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  • ProviderWatch

    Hello everyone! It's been awhile since my last post. I was wondering, does anyone use the service ProviderWatch?

  • #2
    I use itand I love it. I've not reported anyone but I did find out that a might-be customer left her previous daycare because of non-payment. I don't pay the subscription. I just pay the $9.95 fee for a month if I am interviewing parents for an opening. It's free to report parents. All in all I recommend it and find that just advertising that I use the service in my contract weeds out a lot of bad families.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
      All in all I recommend it and find that just advertising that I use the service in my contract weeds out a lot of bad families.
      Hmmm, that's a great idea!

      I just went to their site and they have a sample daycare contract policy that you can use:

      I am adding to my handbook today.
      Last edited by misol; 05-20-2010, 04:02 PM. Reason: found a relevant link


      • #4
        Believe me that ALOT of potential clients ask me about provider watch after reading it in my policies . I love going into detail about what it is exactly. Most potential clients are good and will ask just out of curiosity but I can tell that they store that little file of information up there in the "stuff I need to remember" section. The "other" type of client's reaction is great though. They usually go "Oh" and then stare at the paragraph for 30 seconds with a "deer in the headlights" look on their faces. I usually don't hear back from them again . Here is my late payment policy word for word with the provider watch part being in the last paragraph. It's wordy but I have had to add and add year after year because of a parent trying to find a loophole . I am now very specific:

        Unpaid Tuition

        If two full weeks go by and child care still has not been paid for, your child’s slot will be considered to be open and a two week termination notice may be given. You will be held accountable for any payments owed, any late fees that accrue and also for the time of the two week notice even if your child has not been present in the daycare. You will also forfeit your deposit.

        Attempts to collect monies owed, if not successfully collected, will be sent to court and reported to collections should it be necessary. The parent/guardian will also be responsible for any fees and costs incurred during this process including, but not limited to, court, attorney and collection agency fees.

        If your account remains unpaid for any reason, be advised that your account will also be reported to ProviderWatch immediately. ProviderWatch is a national childcare credit reporting agency catered for childcare providers to run checks on clients. 866-267-3691.


        • #5
          I just came across Provider Watch about a week ago and want to use their service. I've been worried about possible backlash from clients or past clients (with delinquent accounts). Also, how much do you report as the amount that they owe? Do you report as soon as they become delinquent or do you wait until there is actually a judgment against them and report the judgment amount? I wish this service was more well-known in this industry. I had no idea it even existed. Thanks for reminding everyone.


          • #6
            I have used Oh boy, I love it because it is so much better for me to check the parents to make sure they have no delinquent accounts with their previous daycare providers. There will be fee for me to check but it is worth to it.

            I have reported on the parents who are non payment to me since they owed me a lot of money. They are stuck because they couldn't find anyone to watch them... Woohoo!!! I love it. However, they may find someone who is not licensed to watch their kids because they like to find someone free or pay cheap like $10 a day to watch them anyways. I know their parents very well.. They have done like that to anyone in our neighborhoods.


            • #7
              I think I will be using this service from now on. I have found so many people who want something for nothing and stiff you. I call them "the daycare hoppers". Daycare gets such a bad reputation and after all the abuse and lack of consideration we deal with, this is just a tiny way to finally get some respect back. Sure there will always be bad people. Hopefully, they will eventually learn or figure out that when you take advantage of others, you only hurt yourself (and your children). Maybe, just maybe, some of them will grow up and start acting responsible.


              • #8
                I hope this grows more and more so that nearly ALL providers report and use a service like this. It would be very helpful in running my business.


                • #9
                  I'm going to use this service also. I'm quite sure it will weed out the "hoppers".Thanks everyone for your input on this.


                  • #10
                    I have never heard of providerwatch so thank you ladies for the information! I have a mom that I would love to nail to the wall for bounced checks and maybe the site will be read by someone that it'll help. The only thing I have ever done before is to put their name and a warning on craigslist to warn potential providers of a deadbeat. I have had to emails from 2 people asking about the nonpayment issues of one particular parent before, so that's good.
                    I see little people.


                    • #11
                      The other thing is asking for names and phone numbers of their previous providers. Most people will not go into the negative stuff, but you can tell. If they say, "oh, they were absolutely wonderful", green light. If they are like, "I don't comment of former clients", possible red flag.


                      • #12
                        Provider watch has been arounf for many years.. I also wish many more provider know about it. Thinking about advertising them around our town..we so need more providers to take actions.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by professionalmom View Post
                          Also, how much do you report as the amount that they owe? Do you report as soon as they become delinquent or do you wait until there is actually a judgment against them and report the judgment amount?
                          I've never reported on ProviderWatch but from what I understand you can just report it right away as soon as you realize that they are going give you a hassle in paying (for example they owe you two weeks and then don't show etc.). Whatever you invoive them for (tuition, late payment fees etc) is what you report as the amount. If it gets more costly (court fees, collection agency fees etc) re-invoice them and then update that info on provider watch.

                          Originally posted by HeatherB View Post
                          Provider watch has been arounf for many years.. I also wish many more provider know about it. Thinking about advertising them around our town..we so need more providers to take actions.
                          I have to admit that I do free advertising for them . I make little slips with their web address and copy and paste the info on their home-page and take these little slips (quarter paper size) with me to any licensing classes, provider meetings, CPR recirtification classes etc and pass them out. The more people in your area find out about it the better is is for all Daycares and home providers.

