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Parents Who Spend Vacation Without Their Children

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  • Parents Who Spend Vacation Without Their Children

    So, I have a couple of parents who took vacations and left their children with grandma. I cannot even think of doing this, esp. if I had my child in daycare 10hrs a day/5days a week. When do they get quality time with their kids.

    One of my parents went to Las Vegas for without their child for 5 days and left DCG with grandma, and the other has been in town but has their kid with grandma for 4 days. I just don't get it? They are already away for so long during the day and then to leave them for that length of time at a solid stretch is just unthinkable.

    I just feel like parents don't REALLY enjoy being parents anymore.:confused:

    Our family goes EVERYWHERE together...unless we really can't help it which is RARE

  • #2
    Originally posted by Oneluckymom View Post
    So, I have a couple of parents who took vacations and left their children with grandma. I cannot even think of doing this, esp. if I had my child in daycare 10hrs a day/5days a week. When do they get quality time with their kids.

    One of my parents went to Las Vegas for 5 days, and the other has been in town but has their kid with grandma for 4 days. I just don't get it? They are already away for so long during the day and then to leave them for that length of time at a solid stretch is just unthinkable.

    I just feel like parents don't REALLY enjoy being parents anymore.:confused:

    Our family goes EVERYWHERE together...unless we really can't help it which is RARE
    Are we living in a parallel universe? I had the SAME thing happen- Vegas for one kid and grandmas for a week for the other.

    The only time I ever spent a night without my kids was when I was in the hospital- delivering another one of my kids!

    I just miss them too much and am a worrier. Kudos to the parents who have that kind of trusting relationship and freedom- I don't have it in me.


    • #3
      I don't think it's bad if you want to take a trip without the kids once in a while. We take one trip with the kids and one without them each year. Grandma & Grandpa LOVE to have 5 days with them while we're gone. I don't think I could just do trips that don't include them ever though. I like doing one of each since it feels more fair this way. They still get to go somewhere and we still get to have a little time to ourselves.


      • #4
        We will be going on a vacation without our kids coming up wont be five days and we dont regularly leave our kids. We are lucky to have in-laws that are 100% capable of caring for the kids and our kids have no issue spending the night over there. I wouldnt be too hard on the parents because we all need kid free time. As long as it is not like every other month, i wouldnt be too judgey about it.


        • #5
          Can I join in on this...What is with Vegas?

          I too have a family going on vacation to Vegas beginning of July. I thought it would be the 4th through the 8th turns out it is only the 5th through the 8th when I told them how much for a holiday.

          They normally take a couple of vacations with out the kids each yr. i can never understand it but I am like you guys. We like having the kids with us and we choose things that involve the kids although I do understand the need to get a way with hubby it's just that for my husband and I...we love doing things with the kids. Sometimes when their young it's hard to enjoy. I just think when their young and you do vacations with the feel like a kid as well...


          • #6
            I would LOVE to get away without my kids! I think we need to focus on how we can give the best experience when they are with us and not wear ourselves out worrying about how the parents choose to raise their kids.


            • #7
              The reason I just can't understand it is because of a few reasons: first, they are in daycare ALL DAY already, second when you take kids with you you are making memories that kids will forever keep with them, and third if you need to get out with hubby can't you just do a nice dinner evening out or a day trip (why 5 days alone).


              • #8
                Maybe they never got a honeymoon?
                Maybe they have never been offered a week at grandma's before?
                Maybe they won the trip?
                Maybe they work really hard and have never had a vacation alone before?
                Maybe they plan on taking all future vacations as a family but since their kids are little now, it is more beneficial to have a vacation without them?
                Maybe they are Bill and Jane and NOT just a mom and a dad?
                Maybe they are going to Vegas to do something inappropriate so it is a good thing the kids aren't going?
                Maybe one of them has some weird disease and they are seeking alternate treatment from some wack-o quack only found in Vegas?
                Maybe they are meeting up with another couple for a ......(well another reason to not bring the kids with).?
                Maybe they just need a break from their daily life so they can come back refreshed and ready to deal....?
                Maybe they are attending a marriage group?
                Maybe they are job seeking?
                Maybe they are house hunting?
                Maybe one of them is dying and seeing Wayne Newton is on their bucket list?

                Who knows.....but I really don't think we can or should be judging these parents. We have never walked a mile in their shoes, we aren't living in their homes or living their lives so I don't think we ever really know the whole story. Everyone defines parenting differently and I honeslty think that if it really bothers people so much, then refuse to participate in the fact that they leave their child in child care for such long hours. If they use 50 hours per week but don't work that many, then don't provide care for them.

