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Termed And Now Owed Money

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  • Termed And Now Owed Money

    I termed a child after hurting a child to the extent that he had to get stitches. This boy has acted out on several occassions to the point that I was fearful of the other kids safety. Mom still owes money....less than $100. Part of me wants to just forget it.....but these are days I actually cared for her high maintenance child. I want to be paid! So, what would you do? Invoices have been sent with no reply. She is angry, I understand, but she has an obligation to pay childcar fees! She is a friend and we have several mutual friends. I know this makes it a little more messy.....but business is business. WWYD?

  • #2
    Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
    I termed a child after hurting a child to the extent that he had to get stitches. This boy has acted out on several occassions to the point that I was fearful of the other kids safety. Mom still owes money....less than $100. Part of me wants to just forget it.....but these are days I actually cared for her high maintenance child. I want to be paid! So, what would you do? Invoices have been sent with no reply. She is angry, I understand, but she has an obligation to pay childcar fees! She is a friend and we have several mutual friends. I know this makes it a little more messy.....but business is business. WWYD?
    I see it as 2 choices - you can either forget it or be willing to go to court for it. Send a certified letter telling her you are taking her to small claims court and maybe that alone will light a fire under her - but if not you need to be prepared to actually do it.

    Personally for me I wouldn't want to deal with ever taking someone to court - so I make sure I'm never going to be owed money. By the terms of my contract (deposit, pay in advance, etc.) there isn't a situation out there where someone would leave oweing me money. Something to think about for future clients.


    • #3
      Send her a certified letter outlining all charges and a deadline in which to have them paid in full. Let her know that you will file with small claims court, the credit bureau and/or an attorney depending on which route you choose to go if she does not have the balance paid. I would also include any and all late fees (if you have that in your policies).

      I fully understand wanting to have it all just done and over with but it is still the principle of the whole thing. You provided services and she owes for them. It shouldn't be too hard for her to understand that.

      More than anythiing though, remain business like and professional, especially because you do have mutal friends. Don't gossip about it or talk with any of your friends about it. Even if she does, I would still not talk about it. Just say, it is business and is between her and I, and leave it at that.

      If she doesn't pay you in full by whatever date you choose, then follow through on small claims court or whatever method you choose to collect.

      Good luck! I hate that part of this job! Hope things work out ok for you in the end.


      • #4
        I use collections so I don't have to deal with the parent. I never even see them again. I just turn over the account and let the gals in the office do their thing.

        I have it in my contract that I use collections. The agency automatically adds 40% to the bill when they receive it plus any attorney fees and court costs they rack up while chasing for the payment. All to be paid for by the parent. That alone is usually enough to make someone cough up the money. They don't want to end up paying MORE and have a ding on their credit report too. Once it goes to collections, the parents cannot legally pay me. They HAVE to pay the collections agency plus all interest, fees etc.

        Doesn't cost me one red cent, I don't have to see or deal with angry parents and I don't have to take time off work to go to court.

        I use Advance Credit Management in Orem Utah. They are local to me, but will work with anyone.

        With collections, you sometimes get it bit by bit as the parents wages are garnished....but that's OK with me.

