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What Do Your Young Toddlers Play With?

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  • What Do Your Young Toddlers Play With?

    We phased out our infant room and changed it to a young toddler room (16 to 24 months).

    once we removed the baby equipment ( swing, bouncer, etc) it looked really empty). Here's what's in there:

    Small table and chairs
    Foam climber
    Couple riding toys
    Small shelf with toys hard toys
    Soft toys

    We plan to put a small kitchen and accessories in there. What else?

  • #2
    Kitchen is a big hit. I have a bunch of plastic food, felt food and wooden food that I change out weekly. I also have a pizza parlour set for the kitchen area which gets changed out. They also really enjoy the Little People play sets. I had the farm and the dollhouse. I also have some Happyland play sets, the firehouse and schoolhouse which they like. My DD started imaginary play at 16 months!

    Toy phones, strollers, toy dogs in purses are a big hit as well as any and all musical instruments!


    • #3
      I have the same things in my infant/toddler room except I have lots of containers/baskets. Big, small, plastic, cloth, square, circular......anything they can put things into they LOVE!

      I also have two sets of Little Tike mausical instruments. Drums, tamborines, and maracas. The little ones love being musical.

      Oh and tons of blocks, those peek-a-boo blocks and a bunch of giant Lego-type blocks. They really love the blocks.


      • #4
        Noise making things
        simple shape sorter
        simple puzzles
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          These are the things my kids play with the most. They are 19 and 20 months.

          Mega Blocks
          Riding toys
          Doll stroller
          Grocery cart
          Tea set--they are just now starting to play with it instead of dumping it. We've been practicing tea parties.
          Large blocks-I used the Capri Sun juice boxes covered in contact paper. They build with them and they line them up and walk on them. We do a lot of "Up" and "down" as they step up and down over and over...and over and over.

