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Charging More For Infants

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  • Charging More For Infants

    Hi Everyone!...I'm newly registered but have been reading posts for quite sometime. I would really appreciate some opinions on this question. Do you think you should charge more for newborn and infants under the age of 18 months? I have been doing this for 5 years and always charge the same amount regardless of age. I took in a baby (10 months) and realize just how much work infants are. Much more work! I would like to raise my weekly rates for infants under 18 months by $25.00 more per week. What are your opinions on this? Can't wait to here all the replies! Thanks!

  • #2
    I charge $25 more for infants as well. I'm licensed and one infant usually takes up 2 spots or more on my ratios so that is another way I justify charging a little more.


    • #3
      I also charge $20 more a week for infants. But when they whit 18 months it stinks because your pay goes down. But yes I charge more for baby's.


      • #4
        I just started charging $5/day for an infant as well. I just took in a 9 week old, and oh boy is it WAY more work. I called around my area and found that large daycare centers were charging more for infants as well. When I mentioned the rate would go down at 18 months it gave them something to look forward to =)


        • #5
          Most states view any child under the age of 18 months .. an INFANT...
          and most states count an infant as 2 spots in a home child care ratio..
          So YES.. you should DEFINETLY charge more for an infant..
          IDEALLY it would make sense to charge DOUBLE because ultimately...if you accept an infant in to your are basically knocking yourself out of the fee of another child...But.... not all areas can sustain pricing like that.. Unless you are in a really large metro area...
          Smaller suburbs just can't do it..
          I know it doesn't fly in my area...BUT.. I do charge $25 per week more for an infant...


          • #6
            I charge more until they are completely potty trained. I charge $50.00 more per week for under two or not potty trained.


            • #7
              I never used to but this year I raised all my rates and changed my infant rate to $10 more per week until they are 1 yr old. I also changed my school age rate to equal my preschool rate to try to entice some of those SA to go elsewhere ::.


              • #8
                I have one price across the board til they are completely potty trained. I am thinking next yr. I will getting rid of this as well. I used to give a $10.00 break, when they are completely potty trained.


                • #9
                  I charge a little bit higher for infants as well. It varies between $15 and $30 per week depending on the amount of hours care is needed.

