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Regarding Fevers (my childs)

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  • Regarding Fevers (my childs)

    My son seems to get a really bad fever with every major illness. Way more than my daughter did. It's almost once a month that he'll get a fever that comes with some cold symptoms or with no other symptoms sometimes. I had in to the doctors often when he was smaller. Now at 29 months old I just let him ride it out. We use fever reducers and I don't consider going to the doctors until after the 3rd night with a fever.

    His fever usually hovers around 39 at the worst, it's never led yet to complications. My doctor has said that this is just how his body fights off infections. Some children will be more prone to high temp fevers and he'd grow out of it as he got older.

    Sure enough they do seem to be lessening. But still we'll get one a month, then another one like 6 weeks later. I usually schedule a follow up appointment, but don't rush in, since it takes a couple of days to get an appointment here anyway.

    Here's the rub. My partener at work (who is just getting married and has never had kids) keeps asking me EVERYTIME why he get sick so often. Then always seems to expect me to rush him to emergency at some point. She's a great girl, but I'm not sure why she thinks should be in the doctors or emerg every two minutes.

    So am I in the wrong? Should my son go in to the doctors while he's got a fever rather than in the week following.. EVERY TIME. I've mentioned it to him and he's said it's just normal for my boy and he'll grow out of it. I'm inclined to believe him as he's usually been right in the past.

    What would YOU as a parent do?
    Last edited by Michael; 04-30-2012, 04:05 PM.
    ECE and Mother to a 4 year old girl and 21 month old boy

  • #2
    Our son use to get croup and run fevers of 103F a lot as a young child but he always seemed to act like nothing was bothering him. It was usually less a problem then we thought. I dont think he has a weakened immune system but he does get infections more then most. He is 19 now and I brought him to the emergency room last week because it looked like he had a case of MRSA (not sure it was) on his forearm. They gave him two antibiotics which he is still taking and the infection is almost gone. I just think there are some kids that are more susceptible then others.

    I bet your child grows out of this stage as he gets older.

