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Naming Childcare

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  • Naming Childcare

    How many of you have names for your daycare? I really want to name it but i feel like every name i come up with is already being used somewhere. I one i really like is being used about 2 hours away.

  • #2
    Here is my opinion.....I think it is important to personalize your daycare name. There are many cute names that are just general, kid friendly cute like Little Stars (just threw that out there) but I always remember the ones that are the most personalized. Figure out what speaks to you the most....your state, your own name, theme of the daycare or daycare room, maybe even a favorite hobby or interest. One of my friends loves all things Wizard of Oz and named her daycare Munchkinland. Now that is memorable


    • #3
      DD submitted before I was done, sneaky little thing. I think you should name it, it feels a little more..real once you do.


      • #4
        I completely agree with cheerfuldom. Personalizing it makes it so much better. I had such a hard time finding a name. I actually found my logo first and found a name that went with it. I used my son's baby picture of his know the really cute ones they take of nothing but their tiny feet? I used that and chose "small steps" as the name of my daycare. I love my daycare name and if I ever open a center which I very well may do...I'm keeping the name when I go bigger.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
          Here is my opinion.....I think it is important to personalize your daycare name. There are many cute names that are just general, kid friendly cute like Little Stars (just threw that out there) but I always remember the ones that are the most personalized. Figure out what speaks to you the most....your state, your own name, theme of the daycare or daycare room, maybe even a favorite hobby or interest. One of my friends loves all things Wizard of Oz and named her daycare Munchkinland. Now that is memorable
          LOL! That is funny because the town I live in is the birthplace of Judy Garland...her childhood home, the Judy Garland museum and a yellow brick road you can imagine how many child cares we have in town that are named for the Wizard of Oz....

          We have a Munchkinland also, a Judy's Little Munchkins, Yellow Brick Road Child Care, etc etc....


          • #6
            Thanks. I really want my name to reflect in some way my mission statement, or how important the kids are.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kimberly5586 View Post
              Thanks. I really want my name to reflect in some way my mission statement, or how important the kids are.
              And that's a great idea. If your goal is to have your name reflect your mission statement or importance that kids are to you then write down the highlights (brief points) of your mission statement and also highlights of why kids are important to you. The points should only be one or two words. Once you have a list you can go through it and circle the ones that really draw you in. Then play just play with the words. You'll come up with something.

              When I named my daycare my goal was to come off as though I was the parent's "helper". Like it was a team. I also really put an emphasis on allowing kids to be independendent and helpful such as cleaning up after themselves, manners and just overall being a productive member in society. I really liked "Helping Hands" because I felt that it really covered both of my goals. I was the parent's Helping Hands and in turn I would help in guide the littles to be Helping Hands as well.

              So just focus on the message that you really want to convey and start there. It may took a few tries and because your name will pretty much stay with you make sure that you really like it.

              I also like the idea about thinking about what your logo will be and then brainstorming off of that. (just make sure that your finished logo is your own idea and not taken from somewhere else).

