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Crying When Waking Up.....Is It Just Me???

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  • Crying When Waking Up.....Is It Just Me???

    Seems to me that if my infants/toddlers wake up during nap crying, and I don't let them cry it out and go back to sleep, they are in horrible moods for the rest of the afternoon! I have my 10 month old whose does this often, will wake up after an hour or so and SCREAM, I give him ninny and lay him back down to scream some more when he realizes I'm not picking him up! Fortunately, I can let him cry it out and eventually he will back to sleep. He is a horrible sleeper, even at night. I think his moodiness is associated with not enough naptime.

  • #2
    I have a 12 month old who wakes up about 45-60 min. into his afternoon nap. He SCREAMS for maybe 5 min. and goes back to sleep for at least another hour! Does it almost every day!


    • #3
      Yep my screamer just did it a few minutes ago and I am feeding the little baby so she fell back asleep like 3 minutes later


      • #4
        My sister took some kind of class at her church once that talked about the "45 minute thief" (or something like that). They were told that many kids wake up about 45 minutes into their nap or night-time sleep. There was some kind of physical reason for this about rems or something but I cannot remember the details, wish I could cuz this would make more sense. The important part was that they told them they should not go get the child up or anything. If the child is left for a few minutes, he/she will usually settle back down and fall back to sleep for the rest of the nap. I have found that many of the kids I have watched who would wake up like that would settle back down and fall back asleep without me doing anything.


        • #5
          same twins used to do it every day. They are now almost 2, and it's very rare, but they still do it on occasion.

          With twins sharing a room at home, I think it was really hard on the whole family. One woke up the other, then both were wide awake with too little sleep. I seperated them here for several months (other ends of the house and white noise), and now they are back in the same room. I'm happy for hearing wake up at the end of nap to "party!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by saved4always View Post
            My sister took some kind of class at her church once that talked about the "45 minute thief" (or something like that). They were told that many kids wake up about 45 minutes into their nap or night-time sleep. There was some kind of physical reason for this about rems or something but I cannot remember the details, wish I could cuz this would make more sense. The important part was that they told them they should not go get the child up or anything. If the child is left for a few minutes, he/she will usually settle back down and fall back to sleep for the rest of the nap. I have found that many of the kids I have watched who would wake up like that would settle back down and fall back asleep without me doing anything.
            Okay...I had that kind of mixed up. I found info on the internet. It is the 45 minute INTRUDER and the class she took was called Babywise. I remember my sis talking about Babywise alot years ago and I think alot of the stuff she talked about I did not necessarily agree with but I remember I liked the 45 minute intruder thing.

            Here is some info about it:

            I haven't read it in detail but it seems to explain some of the concept.


            • #7
              Same situation here!!! I have a 12 month old that will wake up exactly 45 minutes into nap and will SCREAM, but if I don't get her she wakes everyone else. But I decided this week that I will NOT pick her up. That is her only nap time, she refuses to nap in the morning and late afternoon.

              Strange thing is that mom says she will take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon (same time she does here) at home on the weekends??? I don't get it, why won't she do it here?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Oneluckymom View Post
                Same situation here!!! I have a 12 month old that will wake up exactly 45 minutes into nap and will SCREAM, but if I don't get her she wakes everyone else. But I decided this week that I will NOT pick her up. That is her only nap time, she refuses to nap in the morning and late afternoon.

                Strange thing is that mom says she will take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon (same time she does here) at home on the weekends??? I don't get it, why won't she do it here?
                How did she do after you decided not to pick her up anymore?
                Allowing only a 45 minute nap is not an option here. I'm not even done cleaning by then and need to have a little time to myself too!
                I have a 15 month old that doesn't sleep as well here as he does at home. And every once in a while he will wake after 45 minutes. I go lay him back down with his binky and leave. He usually goes back to sleep.


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
                    I have a 12 month old who wakes up about 45-60 min. into his afternoon nap. He SCREAMS for maybe 5 min. and goes back to sleep for at least another hour! Does it almost every day!
                    same here! dcg wakes up usually right on the 60 minute mark, screams, i lay her back down (make sure she isn't poopy because she is notorious for that!) and she cries for a minute or 2 and goes back to sleep.

                    But what I REALLY can't stand, is when she wakes up for good, she sits in the playpen SCREAMING bloody murder. I have talked to her calmly many times saying I can hear her when she wakes up, she doesn't need to scream like that, because I WILL NOT take them out until they have calmed down. I don't like taking them out of the playpen when they are in the middle of a screaming fit.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dEHmom View Post
                      But what I REALLY can't stand, is when she wakes up for good, she sits in the playpen SCREAMING bloody murder. I have talked to her calmly many times saying I can hear her when she wakes up, she doesn't need to scream like that, because I WILL NOT take them out until they have calmed down. I don't like taking them out of the playpen when they are in the middle of a screaming fit.
                      What do you do if they DONT stop screaming? I have a kid who, I swear, could scream for hours!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lymemomma View Post
                        What do you do if they DONT stop screaming? I have a kid who, I swear, could scream for hours!
                        I have with most kids, had success with standing outside the door, and as soon as they take a moments break, I will open the door. IF they start screaming again, I will simply just back out and close the door. They figure it out quickly.

                        If they are extremely upset (REAL CRY) I will sit beside their bed and help them calm down, but I will not remove them from the pnp until they are completely calm.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dEHmom View Post
                          I have with most kids, had success with standing outside the door, and as soon as they take a moments break, I will open the door. IF they start screaming again, I will simply just back out and close the door. They figure it out quickly.

                          If they are extremely upset (REAL CRY) I will sit beside their bed and help them calm down, but I will not remove them from the pnp until they are completely calm.
                          ok, I'll give that a whirl. good idea


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                            How did she do after you decided not to pick her up anymore?
                            Allowing only a 45 minute nap is not an option here. I'm not even done cleaning by then and need to have a little time to myself too!
                            I have a 15 month old that doesn't sleep as well here as he does at home. And every once in a while he will wake after 45 minutes. I go lay him back down with his binky and leave. He usually goes back to sleep.
                            Actually, she is showing some inprovement now! She has been taking on average 1.5-2 hour naps, so when she wakes up I do not rush over and pick her up. Also, my kids are used to the babies so it takes a lot of crying to wake them. It takes some training but it is doable with some persistence to get them on a better sleep schedule.


                            • #15
                              I was always told that the 45 min. thing is due to their sleep cycles. they finish one cycle but havent learned to get into the next one and so they wake up crying in between each cycle. I never ever get kids up until at least an hour and half (two cycles). Just because they are awake does not mean that they are ready to function and have had enough rest. In this case, it is better to let them cry and go back to sleep than to let them get up and be cranky all afternoon.