                You can't control what others do but you can change what you do. If you don't like the type of parenting a person has going on....and it really gets to you, then don't provide care to those kinds of parents.
                We can't have it both ways.


                • #9
                  Between my husband and I, we have 5 children. Do you have any idea how hard it is to have a weekend alone, let alone an entire week?! And, how do these people afford it?! I haven't been on a weeks vacation (kid free) since my honeymoon back in 1999!!!

                  I had a family go to Florida back in October for a wedding. They were gone Thursday through Tuesday and DCB stayed with grandma and auntie. They then returned to Florida earlier this month taking their child with them.

                  Most either take their children with them or don't take a vacation.


                  • #10
                    I married my wife and think we have every right to get away and enjoy being married and remember the blooming love we have. Right about now we could use some time together for sure
                    "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                    Acts 13:22


                    • #11
                      Because sometimes having a little *nudge nudge, wink wink* time without the kids in the house is necessary (not to mention FUN). I don't know about you, but it's much better for me without worrying if they will wake and walk in on something inappropriate between the husband and I. Granted I stay at home, but would still take an annual vacation without my children if I worked outside the home.


                      • #12
                        My husband and I have a trip to Toronto planned in August (I live in Saskatchewan). We will go for a total of 8 days. My 7 year old son will be spending a total of 10 days with his grandparents over this time. We chose not to take our son for several reasons:

                        1. I, personally have never been on a vacation someplace other than where I am from.

                        2. We have never been on a vacation by ourselves.

                        3. I have never been on a plane before and have an extreme fear of going on one and I don't need my son taking on my bad vibes.

                        4. We plan on going to 3 blue jay games and my son would not enjoy sitting through something like that for that extent of time, three times at his age.

                        5. We plan on drinking alcohol.

                        6. We plan on checking out some clubs.

                        7. We plan on going to Niagara falls for a couple days as a romantic treat and renting two hotel rooms with a child the age of 7 is not an option (if you know what I mean).

                        I have no problem with any of you all thinking that I am a bad mom because I plan on going for a trip with my husband without my son for 8 days, with him being away for 10 days. Least you forget I am not just a mom. I am a wife too. Sometimes my husband deserves my undivided attention and vice versa.

                        It was our marriage that created our child and its beyond important to maintain a marriage too. That means *gasp* spending quality alone time as a couple without the children in tow.


                        • #13
                          Don't you think its odd that we are the only society that feels perfectly fine leaving our children for days at a time. Or that we are quick to move a baby to a completely different room when the rest of the world has been co-sleeping for generations?

                          I just think that our society feels fine being separated from their own children. We are moving farther and farther from a family centered society.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Oneluckymom View Post
                            Don't you think its odd that we are the only society that feels perfectly fine leaving our children for days at a time. Or that we are quick to move a baby to a completely different room when the rest of the world has been co-sleeping for generations?

                            I just think that our society feels fine being separated from their own children. We are moving farther and farther from a family centered society.
                            I couldn't agree more! I have children and understood going in that I would be responsible for many years to come. That means if hubby and I get a "kid free" weekend, we lavish it! It seldomly happens. And, given that we have no children together and neither my childrens dad nor my step-sons mom have anything to do with them, we are full time parents. That means less quality time, less affection and more stress. So be it. I knew all of this when I signed on to being a parent.

                            My mother has taken the kids for days at a time, even a full week once, but it was to her benefit, not mine. She takes the kids one week during the summer (we live about 3 hours away) but I still work and so does my hubby. We aren't living it up, clubbing or vacationing. We are doing the same ol', same ol' just with a lot less cleaning, laundry and dishes.

                            I can count how many days I've been away from my children.

                            I don't see a problem with a weekend getaway (my husband and I did that once in the almost 6 years we've been together) but I could never leave my kids with someone for a week. 5 children is a lot of responsibility and I wouldn't want to ask someone to take it on.


                            • #15
                              Ditto to what Blackcat said.

                              The few times my husband and I have gotten a break from DD was when the IL's practically demanded to have her to themselves for a bit. Or we had something to do (board gaming convention) that we preferred to have a couple days alone...let's face it, 3 year old + game with many small pieces + 3 hours in one spot = IMPOSSIBLE. Should DH and I give up our boardgaming just because we have kids? Should I have to give up my hobby and my friends because I have kids? Or is it acceptable to take a few days off of reality and parenthood AND give the IL's time with their granddaughter (time which they are always begging for)?
                              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

