If his hair smells too, I know there is some type of dry shampoo. I don't know what it costs but it might be worth a shot.
                      I wouldn't bath the child because then parents make it a habbit, it their job to bath the child. i do put powder or use dry shampoo just to make things easier for me. We have a natural store called lush here and i got the powder n shampoo from there. it doesn't cost much and a very small amount does the trick.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by temom View Post
                        I wouldn't bath the child because then parents make it a habbit, it their job to bath the child. i do put powder or use dry shampoo just to make things easier for me. We have a natural store called lush here and i got the powder n shampoo from there. it doesn't cost much and a very small amount does the trick.
                        LUSH! I'm super jealous! Just wanted to toss that in.

                        I have given baths before when it's been super super bad, but I haven't really ever mentioned it to a parent, I don't want them to think it's my job. I have however, mentioned in an off sort of way-'Hey, we played in the dirt today, you'll def want to put Suz in the bath tonight!' when I've had stinkers.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kiki View Post
                          LUSH! I'm super jealous! Just wanted to toss that in.

                          I have given baths before when it's been super super bad, but I haven't really ever mentioned it to a parent, I don't want them to think it's my job. I have however, mentioned in an off sort of way-'Hey, we played in the dirt today, you'll def want to put Suz in the bath tonight!' when I've had stinkers.
                          LOL!!!!! i love the store, my older son is super sweaty and i don't want to use speed sticks and other stuff on him, plus he has issuse with floride paste. so friend told me to try the store and i am hooked.


                          • #14
                            our lush store here is really expensive, is yours expensive. I do love the smell.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                              our lush store here is really expensive, is yours expensive. I do love the smell.
                              it is, some stuff i buy is pretty resonable. but i wait for sales.

