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  • #16
    Originally posted by Recie View Post
    i would have NEVER thought of that!!! im just in the "transition from one job to a new career mode" make sure your set up so there will be no lax in our income type deal. this is a big move for me so naturally im freaking out
    I feel Ya Recie!! I am doing the same thing!! Every time I go to my attic and see it FULL with DC stuff I sort of panic! It is exciting and terrifying mushed all together. Leaving a "secure" job with benefits is a scary thing during times like this. But the time will never be perfect to up and quit and follow a dream. I love this forum! lovethis I haven't started my DC yet but I learned so much from everyone on here!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Recie View Post
      oh ok im oklahoma you have to be star rated to be able to have certian clients well DHS clients. well you did have experience how did you feel being in daycare with other kids and your mom being pulled on all time by other kids that werent your siblings? im a litte concerned for my kiddos but they are two 8yr olds and a 9 yr old
      Where in OK? I started day care there many moons ago in Altus as an Air Force provider.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Meeko View Post
        Where in OK? I started day care there many moons ago in Altus as an Air Force provider.
        tulsa ok!!! pronounced TALL-SA


        • #19
          Originally posted by Azra11 View Post
          I feel Ya Recie!! I am doing the same thing!! Every time I go to my attic and see it FULL with DC stuff I sort of panic! It is exciting and terrifying mushed all together. Leaving a "secure" job with benefits is a scary thing during times like this. But the time will never be perfect to up and quit and follow a dream. I love this forum! lovethis I haven't started my DC yet but I learned so much from everyone on here!
          yes i am terrified im like LORD the benefits the benefits!!! but benefits doesn't fix stress and id much rather be a more accessible to my kiddies.


          • #20
            Beginner's mistakes for me

            I assumed that since I was coming from a big daycare center from a lead teacher position that getting new clientele would be a cake walk. I had plenty of experience and education and I assumed that would be enough to have families lining up at the door. That was not the case. I signed an agreement with the center that if I were to quit or get fired, I would not solicit business from the center.

            I also didn't have my ducks in a row as far as having a contract was concerned. It took me years to make all of the adjustments that I needed to make to feel like I had a comprehensive contract.

            I didn't anticipate all of the waiting that I would have to do before I would fill all of my spaces and back then, I wasn't great at advertising either. It took a year to fill up but I've been full since.


            • #21
              Recie, welcome to daycare!

              I am in WI, and we have to be star certified, as you call it as well. Our program is called Youngstar and it is mandatory as of July 1 of this year.

              IMO, the worst part of getting started is all of the regulations and paperwork just to get the food program and certification. If I could have obtained the food program without the certification, I would have. But now it's certification, food program AND youngstar paperwork and regulations just to keep the same 3 kids I could have kept without being certified.

              I am still going through it all, though, because I really like the food program. I wish that the state would allow us to have more than 3 children in the program.

              If your state allows more children by being certified than not, then I'd say it'll be worth the hassles.

              Wishing you a lot of success!happyface

