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2 Month Old Will Only Sleep In Swing...Any Ideas??

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  • 2 Month Old Will Only Sleep In Swing...Any Ideas??

    I've got a 2 month old baby that just started today and will only sleep in a swing, which is not allowed in daycare. Any suggestions as to how to get him to sleep in a play yard? He wakes up the second I lay him down in there. Mom said she's to blame cause he usually naps in his swing at home...

  • #2
    Swaddle and white noise and consistency. He's not going to like it but it will work with time.


    • #3
      My 6 week old wouldn't sleep either, except on his tummy and in his car seat. Since I never, ever allow those, we had a rough couple of weeks at first. But, I started swaddling him, and when I rule the world, I'm going to nominate the inventor of swaddling for sainthood! He sleeps in his pnp like a little champ at least once or twice a day. (He's 2 months and one week now). That still isn't enough sleep, but it's better than it was, especially since he's just part time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by JenJen View Post
        I've got a 2 month old baby that just started today and will only sleep in a swing, which is not allowed in daycare. Any suggestions as to how to get him to sleep in a play yard? He wakes up the second I lay him down in there. Mom said she's to blame cause he usually naps in his swing at home...
        You need to tell mom that she needs to transistion him to sleep in a crib. It is against MN regulations to ever allow a baby to sleep in anything but a crib or PNP.

        Tell her your rules do not allow for swing sleeping so she will need to help him adjust or stay home and care for him herself. Put the issue back on her. It is for the safety of her child but shouldn't be a source of stress to you.


        • #5
          Im with others here. Swaddle them nice an snug and a noise machine on real low. In time the baby will adjust, it always helps if the parents are on board with it at home to. Be consistent and it will pay off.


          • #6
            I once had a Mom that always wanted her infant to be right next to me at all times!! I mean sleeping, etc.. in the swing to boot. I told her I couldn't allow her child to sleep in the swing for long periods of time Also he could not be by me, at all times, especially when he is sleeping- I have 3 other children, that would be waking him up, plus the phone, etc. etc.... She left after a couple of months, because I wouldn't do what she was telling me!! She kept asking me day after day, where did he sleep today, etc.... UGHH!! It got really old!! I finally told her enough with the questions, he sleeps in a pack and play like every other child here, in a bedroom away from me- then it went really well for a couple of weeks, or so I thought, then she called and told me his last day would be on_____________!! Whatever!!!!

